working hours. More than 40-50 hours per week is unsustainable and has diminishing (or even negative) returns ➤ Connect with colleagues (don’t su ff er in silence) ➤ Spend regular time doing hobbies outside of work ➤ Cooking with others, gardening, team sports, artistic pursuits ➤ Spend time with loved ones (family, friends, signi fi cant other, etc.) ➤ Daily meditation (with an app like Headspace or Calm) ➤ Read a book for fun! Abbie likes Bill Bryson and Terry Pratchett ➤ Take real vacations. Turn on your email auto-responder and leave your laptop at home! ➤ Turn o ff noti fi cations for work email (& social media apps) on phone ➤ Don’t check your results before going to bed (FOR REAL) ➤ See a counselor/therapist regularly, take prescribed medication From discussions: Though few people can do all their coursework in a ‘standard’ work day, it should not be an unbearable time burden. Talk to your prof about how much time you spend on their course so that they can shorten assignments, adjust deadlines, etc. as needed.