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Web Map APIs

Web Map APIs

Lead and taught a technical workshop on Web Map APIs and how to build map-intensive applications such as Airbnb and Foursquare using OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, and Leaflet. Also covers "slippy" maps, tileservers, and geocoding.

Yos Riady

July 01, 2014

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  1. Agenda for today Interactive maps • Brief intro on Web

    Map APIs • Hands-on tutorial • Project time • Q&A
  2. What is an API? API stands for: a. Agricultural Price

    Index b. Application Programmers Initiative c. Asia Pacific Institution d. Apple Products, Inc. e. Application Programming Interface
  3. What is an API? API stands for: a. Agricultural Price

    Index b. Application Programmers Initiative c. Asia Pacific Institution d. Apple Products, Inc. e. Application Programming Interface
  4. Application Programming Interface class MyWatch: def turn(self, degrees): complex_operationA() complex_operationB()

    complex_operationC() def display(self): complex_operationD() complex_operationE();
  5. What are Web APIs? • APIs connected through HTTP (see

    geocoder.py) http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=-15.800513,-47.91 378&zoom=11&size=200x200 • API libraries/wrappers
  6. What are Web APIs? • APIs connected through HTTP http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=-15.800513,-47.91

    378&zoom=11&size=200x200 • API libraries/wrappers • Sometimes free, often commercial • Commercial APIs charge based on usage
  7. Working with Web Map APIs • Register for an API

    Key (where applicable) • Include the Map API library’s CSS and Javascript files • Read the API documentation • Write map features using the API/library’s methods • PROFIT!!!
  8. What we will be covering • Basic Maps • Tile

    Providers • Markers, Popups, and more • Events • Geolocation • Geocoding • Routing