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Scaling Android without a Monorepo

Scaling Android without a Monorepo

Talk given at Droidcon NewYork on September 20th, 2024.

Ahmed El-Helw

November 27, 2024

More Decks by Ahmed El-Helw

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  1. Ahmed El-Helw - Abdulahi Osoble without a Monorepo Scaling Android

    Development HudHud Maps - Careem Technologies
  2. Container (App Shell) * Lives in its own repository *

    “Cont a ins” (depends on) a ll the fe a tures a nd deleg a tes to them * Outputs the f in a l a pk th a t goes to the Pl a y Store
  3. * No fe a ture directly depends on a nother

    * Fe a tures a re option a l (T&Cs a pply) * Aim tow a rds not h a ving n di ff erent w a ys of doing things
  4. inte rf ace Feat ur eFacto ry { fu n

    p r ovideFeat u r e(dependenciesP r ovide r : DependenciesP r ovide r ): Feat ur e } inte rf ace Feat ur e { // .. . }
  5. inte rf ace Feat ur eFacto ry { fu n

    p r ovideFeat u r e(dependenciesP r ovide r : DependenciesP r ovide r ): Feat ur e } inte rf ace Feat ur e { // .. . }
  6. inte rf ace DependenciesP r ovide r { fu n

    ana ly tics(): Ana ly ticsP r ovide r fu n expe r iments(): Expe r iments fu n l ocationDependencies(): LocationDependencies fu n netwo rk ingDependencies(): Netwo r k ingDependencies }
  7. Dependencies • Cont a iner implements DependenciesP r ovide r

    • Fe a ture doesn't need to know the concrete type • We c a n ch a nge det a ils without fe a tures needing to m a ke a ny ch a nges a s long a s the API is consistent
  8. Dependencies Provider * it’s a n interf a ce, so

    we c a n h a ve fun with individu a l dependencies * Wr a p it * No-op it * Repl a ce it
  9. inte rf ace DeepLin k Reso l ve r {

    f u n r eso l ve( ur i: St r ing): Intent? }
  10. inte rf ace Feat ur e { f u n

    deepLin k Reso l ve r (): DeepLin k Reso l ve r ? = n ul l }
  11. fu n r eso l veDeepLin k ( ur i:

    St r ing): Intent? { va l host = u r i.pa r seHost() va l f eat ur e = feat ur es.getO r Defa ul t(host, n ul l ) r et ur n f eat u r e ?. deepLin k Reso l ve r () ? .r eso l ve( u r i) }
  12. fu n r eso l veDeepLin k ( ur i:

    St r ing): Intent? { va l host = u r i.pa r seHost() va l f eat ur e = feat ur es.getO r Defa ul t(host, n ul l ) r et ur n f eat u r e ?. deepLin k Reso l ve r () ? .r eso l ve( u r i) }
  13. fu n r eso l veDeepLin k ( ur i:

    St r ing): Intent? { va l host = u r i.pa r seHost() va l f eat ur e = feat ur es.getO r Defa ul t(host, n ul l ) r et ur n f eat u r e ?. deepLin k Reso l ve r () ? .r eso l ve( u r i) }
  14. va l feat u r eFacto r ies = mapOf(

    " r ides" to RidesFacto ry (), " f ood" to FoodFacto ry () )
  15. imp l ementation( l ibs. f eat ur e. r

    ides) imp l ementation( l ibs. f eat ur e.food)
  16. / / imp l ementation( l ibs. f eat ur

    e. r ides) imp l ementation( l ibs. f eat ur e.food)
  17. Push Noti f ications • Received by the cont a

    iner a nd deleg a ted, b a sed on a f ield, to the proper fe a ture
  18. Binary Compatibility • Gr a dle will compile e a

    ch module a g a inst the st a ted version • For p a ck a ging a nd runtime, Gr a dle picks the "newest" version
  19. Tooling can Help for our Libs • https://github.com/Kotlin/bin a ry-comp

    a tibility-v a lid a tor • https://github.com/tylerbwong/met a l a v a -gr a dle
  20. Dependency Alignment • Publish BOM or Version c a t

    a log • Centr a lizing control of BOM/Version c a t a log a t a pl a tform level • Pl a tform dependencies only
  21. Challenges • More di ff icult to m a ke

    ch a nges a cross a ll a pps • Deprec a tions a re tricky to m a ke • Extr a cting st a nd a lone SDKs is tricky
  22. for some smaller teams having devx is a distant dream

    but they can continue to scale until their codebase is as big as a whale ignoring the monorepo reviews multiple repos they will use one main repository controls the release version bump PRs will certainly increase since every team builds on their own tests and makes sure it works on their phone uploads their new version to internal maven the ability to rollback makes it a haven tooling comes into play helping to fi nd bugs and slay detect hidden changes before they break catch them early before the mistake di ff erences in size of apks dependency di ff s across the days a central team controls dependencies setting the version and avoiding redundancies let's not forget compatibility too binary and source to name a few using the tools and being aware helps save us from lots of despair unfortunately, that is all the time allotted for this summary rhyme written with 0% GPT now go enjoy sessions and co ff ee
  23. Scaling with Kotlin Multiplatform • Te a ms h a

    ve their own KMP dependencies • Choice between n a mesp a ce cl a shing a nd "KMP" per fr a mework t a x on iOS • Bridges h a ve to be repe a ted, since types a re a ll slightly di ff erent