with nerve to quadratus femoris (deep to its upper part) Inferior gluteal vessels N.To obturator internus Pudendal nerve Piriformis m. Dr. Sherif Fahmy Internal pudendal a. Tendon of obturator internus m. Inferior gluteal nerve Superior gluteal nerve
tibia) Extensor hallucis longus m. (from middle 2/4 of anterior surface of fibula) Extensor digitorum longus m. (from upper ¾ of anterior surface of fibula) Peroneus tertius m. (from lower ¼ of anterior surface of fibula) Origin of dorsiflexor (extensor) muscles Interosseous membrane Dr. Sherif Fahmy
bone and base of 1st metatarsal bone) Insertion of Extensor halluces longus (Dorsal aspect of base pharynx of big toe) Insertion of peroneus tertius m. (Dorsal aspect of base of 5th metatarsal bone) Insertion of extensor digitorum longus (extensor expansion to dorsum of all phalanges of lateral 4 toes) Insertion of Dorsiflexor (extensor) muscles Dr. Sherif Fahmy
foot is done by any muscle that reaches the foot infront the ankle between 2 malleoli. Planter flexion is done by any muscle that reaches the foot behind the ankle and the 2 malleoli. Any muscle named tibialis will produce inversion of foot and support the medial longitudinal arch. Any muscle named peroneus will produce eversion of foot and support the lateral longitudinal arch. Dr. Sherif Fahmy
at ankle j. 2- Inversion of foot at subtalar and talo- calcaneonavicular joints. 3- Supports medial longitudinal arch. Nerve supply: - Anterior tibial (deep peroneal) nerve from common peroneal nerve. Dr. Sherif Fahmy
surface of fibula & intermuscular septa Origin of peroneus brevis m. from lower 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula & intermuscular septa Insertion of peroneus brevis to tuberosity of base of 5th metatarsal bone Insertion of peroneus longus muscle Groove on lower surface of cuboid Peroneal trochlea Cuboid Lateral malleolus Lateral surface of Calcaneus Dr. Sherif Fahmy
Planter flexion of foot at ankle. 2- Eversion of foot at subtalar joint. 3- Supports lateral and transverse arches. Nerve supply: - Superficial peroneal (musculo-cutaneous) nerve. Dr. Sherif Fahmy
anterior compartment of the leg. 2- Articular to ankle joint. 3- Terminal branches: - Medial to skin between big and second toes. - Lateral to extensor digitorum brevis and intertarsal joints of foot. Dr. Sherif Fahmy
Motor loss: Paralysis of dorsiflexor muscles and extensor digitorum brevis muscle. Sensory loss: Loss of sensation between big and 2nd toes. Disability & deformity: -Loss of dorsiflexion of foot (foot drop). -Loss of extension of all toes. -Week inversion. Late wasting changes: Decrease of the size of anterior compartment. Dr. Sherif Fahmy
muscles. Sensory loss: Loss of sensation in anterior surface of lower 1/3 of leg and dorsum of foot except ????. Disability & deformity: -Loss of eversion. -Weak plantar flexion. -The foot is inverted and dorsiflexed. Late wasting changes: Decrease of the size of lateral compartment. Dr. Sherif Fahmy
Motor loss: Paralysis of dorsiflexor muscles, peroneal and extensor digitorum brevis muscle. Sensory loss: Loss of sensation infront of lower 1/3 of leg and dorsum of foot except lateral margin (sural) and medial margin till metatarsophalangeal j. of big toe (saphenous). Disability & deformity: -Loss of dorsiflexion and eversion of foot -Loss of extension of all toes. -Foot drop and inverted foot. Late wasting changes: Decrease of the size of anterior and lateral compartments. Dr. Sherif Fahmy