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Designing Security Chaos Gamedays

Designing Security Chaos Gamedays

Presented in 8.8 Security Chile

Yury Nino

July 29, 2020

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  1. This talk is dedicated to the #SREs On-Call well caffeinated,

    who get woken up in the middle of the night when “things go bump”.
  2. https://www.yurynino.dev/ Reliability is often referred to as quality over time.

    This idea of Reliability that was birthed in the early days of electronics and aviation, now extends into every sector of consumer and software. An Introduction to Reliability Engineering
  3. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need

    not fear the result of a hundred battles … The Art of War. Sun Tzu https://www.yurynino.dev/
  4. Security Attacks Denial of Service Phishing Man in Middle Attacker

    overwhelms a system’s resources so that it cannot respond to service requests. DoS doesn’t provide direct benefits for attackers! Attacker hijacks a session between a trusted client and network server. Session hijacking, IP spoofing and replay! Attacker sends emails that appear to be from trusted sources to gain access. Social engineering and Technical trickery. https://blog.netwrix.com
  5. Attacks Attacker executes a SQL query via an input data

    from the client to server. “SELECT * FROM users WHERE account = ‘’ or ‘1’ = ‘1’;” Attacker uses third-party web resources to run scripts in browsers or applications. Steal cookies, keystrokes and collect information. Attacker installs malicious software in the system without consentment of the owner. File infectors, trojans, worms, ransomware. https://blog.netwrix.com Security SQL Injection Malware Cross-Site Scripting
  6. https://www.yurynino.dev/ SRE is what you get when you treat operations

    as if it's a software problem. Successful SRE teams are built on trust! Training reliable people is the beginning good investment! Site Reliability Engineering Book
  7. 2003 DevOps is born Ben Treynor coined SRE 2014 First

    Conference about SRE: SRECon 2016-2018 SRE Books are released 2019 SRE massification SRE History
  8. Cyberwar is everywhere! In the media, in the military, among

    politicians and in academia. https://www.yurynino.dev/
  9. Red Team Exercises • They were originated with the US

    Armed Forces by Bryce Hoffman. • Adversarial approach that imitates the behaviors and techniques of attackers in the most realistic way possible. • Two common forms of Red Teaming seen in the enterprise are: • Ethical hacking • Penetration testing. • Blue Teams are the defensive counterparts to the Red teams in these exercises. • Recommendations: Think-Write-Share! https://whatis.techtarget.com Training
  10. Purple Team Exercises • They were intended as an evolution

    of Red Team exercises by delivering a more cohesive experience between the offensive and defensive teams. • The “Purple” in Purple Teaming reflects the cohesion of Red and Blue Teaming. • The goal of these exercises is the collaboration of offensive and defensive tactics to improve the effectiveness of both groups in the event of an attempted compromise. • The intention is to increase transparency as well as provide a conduit for the security apparatus to learn about how effective their preparation is when subjected to a live fire exercise. https://whatis.techtarget.com Training
  11. What is Chaos Engineering? It is the discipline of experimenting

    failures in production in order to reveal their weakness and to build confidence in their resilience capability. https://principlesofchaos.org/
  12. What is Security Chaos Engineering? It is the identification of

    security control failures through proactive experimentation to build confidence in the system’s ability to defend against malicious conditions in production. Chaos Engineering Book. 2020
  13. 1986 Artificial Immune Systems 2008 Chaos Engineering was born 2018

    2020 Chapter dedicated to Security CE 2019 Aaron Rinehart first articles Artificial Intelligence for data security https://www.yurynino.dev/ SCE History
  14. GameDays Chaos Gamedays GameDays are interactive team-based learning exercises designed

    to give players a chance to put their skills to the test in a real-world, gamified, risk-free environment. A Chaos GameDay is a practice event, and although it can take a whole day, it usually requires only a few hours. The goal of a GameDay is to practice how you, your team, and your supporting systems deal with real-world turbulent conditions. How
  15. https://www.yurynino.dev/ Designing Framework Before After During • Pick a hypothesis.

    • Pick a style. • Decide who. • Decide where. • Decide when. • Document. • Get approval! • Detect the situation. • Take a deep breath. • Communicate. • Visit dashboards. • Analyze data. • Propose solutions. • Apply and solve! • Write a postmortem. • What Happened • Impact • Duration • Resolution Time • Resolution • Timeline • Action Items https://www.yurynino.dev/
  16. Human Factors in cybersecurity are perhaps the biggest challenge when

    building an effective threat prevention strategy. Vircom
  17. • Introduce latency on security controls. • Drop a folder

    like a script would do in production. • Software secret clear text disclosure. • Permission collision in a shared IAM role policy. • Disable service event logging. • API gateway shutdown. • Unencrypted S3 Bucket. • Disable MFA. https://www.yurynino.dev/ Experiment
  18. Hypothesis: After the owner of Root account in AWS left

    the company, we could use our cloud in a normal way. Result: Hypothesis disproved. In this experiment the access to AWS was connected to the Active Directory. When an employee left the company his account is dropped and we lost the access to AWS. Side Effect: Thinking in this scenario allows to consider another applications connected to Active Directory. https://www.yurynino.dev/ Experiment