standardization of IEEE 802.11, interference is still a tough task for wireless networking. Furthermore, interference constricts the efficiency of resource allocation. Finally, it brings great challenging to the development of emerging technologies including: 1 Multiuser MIMO 2 Full-Duplex Wireless 3 Extremely High Frequency Wireless So the problem is how to handle interference in wireless networks? Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 3 / 35
Bob Chris David Clients contend for concurrent transmissions opportuniIes [K. Tan,MOBICOM’09] 1Wei-Liang Shen et al. Rate adaptation for 802.11 multiuser mimo networks. MOBICOM 2012 Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 4 / 35
à Why? A Client Could Transmit Concurrently With Different Clients Bob AP Chris Alice AP Chris Alice Bob Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 5 / 35
Zero-‐Forcing (ZF) • Project orthogonal to Alice Decode Alice by Successive Interference CancelaIon (SIC) • Remove Chris’s interfering signal AP Chris Alice Bob xa xc hc ha antenna 1 antenna 2 hc xc ha xa How Does the AP Decode Streams? ZF-‐SIC Alice can only be decoded if Chris is decoded correctly Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 6 / 35
Bob xa xc hc ha SNR reducIon a]er projecIon à SNRproj = SNRorig * sin2(θ) x'c = xc sinθ antenna 1 antenna 2 hc xc θ ha xa How Does the AP Decode Streams? ZF-‐SIC Decode Chris by Zero-‐Forcing (ZF) • Project orthogonal to Alice Decode Alice by Successive Interference CancelaIon (SIC) • Remove Chris’s interfering signal Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 7 / 35
Chris Alice Bob • Leverage channel reciprocity – Forward channel = Reverse channel • EsImate the uplink channel from AP’s beacons – Compute the direcIon and amplitude (SNRorig ) antenna 1 antenna 2 hc hd hu Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 8 / 35
two signals • Learn his own channel à by reciprocity • Learn the direcIon of ongoing streams à broadcast by Alice 2. Learn Inter-‐Client Angle (θ) antenna 1 antenna 2 hc ha AP Chris Alice Bob θ SNRproj can be predicted by SNRorig and inter-‐client angle Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 9 / 35
AP Chris Alice Bob • Both Bob and Chris can overhear Alice’s direcIon • Chris cannot decode Bob in the presence of Alice’s signal Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 10 / 35
Chris data 1 dir data 2 dir CSI send nulls data 3 Bob tnull Alice t contenIon window & preamble Chris Alice Bob Ongoing transmifers pause their streams when later contenIon winners announce the direcIons AP Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 11 / 35
data 2 Bob data 1 Alice dir dir CSI send nulls Chris data 3 tnull t • Alice wins the 1st contenIon – select the rate based on SNRorig – broadcast her direcIon and pause transmission at tnull • Bob wins the 2nd contenIon – select the rate based on SNRproj – broadcast his direcIon • Chris wins the 3rd contenIon – select the rate based on SNRproj TurboRate’s MAC Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 12 / 35
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 CDFs Total throughput in the 3-‐antenna AP scenario MU-‐MIMO with TurboRate MU-‐MIMO w/o TurboRate exisIng system TurboRate improves the throughput by 2.3x over 802.11 Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 15 / 35
Signal ∑ Self- Interference Cancellation Signal ∑ Frequency and bandwidth independent Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 19 / 35
and Delay Line Xt +Xt/2 -Xt/2 ∑ RX RF Frontend Xt +Xt/2 -Xt/2 BALUN Signal Inversion Cancellation Over the air attenuation and delay Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 20 / 35
balun vs ~38dB with phase offset cancellation. Significant improvement in wideband cancellation Lower is better Higher is better Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 21 / 35
Cellular networks Cell Basestation Relay Full-duplex Networking [1] Gollakota et al. “They Can Hear Your Heartbeats: Non-Invasive Security for Implantable Medical Devices.”, in Sigcomm 2011. [2] Lee et al. “Secured Bilateral Rendezvous using Self-interference Cancellation in Wireless Networks”, in IFIP 2011. Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 25 / 35
60GHz flyways[1] address local traffic hotspots by connecting neighboring racks wirelessly 6 [1] Halperin, D., et al. Augmenting data center networks with multi-gigabit wireless links. In Proc. of SIGCOMM (2011) 3Xia Zhou, et al. Mirror mirror on the ceiling: flexible wireless links for data centers. SIGCOMM 2012. Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 26 / 35
hotspots can appear between any rack pair Connect any rack pair wirelessly 7 Hard to do using existing 60GHz beamforming! Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 27 / 35
transmissions are blocked by small obstacles (anything larger than 2.5mm!) • Confirmed by our testbed measurements – Signal strength dropped by 10-30dB – Up to 15-90% throughput loss • Must use multi-hop forwarding – Antenna rotation delay – Reduce throughput by at least half 8 C A B Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 28 / 35
interferes with racks in its direction – Exacerbated by dense rack deployment – Signal leakage makes it worse • Verified via testbed measurements – A single link causes 15-20dB drop in signal quality for 15 nearby links • Links interfere with each other – Very few links can run concurrently – Put a hard limit on aggregate bandwidth 9 TX RX Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 29 / 35
more link blockage ✔ Much smaller interference Connect racks by reflecting signal off the ceiling! A B C 2D 3D RX 12 Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 30 / 35
2 4 6 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 Data rate (Gbps) Link distance (m) 2D w/o blockage 3D (h=2m) 3D (h=3m) 2D Link distance Q2: How does longer propagation path impact data rate? Link distance Negligible data rate loss 3D Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 32 / 35
transmitter (0,0) communicates with a receiver (2,0) • Measure the received energy at multiple locations 17 2D Energy Map 3D Ma Yongsen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Handling Interference in Wireless Networks Weekly Meeting 33 / 35