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Estratégias de Caching - Escalando sua aplicaçã...

June 07, 2016

Estratégias de Caching - Escalando sua aplicação para milhões de visitas

Escalando sua aplicação para milhões de visitas: Estratégias de Caching

Vídeo da Apresentação (2016/06/07): https://youtu.be/z8qkUITz5rU

Source-code de exemplo: https://gist.github.com/Zizaco/1777fe7566f334dc04d83b17f7832007

O que é Cache?
Guardar algo temporáriamente para uso posterior.

Por que usar Cache?
Encurtar o tempo de acesso, reduzir a latência e melhorar o input/output.

Caching é usado para melhorar a performance de uma aplicação.

Laravel Request Lifecycle
- WebServer
- HTTP Kernel
- Middlewares
- index.php
- autoload
- Routes
- Controller
- External Services
- File System
- Databases
- Models / Services
- View


APC & Zend OpCache (OpCode Cache)
Até 3x mais rápido


Laravel's Route Caching
"Using the route cache will drastically decrease the amount of time it takes to register all of your application's routes. In some cases, your route registration may even be up to 100x faster"
php artisan route:cache
Até 3x mais rápido

Middleware (action caching):

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$path = $request->path();

if ($this->cacheManager->isCached($path) && $this->canBeCached($request)) {
return $this->cacheManager->get($path);

return $next($request);


public function terminate($request, $response)
$path = $request->path();

if ($this->cacheManager->isCached($path) || !$this->canBeCached($request)) {

$this->cacheManager->cache($path, $response);



function cached_include($view, $vars = null, $time = 60)
$cacheKey = $view . md5(serialize($vars));

return Cache::remember(
function () use ($view) {
return view(
is_array($vars) ? $vars : array_except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path'])

function ($view) {
$pattern = '/@cached_include\((.*)\)/';

return preg_replace($pattern, "", $view);

Model / Services:

General Caching

Reverse Proxy:

Reverse Proxy (ou CDN)
"A reverse proxy can reduce load on its origin servers by caching content [...] also known as web acceleration. Proxy caches of this sort can often satisfy a considerable number of website requests, greatly reducing the load on the origin server(s)."

Varnish Cache

Standard HTTP Caching:

Lições Aprendidas para tirar o máximo do Caching:

- Feature flipping ("switch" central para desativar cache)
- Criar serviços "CacheManager" para cachear e invalidar quando necessário.
- Comece o quanto antes
- Compactar antes de cachear pode ser uma boa ideia.
- Cache local VS Cache compartilhado


Speed up PHP with APC - Jacob Nicholson
PHP Performance I: Everything You Need To Know About OpCode Caches - Davey Shafik
Laravel Documentation: Route Caching
Caching Routes Using Filters - Mark van Eijk
Google Developers: HTTP Caching
Varnish Cache
Nginx: Reverse Proxy with Caching


June 07, 2016

More Decks by Zizaco

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Por que usar Cache? Encurtar o tempo de acesso, reduzir

    a latência e melhorar o input/output. Caching é usado para melhorar a performance de uma aplicação.
  2. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services View
  3. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache View
  4. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache View Cache
  5. Laravel's Route Caching "Using the route cache will drastically decrease

    the amount of time it takes to register all of your application's routes. In some cases, your route registration may even be up to 100x faster" php artisan route:cache
  6. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache View Cache Cache
  7. Caching Middleware (actionCaching) HTTP Kernel Middlewares Routes Controller Database View

    HTTP Kernel Middlewares Routes Controller Database View Hard work
  8. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache View Cache Cache Cache
  9. View Caching (fragment Caching) View Object View Object Render Render

    View Object Render ... @include @include View Object View Object Render Render View Object @cached_include @include Render ...
  10. View Caching (fragment Caching) View Object View Object Render Render

    View Object Render ... @include @include View Object View Object Render Render View Object @include Render ... @cached_include
  11. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache View Cache Cache Cache Cache
  12. HTTP:// WebServer Cache Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php

    autoload Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache View Cache Cache Cache Cache
  13. Reverse Proxy "A reverse proxy can reduce load on its

    origin servers by caching content [...] also known as web acceleration. Proxy caches of this sort can often satisfy a considerable number of website requests, greatly reducing the load on the origin server(s)."
  14. HTTP:// WebServer Cache Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php

    autoload Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache View Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache
  15. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services View
  16. Laravel Request Lifecycle HTTP:// WebServer HTTP Kernel Middlewares index.php autoload

    Routes Controller External Services File System Databases Models / Services Cache Cache Cache Cache View Cache Cache Cache
  17. Lições Aprendidas • Feature flipping ("switch" central para desativar cache)

    • Criar serviços "CacheManager" para cachear e invalidar quando necessário.
  18. Lições Aprendidas • Feature flipping ("switch" central para desativar cache)

    • Criar serviços "CacheManager" para cachear e invalidar quando necessário. • Comece o quanto antes
  19. Lições Aprendidas • Compactar antes de cachear pode ser uma

    boa ideia. • Cache local VS Cache compartilhado.
  20. Fontes Speed up PHP with APC - Jacob Nicholson http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/what-is/speed-up-php-with-apc

    PHP Performance I: Everything You Need To Know About OpCode Caches - Davey Shafik https://support.cloud.engineyard.com/hc/en-us/articles/205411888-PHP-Performance-I-Everything-You-Need-to- Know-About-OpCode-Caches Laravel Documentation: Route Caching https://laravel.com/docs/master/controllers#route-caching Caching Routes Using Filters - Mark van Eijk http://markvaneijk.com/caching-routes-using-filters-in-laravel-4 Google Developers: HTTP Caching https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/http-caching Varnish Cache https://varnish-cache.org/ Nginx: Reverse Proxy with Caching https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/reverseproxycachingexample/