Lessons from a Competitive Intelligence professional on keeping up with software delivery trends.
This talk is divided into 3 parts:
(i) methods for software delivery trends tracking
(ii) benchmarking analysis process for open source
(iii) delivering insights: context & evidence to make compelling recommendations
(i) The software delivery landscape is vast, how do Teams stay on top of new projects & technical advancements?
The section will cover methods for tracking resources related to open source, driving “insights” from a sea of information, setting up processes to make tracking easy.
(ii) Once you find a tool or project you like, will it work for your specific team, the skill set & cultural norms?
This section will cover a set of questions and framework that outlines how different tools can help at different stages of Team maturity (ref: WG on Cloud Native Maturity Model)
(iii) Now you have the methods & priorities, how do you best share insights with your team?
This section will cover presenting information to make a compelling case for tool adoption, linking team needs to project attributes, with methods to measure change and build confidence over time.