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Visualize Piwik Tracker logs on kibana through ...

Visualize Piwik Tracker logs on kibana through fluentd en

Visualize Piwik Tracker logs on kibana through fluentd. Kibana used for visualization.


February 27, 2016

More Decks by YAMAMOTO Takashi

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  1. Visualize Piwik Tracker logs on kibana through fluentd YAMAMOTO Takashi

    [email protected] @yamachan5593 Piwik Japan Team Feb 27th, 2016 at Open Source Conference Tokyo
  2. Introduce oneself ▪ OpenSolaris user’s group (lately I often sabotages)

    □ https://osdn.jp/projects/jposug/ ▪ Piwikjapan — I make patches to solve the problems under multibyte character set./ I give the lecture at OSC (Open Source Conference) Tokyo twice a year. □ https://osdn.jp/projects/piwik-fluentd/ 2 of 47
  3. Which log Visualize Piwik Tracker logs on kibana through fluentd.visualized

    today? ▪ Piwik log remained on the server via the Piwik tracker. - - [21/Feb/2016:08:46:13 +0900] "GET /piwik.php?action_name=example.com%2F%E5%A0%B1%E5%91 ʢུ - snipʣ &idsite=1&rec=1&r=047899&h=23&m=46&s=16 &url=http%3A%2F%2Fjpvlad.com%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3Deventresult_ &_id=4e5ded8520370239&_idts=1435710334&_idvc=387 &_idn=0&_refts=0&_viewts=1455979574&send_image=0 &pdf=1&qt=0&realp=1&wma=1&dir=1&fla=1&java=1&gears=0 &ag=1&cookie=1&res=1366x768 HTTP/1.1" 204 - "http://jpvlad.com/index.php?topic=eventresult_ja" "Mozilla/5.0 (WindowsNT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.63 Safari/537.36" ˢ Throw these logs in elasticsearch and view datas through Kibana. 3 of 47
  4. What data does Piwik tracker sent to the server ?

    ▪ These data are recorded even without tracker □ client ip addresses, user agent, referer ▪ Using piwik tracker sends additional data □ idsite: The ID of the website we’re tracking a visit/action for. □ action name: Page title which looked at by client. □ id: The unique visitor ID □ res: Client’s screen resolution □ pdf: Does client browser include pdf addon ? □ java: java ? □ fla: flash ? □ cookie: Client browser allowed to accept cookies. □ viewts: The timestamp of this visitor’s previous visit. ▪ Others look at the link: “Supported Query Parameters1” 1http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-api 5 of 47
  5. Process until visualization 1. Install the Piwik, fluentd, elasticsearch, kibana.

    2. Records about visits on each site are collected on a server using the Piwik tracker. □ Piwik tracker directly calls PHP programs and this behavior is also recorded in the Piwik server log □ Always Piwik tracker uses GET method. 3. Server logs are stored on elasticsearch through fluentd. □ Elasticsearch is a full-text, distributed NoSQL database. □ Fluentd performs URL decode process for some data. 4. Kibana used for visualization. Kibana has the ability for visualization of data that was stored in elasticsearch. 6 of 47
  6. Configuration diagram td-agent send td-agent recive mangle data Store visualization

    Apache access logs tail no-sql database Piwik Tracker (JavaScript) Administrator Piwik server elasticsearch server forward (Piwik and elastecsearch are living apart) 7 of 47
  7. Condition ▪ Under RedHat7 environment (CentOS7, Scientific Linux 7) as

    default. □ When I confirmed the other way under the RedHat 6, I wrote (RedHat6). □ (RedHat6)· · · CentOS6, Scientific Linux 6 ▪ Assume that the Piwik already working on your server. □ Please see the link to install the Piwik2. ▪ We will install fluentd, elasticsearch and kibana have installed on the same server. □ I’ll explain that Piwik and other softwares have installed on same server (living together), and Piwik has installed separately from other softwares (living apart). 2http://piwik.org/docs/installation 8 of 47
  8. To make RPM package for fluentd (1). ▪ We use

    the td-agent that is wrapper for the fluentd. ▪ Refer to the version 2.x of td-agent (1.9.x has stopped updating). ▪ We use the RPM package to protect interfere with genuine Ruby. □ The fluentd consisting of Ruby. □ Genuine RedHat6 – Ruby 1.9.3 □ Genuine RedHat7 – Ruby 2.0 □ But td-agent 2.x requires Ruby 2.2. ▪ Put additional plugins into fluentd in advance. □ You can find the td-agent RPM from binary, but. . . e.g. elasticsearch gem not included in genuine td-agent RPM. □ I don’t know how to install additional gem(s) after installation td-agent RPM, so I want to install prepared. □ ˢ This is why in advance to make special RPM. 9 of 47
  9. To make RPM package for fluentd (2). ▪ First, install

    Ruby 2.2.4. 1. Prepare the development environment of RedHat, in which Ruby is not installed yet. ▪ Of course, you can use CentOS or Scientific linux. ▪ Version 6 or 7 2. Remove the td-agent RPM, if you have already installed it. 3. Install the development tools in order to make RPM from SRPM. $ sudo yum groupinstall "Development tools" 4. Download “ruby223.spec” from this link “how to make Ruby RPM for CentOS 6 (in Japanese)3”. 5. Hit Ctrl+C and quit in the middle to make directories to make RPM. $ rpmbuild -bp ruby223.spec (Hit Ctrl+C) (Maybe directory ~/rpmbuild appeared.) $ mv ruby223.spec rpmbuild/SPECS/ruby224.spec 3http://www.torutk.com/projects/swe/wiki/CentOS 6 Ͱ ruby ͷ RPM ύο έʔδΛ࡞Δ 10 of 47
  10. To make RPM package for fluentd (3). ▪ Install Ruby

    2.2.4 (continued). 1. ˜/rpmbuild/SPECS/ruby224.spec Overwrite the first line. %define rubyver 2.2.4 2. Download “ruby-2.2.4.tar.bz2” from this link “Ruby 2.2.4 was released (in Japanese)4” 3. move ruby-2.2.4.tar.bz2 into ˜/rpmbuild/SOURCES 4. make RPM file. $ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS $ rpmbuild -ba ruby224.spec (snip) $ sudo rpm -ivh \ (The line continues on the next line) ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ruby-2.2.4-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (RedHat6) change el6 to el7 (snip) $ ruby -v ruby 2.2.4p230 (2015-12-16 revision 53155) [x86_64-linux] 4https://www.ruby-lang.org/ja/news/2015/12/16/ruby-2-2-4-released/ 11 of 47
  11. To make RPM package for fluentd (4). ▪ Pre-install the

    necessary packages. 1. Enable EPEL repository. ▪ Write on the same line. $ sudo yum install \ http://ftp-srv2.kddilabs.jp/Linux/distributions/ \ fedora/epel/7/x86 64/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm ▪ (RedHat6) Write on the same line. $ sudo yum install \ http://ftp-srv2.kddilabs.jp/Linux/distributions/ \ fedora/epel/6/x86 64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 2. Install $ sudo yum install gecode gecode-devel fakeroot Piwik elasticsearch kibana at OSC Tokyo 2016 Spring 12 of 47
  12. To make RPM package for fluentd (5). 1. (RedHat6) git

    need to be updated for more than 1.8. $ wget http://dl.marmotte.net/rpms/redhat/el6/x86 64/\ git- $ cp ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/git- $ rpmbuild --rebuild \ ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/git- $ sudo yum install perl-TermReadKey $ sudo rpm -ivh \ ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86 64/git- □ Need the option “-c” on git to build, but less than 1.8 is not supported this option. ▪ git version 1.8 or more is not included in genuine packages. ▪ You can find a few roving git SRPM, but we choose SRPM which requires RPMS consisting only of epel. 13 of 47
  13. To make RPM package for fluentd (6). ▪ Prepare Ruby

    environment and download td-agent sources. 1. Install bundle $ sudo gem install bundler 2. Clone the td-agent repository to local. $ cd ~ $ git clone \ (The line continues on the next line) [email protected]:treasure-data/omnibus-td-agent.git $ cd ~/omnibus-td-agent 3. Then we go according to treasure-data/omnibus-td-agent5 plan, but on the way make RPM will fail to resolve dependencies, so insert a row in the middle of Gemfile is shown on the following page. 5https://github.com/treasure-data/omnibus-td-agent 14 of 47
  14. To make RPM package for fluentd (7). ▪ Modify the

    Gemfile content. □ To avoid to resolve dependencies. □ Insert a row “gem ’pedump’ · · · 6” to ˜/omnibus-td-agent/Gemfile source ’https://rubygems.org’ # Use Berkshelf for resolving cookbook dependencies gem ’berkshelf’, ’~> 3.0’ gem ’pedump’, git: ’https://github.com/ksubrama/pedump’, branch: ’patch-1’ # (add to previous line) # Install omnibus software #gem ’omnibus’, ’~> 5.0’ (snip) 6https://github.com/piwikjapan/omnibus-td-agent/blob/master/Gemfile 15 of 47
  15. To make RPM package for fluentd (8). ▪ Add to

    elasticsearch, record-reformer, norikra plugins into RPM package. □ Today, I don’t make mention of the Norikra. ▪ Add 3 lines to bottom of ˜/omnibus-td-agent/plugin gems.rb. download "fluent-plugin-norikra", "0.2.2" download "fluent-plugin-elasticsearch", "1.3.0" download "fluent-plugin-record-reformer", "0.8.0" 16 of 47
  16. To make RPM package for fluentd (9). ▪ Add relevant

    plugins to resolve dependencies of Norikra. □ But today I don’t make mention of the Norikra. □ norikra-client requires msgpack-rpc-over-http, msgpack-rpc-over-http requires rack. But, rack 2.x will make errors, so enforce version 1.6.4. ▪ Add 2 lines to bottom of ˜/omnibus-td-agent/core gems.rb. download "rack", "1.6.4" download "norikra-client", "1.3.1" 17 of 47
  17. To make RPM package for fluentd (10). ▪ Make the

    working directory7. $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/td-agent /var/cache/omnibus $ sudo chown yamachan:yamachan /opt/td-agent $ sudo chown yamachan:yamachan/var/cache/omnibus □ You must change owner “yamachan:yamachan” to yourselves. 7https://github.com/treasure-data/omnibus-td-agent 18 of 47
  18. To make RPM package for fluentd (11). 1. Follow the

    instructions8. $ cd ~/omnibus-td-agent $ bundle install --binstubs (snip, Sudo asks you on the way for the password.) $ bin/gem_downloader core_gems.rb (snip) $ bin/gem_downloader plugin_gems.rb (snip) $ bin/omnibus build td-agent2 (snip) 8https://github.com/treasure-data/omnibus-td-agent 19 of 47
  19. Install the fluentd 1. Your package was built into “pkg”

    directory. $ cd ~/omnibus-td-agent/pkg $ sudo yum install td-agent-2.3.1-0.el7.x86 64.rpm 2. ʢRedHat6ʣtd-agent-2.3.1-0.el6.x86 64.rpm 20 of 47
  20. Install the elasticsearch 1. Common in RedHat7 and 6. Write

    the following lines into one line. $ sudo yum install \ https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/\ release/org/elasticsearch/distribution/\ rpm/elasticsearch/2.2.0/elasticsearch-2.2.0.rpm 2. Install Kuromoji plugin. Kuromoji is an open source Japanese morphological analyzer written in Java. Write the following lines into one line. $ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin \ install analysis-kuromoji 21 of 47
  21. Install the Kibana 1. Make package because there is no

    RPM of Kibana. $ cd ~ $ git clone [email protected]:piwikjapan/kibana-rpm-packaging.git $ cd kibana-rpm-packaging $ cp kibana.sysconfig kibana.service ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES $ cp kibana.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS $ wget -P ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES \ https://download.elastic.co/kibana/kibana/\ kibana-4.4.1-linux-x64.tar.gz $ rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/kibana.spec 2. Install Kibana through RPM. $ sudo rpm -ivh ~rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/\ kibana-4.4.1-1.x86_64.rpm 22 of 47
  22. (RedHat6) Install the Kibana ▪ Today I don’t make mention

    of installation method of Kibana on RedHat6. Please see the link: “Setup kibana49”. ▪ There is startup script on site too. ▪ I will try to make SPEC file, if I feel like it. 9http://qiita.com/nagomu1985/items/82e699dde4f99b2ce417 23 of 47
  23. Setting up the firewall 1. Today I don’t make mention

    of the Norikra (26578/tcp). $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public \ --add-port=26578/tcp --permanent # norikra web $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public \ --add-port=5651/tcp --permanent # kibana web $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public \ --add-port=24224/udp --permanent # fluentd heatbeat $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public \ --add-port=24224/tcp --permanent # fluentd data 2. Reload the firewall for changes to take effect. $ sudo firewall-cmd --reload 24 of 47
  24. (RedHat6) Setting up the firewall 1. Today I don’t make

    mention of the Norikra (26578/tcp). 2. Add a line to text after “-A INPUT -m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT” of /etc/sysconfig/iptables. -A INPUT -m multiport -p tcp -m tcp \ Continues on next line --dports 26578,5651,24224 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -m multiport -p udp -m udp --dports 24224 -j ACCEPT 3. Reload the firewall for changes to take effect. $ sudo service iptables reload 25 of 47
  25. Setting up the td-agent. ▪ Piwik and elasticsearch, kibana are

    ... 1. living apart (Piwik has installed separately from other softwares) 2. living together (Piwik and other softwares have installed on same saver, therefore no need to “forward” Piwik logs to elasticsearch.) td-agent send td-agent recive mangle data Store visualization Apache access logs tail no-sql database Piwik Tracker (JavaScript) Administrator Piwik server elasticsearch server forward (Piwik and elastecsearch are living apart) 26 of 47
  26. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living apart (1) ▪ Piwik

    and elasticsearch has installed on different servers. □ Install td-agent on both servers. □ Configuration file: /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf ▪ It is shown on the following pages as an example, you should gather together to one file. ▪ If example protrudes outside screen, snip off. □ For that reason, look for the link “Collect Piwik tracking datas using the elasticsearch10”, I have written fully configuration there. 10https://osdn.jp/projects/piwik-fluentd/wiki/FrontPage 27 of 47
  27. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living apart (2) ▪ On

    Piwik server. □ Siphon Piwik access logs from Piwik server by fluentd. □ The following data processing continues by “tag piwiktracker.apache.access”. <source> type tail format apache time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z pos_file /var/log/td-agent/access_log.pos path /var/log/httpd/access_log tag piwiktracker.apache.access </source> 28 of 47
  28. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living apart (3) ▪ On

    Piwik server. □ Fluentd sends logs to server is appointed by “host”. <match piwiktracker.apache.access> type forward send_timeout 60s recover_wait 300s heartbeat_interval 1s phi_threshold 16 hard_timeout 60s <server> name fruentd host your_elsticsearch_server i.e. 10.x.x.x port 24224 weight 100 </server> </match> 29 of 47
  29. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living apart (4) ▪ On

    elasticsearch server. □ Tracker logs are extracted from Piwik access logs. 1. Throw away logs when someone looked control panels of Piwik. 2. Throw away logs when someone used APIs of Piwik. 3. After the “filter”, go to “match piwiktracker.apache.access”. <filter piwiktracker.apache.access> type grep regexp1 path /piwik\.php\?action name=.*\&idsite=\d+ </filter> <match piwiktracker.apache.access> type record_reformer tag piwiktracker.apache.access.urldecode (snip, continued on next page) 30 of 47
  30. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living apart (5) ▪ On

    elasticsearch server. □ Parses the query string passed via a URL and sets variables of fluentd. See “Supported Query Parameters11” for reference. □ Don’t begin with underscore: “ ”. And “id” is unusable. □ After set variables, go to “piwiktracker.apache.access.urldecode”. <match piwiktracker.apache.access> type record_reformer tag piwiktracker.apache.access.urldecode (3 variables out of 29 as shown here.) idsite ${path[/piwik\.php\? action name=.*\&idsite=(\d+)/,1]} ˡ site ID piwikid ${path[/piwik\.php\?action name= .*\& id=([a-z\d]+)/,1]} ˡ unique ID fla ${path[/piwik\.php\?action name= ˡ have flash addon? .*\&fla=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } </match> 11http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-api 31 of 47
  31. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living apart (6) ▪ On

    elasticsearch server. □ Decodes URL-encoded variables on fluentd. □ After decode, go to “piwiktracker.apache.access.store”. <match piwiktracker.apache.access.urldecode> type uri_decode tag piwiktracker.apache.access.store key_names action_name,ref,url,urlref </match> 32 of 47
  32. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living apart (7) ▪ On

    elasticsearch server. □ You can send to other than elasticsearch by use of multiple <store>. <match piwiktracker.apache.access.store> type copy <store> type elasticsearch type_name access_log host port 9200 logstash_format true logstash_prefix apache-log logstash_dateformat %Y%m%d include_tag_key true tag_key @log_name flush_interval 10s </store> </match> 33 of 47
  33. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living together (1) ▪ Piwik

    and elasticsearch have installed on the same server. □ And install td-agent together and open the port. □ Configuration file: /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf ▪ Basically, combine the two servers configurations that I explained on “living apart”. ▪ Today I will show tags only. □ Look for the link: “Collect Piwik tracking datas using the elasticsearch12”, where I have written fully configuration. 12https://osdn.jp/projects/piwik-fluentd/wiki/FrontPage 34 of 47
  34. Configuration detail of td-agent ∼ living together (2) ▪ Piwik

    and elasticsearch have installed on the same server. □ Today I show tags only. I haven’t made any changes in the contents compared with “living apart”. ▪ But there is no “type forward”, existed on the condition of “living apart” on the part of Piwik server. <source> tag piwiktracker.apache.access </source> <match piwiktracker.apache.access> tag piwiktracker.apache.access.urldecode </match> <match piwiktracker.apache.access.urldecode> tag piwiktracker.apache.access.store </match> <match piwiktracker.apache.access.store> </match> 35 of 47
  35. Field datatypes of elasticsearch (1) ▪ Here, you start up

    fluentd and elasticsearch, then when the data is thrown in elasticsearch, it will make the type (it looks like DDL on relational database) automatically. ▪ But all fields (it looks like columns on relational database) will make with string. ▪ Therefore, we set the datatypes. 36 of 47
  36. Field datatypes of elasticsearch (2) ▪ Elasticsearch supports the following

    simple field datatypes13: □ String: string □ Whole number: byte, short, integer, long □ Floating-point: float, double □ Boolean: boolean □ Date: date 13https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/mapping- intro.html 37 of 47
  37. Set the datatypes on elasticsearch ▪ The template is written

    in JSON include both settings and mappings, and a simple pattern template that controls whether the template should be applied to the new index14. ▪ I show the important elements of the template, in order to understand main point, because it is too long. You can download the perfect template on this site: “Configuration mapping of elasticsearch15”. 14https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices- templates.html 15https://osdn.jp/projects/piwik-fluentd/wiki/ elasticsearch#h2-elasticsearch.20.E3.81.AE.20mapping.20.E8.A8.AD.E5.AE.9A 38 of 47
  38. Elasticsearch template is written in JSON (1) ▪ ”template”: ”apache-log-*”,

    This mapping applies to the “apache-log-*” index16. “apache-log” must fit in with logstash prefix apache-log in td-agent.conf. The elasticsearch makes daily indexes “apache-log-YYYYMMDD” because we have written logstash dateformat %Y%m%d in td-agent.conf, therefore, you must add “-*” suffix. ▪ ”settings”: { It’s possible that Piwik tracker logs include Japanese articulation. So I set Kuromoji datatype. Please refer to “A note to make good full-text search in Japanese17”. 16It looks like “table” on relational database. 17http://tech.gmo-media.jp/post/70245090007/elasticsearch-kuromoji- japanese-fulltext-search 39 of 47
  39. Elasticsearch template is written in JSON (2) ▪ ”mappings”: {

    ”access log”: { ”access log” is name of type. “access log” must fit in with type name access log in td-agent.conf18. 18“ default ” will be applied on all types. 40 of 47
  40. Elasticsearch template is written in JSON (3) ▪ Set datatype

    of the automatically generated fields1920. □ Disable source and all to reduce increase in capacity of indexes. "mappings": { "access log": { ˡ name of type " source": { ˡ the actual JSON as data. "enabled": "false" ˡ not need. default: true }, " all": { ˡ special catch-all field. "enabled": "false" ˡ not need. default: true }, 19https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.4/mapping-all- field.html 20https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.4/mapping-source- field.html 41 of 47
  41. Elasticsearch template is written in JSON (4) ▪ Set datatype

    of the specified fields in td-agent.conf. "mappings": { "access log": { (snip, described on the previous page) "properties": { "@log name": { ˠ field name (see td-agent.conf) "type": "string", ˠ datatype "store": "true", ˠ to retrieve the value "index": "not analyzed" ˠ don’t parse text }, ▪ See “Mapping parameters21”. 21https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping- params.html 42 of 47
  42. Elasticsearch template is written in JSON (5) ▪ Set datatype

    of the specified fields in td-agent.conf. □ Continued from the previous page. "ref": { ˡ field name (see td-agent.conf) "type": "multi field", "fields": { ˡ set 2 datasets on one field "ref": { "type": "string", "index": "analyzed", ˡ English analysis "store": "true" }, "full": { "type": "string", "index": "not analyzed", ˡ don’t parse text "store": "true" } } 43 of 47
  43. Elasticsearch template is written in JSON (6) ▪ Set datatype

    of the specified fields in td-agent.conf. □ Continued from the previous page. "action_name": { "type": "string", "analyzer": "kuromoji analyzer", ˡ Japanese analysis "store": "true" }, 44 of 47
  44. Define a template on elasticsearch 1. You should copy &

    paste from “Configuration mapping of elasticsearch22” to ˜/piwik-template.json 2. Start the elasticsearch. $ sudo service elasticsearch start 3. Define a template named piwik-tracker. Write on the same line. $ curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_template/piwik-tracker \ -d "‘cat ~/piwik-template.json‘" 22https://osdn.jp/projects/piwik-fluentd/wiki/elasticsearch#h2- elasticsearch.20.E3.81.AE.20mapping.20.E8.A8.AD.E5.AE.9A 45 of 47
  45. Start td-agent and kibana ▪ You should start separately, if

    you have set “living apart”. $ sudo service td-agent start $ sudo service kibana start ▪ Management of kibana: http://your elasticserach server:5601/ 46 of 47
  46. Thank you for attention. If you have any questions or

    anything, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]. I can understand Russian languageˆˆ; 47 of 47