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Uplifting Developer Communities with Hackathons

Aditya Oberai
November 14, 2020

Uplifting Developer Communities with Hackathons

In this session at DevRel Asia 2020, I discussed how we as fellow community leaders can uplift members of our communities and impact their careers and lives through the power of hackathons.

Aditya Oberai

November 14, 2020

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  1. HELLO! I am Aditya Oberai - 3rd Year Student from

    India - Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador - MLH Coach - Intern, Progate
  2. Agenda ▸ What is a hackathon? ▸ How do hackathons

    impact communities? ▸ How can you get involved?
  3. “ A hackathon is essentially a development marathon that is

    designed to push people past the limits of their creativity and knowledge to create innovative products and solutions.
  4. Agenda ▸ What is a hackathon? ▸ How do hackathons

    impact communities? ▸ How can you get involved?
  5. Agenda ▸ What is a hackathon? ▸ How do hackathons

    impact communities? ▸ How can you get involved?
  6. The path to get involved in hackathons Participate Gain the

    hacker experience Mentor Help your peers by sharing your knowledge Organize Manage and lead a hackathon for your community
  7. Some organizations highly active in the space Major League Hacking

    AngelHack HackerEarth Devfolio Devpost Gitcoin
  8. THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at: ▸ @

    @adityaoberai1 ▸ Aditya Oberai (linkedin.com/in/adityaoberai1)