101110010 101110010 001001010 001001010 001001010 001001010 001001110 001001010 101110010 101110010 101110010 101110010 .... mutation! .... Each species has a "genome" bit string of length L. A mutation (bit flip) happens to the genomes of the existing offspring at the moment with probability mu. Interaction coefficients are predetermined at the beginning of the simulation and fixed during the simulation. t t+1 - Christensen et al., JTB, 216, 73 (2002) - Hall et al., PRE, 66, 011904 (2002) - P.A. Rikvold and R.K.P. Zia, PRE 68, 031913 (2003) - P.A. Rikvold, PRE, 75, 051920 (2007)