frame Tight frame of a multiscale blob system Proposition (Tight frame) The family { j,k(x)}j2Z Z,k2Z Zd constitutes a tight frame of L2(IRd) : f(x) = X j2Z Z X k2Z Zd hf, j,ki | {z } analysis coe cient j,k, 8f 2 L2(IRd) Any f 2 L2(IRd) can be synthesized by f(x) = X j,k fj,k |{z} synthesis coe cient j,k(x), with {fj,k} 2 `2(Z Z) Redundant system : {fj,k} may be di↵erent from hf, j,ki Construct { j,k} such that hf, j,ki has fast decay Find a sparse solution {fj,k} through `1 minimization {hf, j,ki} as a theoretical guarantee on the decaying rate of {fj,k} 42 / 79