socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (serial line etc. or a pseudo terminal), a socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), an SSL socket, proxy CONNECT connection, a file descriptor (stdin etc.), the GNU line editor (readline), a program, or a combination of two of these. These modes include generation of "listening" sockets, named pipes, and pseudo terminals. socat can be used, e.g., as TCP port forwarder (one-shot or daemon), as an external socksifier, for attacking weak firewalls, as a shell interface to UNIX sockets, IP6 relay, for redirecting TCP oriented programs to a serial line, to logically connect serial lines on different computers, or to establish a relatively secure environment (su and chroot) for running client or server shell scripts with network connections. More info: USAGE socat [options] <address> <address> USAGE socat -V USAGE socat -h[h[h]] | -?[?[?]] OPTIONS EXAMPLE socat - EXAMPLE socat TCP4-LISTEN:www EXAMPLE socat -,raw,echo=0,escape=0x0f /dev/ttyS0,raw,echo=0,crnl EXAMPLE