HOU.SEC.CON 2022 (Oct/22)
Organizations continue to build internal red teams and penetration testing programs to keep up with the latest threats. The challenge, however, becomes apparent in the first few months of deploying the program: executives want to know if it is cost-effective, the integration with other teams quickly becomes a nightmare, and talent acquisition and retention can be demanding.
We also want our red team to push boundaries and help improve the company’s security posture and ability to survive actual attacks.
So how can we build and deploy red team programs that are meaningful to the enterprise and go beyond frameworks and continuous testing? This talk tackles the problem by:
- Outlining challenges, positive results, and setbacks resulting from building an internal red team program;
- Proposing approaches to select targets for testing and improving the communication between different teams consuming the testing results;
- Discussing the definition of metrics to help track the program, identify improvement opportunities, and demonstrate effectiveness.
HOU.SEC.CON 2022 - https://web.cvent.com/event/0ac8a54d-fbe9-4a16-8510-49dcf538389f/websitePage:dd3dff4f-9597-4a4b-960e-eb732a9a3853