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Javascript Testing: The Holy Grail

Javascript Testing: The Holy Grail

Approaching the Holy Grail of Javascript application testing. Presented at RejectJS in Berlin

Adam Hawkins

October 04, 2012

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  1. Ich bin • Adam Hawkins • tw://adman65 • adn://twinturbo •

    gh://twinturbo • http://broadcastingadam.com
  2. What is the Holy Grail? • Browser independent • All

    tests written in JavaScript • Unit and integration support • Test against a single browser in development • Test against all target browsers in CI • Runs from the CLI--not by opening some random HTML page.
  3. Why Care? • Testing + Multi browser CI is the

    only way to know that your application is functioning correctly. • Manually test if you want....
  4. Where are We Now? • Individual aspects, but nothing working

    in concert • Classic choose any 3: cheap, fast, scalable • Choose one implementation and lose one of the three
  5. How did We Get Here? • Javascript not really considered

    a first class language until recently • Javascript traditionally confined to the browser • Focus on Single Page Applications/Client side JS MVC/Insert your term here
  6. var page = require('webpage').create(); var url = 'http://www.phantomjs.org/'; page.open(url, function

    (status) { page.includeJs("jquery.min.js", function() { // jQuery is loaded, now manipulate the DOM }); page.evalute(function() { // evaluate code in the remote context $("title").html("ZOMG"); }); phantom.exit(); });
  7. casper.start "http://www.google.fr/", -> @test.assertTitle "Google", "google homepage title incorrect" @test.assertExists

    'form[action="/search"]', "main form is found" @fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: "foo", true casper.then -> @test.assertTitle "foo - Recherche Google", "google title is ok" @test.assertUrlMatch /q=foo/, "search term has been submitted" @test.assertEval (-> __utils__.findAll("h3.r").length >= 10 ), "google search for \"foo\" retrieves 10 or more results" casper.run -> @test.renderResults true
  8. • Built on top of PhantomJS • Used to write

    integration tests • DOM interaction API. Example: fillIn(“foo”, “bar”) • Should not be used to write unit tests • Good for a small # of test cases • Tests bound PhantomJS
  9. GreeterTest = TestCase("GreeterTest"); GreeterTest.prototype.testGreet = function() { var greeter =

    new myapp.Greeter(); assertEquals("Hello World!", greeter.greet("World")); };
  10. • Runs from the command line • Supports multiple browsers

    • Unclear how to do integration tests • Browser independent, but test runner dependent • Must maintain browser installations • Tests bound to test runner
  11. // Load the page from localhost browser = new Browser()

    browser.visit("http://localhost:3000/", function () { // Fill email, password and submit form browser. fill("email", "zombie@underworld.dead"). fill("password", "eat-the-living"). pressButton("Sign Me Up!", function() { // Form submitted, new page loaded. assert.ok(browser.success); assert.equal(browser.text("title"), "BRAINZ"); }); });
  12. • Clear support for integration tests • Decent DOM interaction

    API • Built on Node • Tests bound to ZombieJS • Similar to CasperJS + PhantomJS
  13. # rspec describe "the signup process", :type => :request do

    it "signs me in" do # capybara within("#session") do fill_in 'Login', :with => 'user@example.com' fill_in 'Password', :with => 'password' end click_link 'Sign in' end end
  14. • Multiple adapters for headless or real browsers • Easy

    to maintain large test suites • Write tests in Ruby • Test code and app code exist in separate threads. This can be confusing.
  15. • No unified framework for unit tests and integration tests

    • Dependency hell (c++, python, node, java, or ruby) • Tests bound to test runner • Not all methods CLI friendly
  16. 1. Remove test runner dependence 2. Unify integration and unit

    tests 3. Run in a headless browser for local tests 4. Run in real browsers in CI 5. Try to do it with Javascript
  17. // this is a unit test test("hello test", function() {

    ok(1 == "1", "Passed!"); }); // this is an integration test test("user can fill in the form", function() { fillIn("#todo", "Fix JS Testing"); press("#todo-form submit"); assertContains("#todos", "Fix JS Testing"); });
  18. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>QUnit Example</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

    href="/resources/qunit.css"> </head> <body> <div id="qunit"></div> <script src="apps.js"></script> <script src="tests.js"></script> </body> </html>
  19. # Use phantomJS to open the HTML page # and

    capture the results $ phantomjs run_qunit.js tests.html ..................... 10 Tests, 10 Passes, 0 Failures
  20. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Integration Tests</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

    href="/resources/qunit.css"> </head> <body> <div id="qunit"></div> <script src="apps.js"></script> <script src="tests.js"></script> <!-- Added this to hook into test swarm --> <script src="http://example.org/testswarm/js/inject.js"></script> </body> </html>
  21. # Upload that HTML file to your CI server #

    so it can be accessed with test swarm $ swarm execute tests.js Running in all browsers.... IE9: 10 tests, 10 Passed, 0 Failures IE6, 10 tests, 0 Passed, 12349871234987 Failures Chrome: 10 tests, 10 Passed, 0 Failures FireFox: 10 tests, 10 Passed, 0 Failures
  22. # ENV variables determine build # Ideally set in your

    CI process $ swarm execute tests.js BROWSER=IE9 $ swarm execute tests.js BROWSER=FF,SAFARI,CHROME
  23. Why? • Completely browser independent • All tests javascript •

    Test runner independent • CI Friendly • Tests and app code running in the same thread. Read: direct access to app + ui.
  24. Why? • Requirements change test system • Testing backend +

    frontend requires a different approach • The holy grail for that is use testing tools for what language your backend is in • Things like HTML5 Audio/Video can induce complexity
  25. Moral of the Story • Testing Javascript applications is difficult

    but possible • Decide if you want to test your frontend and backend together. • Oh ya....test that shit!