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Tracking, assessing and choosing the open sourc...

Tracking, assessing and choosing the open source project that's right for you

Lessons from a Competitive Intelligence professional on keeping up with software delivery trends.
This talk is divided into 3 parts:
(i) methods for software delivery trends tracking
(ii) benchmarking analysis process for open source
(iii) delivering insights: context & evidence to make compelling recommendations

(i) The software delivery landscape is vast, how do Teams stay on top of new projects & technical advancements?
The section will cover methods for tracking resources related to open source, driving “insights” from a sea of information, setting up processes to make tracking easy.

(ii) Once you find a tool or project you like, will it work for your specific team, the skill set & cultural norms?
This section will cover a set of questions and framework that outlines how different tools can help at different stages of Team maturity (ref: WG on Cloud Native Maturity Model)

(iii) Now you have the methods & priorities, how do you best share insights with your team?
This section will cover presenting information to make a compelling case for tool adoption, linking team needs to project attributes, with methods to measure change and build confidence over time.


March 17, 2024

More Decks by aislingkc

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  1. 1 Tracking, assessing & choosing the Open Source tools that

    are right for your team November 2022 Aisling Conroy - Senior Manager of Competitive Intelligence at CircleCI https://aislingkc.medium.com/
  2. 2 Where to begin? 45% of Developers have not contributed

    to an open source project, but would like to [JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem 2021]
  3. 3 Industry Research Exploration & discovery of trends Product +

    Business Insights What best meets your organization’s needs Recommendations & Enablement Ensuring adoption A few steps that can help guide the process 1 2 3
  4. 5 Graduated Incubating Sandbox Analytics Security External Secrets Operator Software

    Delivery Orchestration K Infrastructure support Put the information in a format that works for you
  5. 6 News • Google Open Source blog • Microsoft Open

    Source blog • Linux Foundation newsletter • InfoWorld Open Source news section • Slashdot Open Source news section Events (NA focus) • All Things Open [Oct-Nov] • KubeCon NA [Oct] • SCaLE [March] Roadmaps & Changelogs • Kubernetes • Prometheus • Open Telemetry • Open Policy Agent • SPIRE • Falco • ArgoCD Bookmark! • Kyverno • Jenkins • Crossplane • Linkerd • Jaeger • Envoy • Harbor
  6. 7 Product + Business Insights What best meets your organization’s

    needs • How would you describe your team culture? • How do you handle processes in your team today? • What kind of work experience does your team have? • Have you implemented a new tool recently? How did that go? • What is the onboarding process like for new team members? 2
  7. 8 Every team is looking for something different Learning stage

    Optimizing stage Long cycle times unclear accountability limited team communication Decreasing cycle times clearer accountability Improved team communication optimized cycle times shared accountability Strong team communication UX: easy setup Support: broad community & content Performance: native & intuitive Flexibility: options for future growth Process standardization and feedback loop UX: easy interoperability Support: contribute and lead Performance: easy to optimize Flexibility: high scale use cases Characteristics Goals Based on work from CNCF cartografos working group DORA DevOps quick check
  8. 9 Education Consumer Goods Finance & Banking Energy Technology Health

    & Pharma 1. Based on 153 companies, with 2 or more Open Source projects Open Source projects in different industries1
  9. 10 Criteria2 • Milestones • Bugs • Documentation • User

    base growth over time • Developer involvement over time Process 1. Document the current process 2. Collect and analyze data 3. Measure performance against collected data1 4. Create an implementation plan 5. Implement the change 6. Iterate Benchmarking step by step 1. TODO group metrics recommendations 2. CMU empirical study
  10. 12 Tailor the message to suit your audience …This is

    bound to help save us thousands of dollars a month… For a Business Leader, instead of…. …Leading companies in our industry say this project helped to improve their performance… try…. …This change will give us more opportunity to enhance our security strategy… try…. …Developers that use this, say they spend less hours debugging issues than they used to… try…. …there hasn’t been any major incidents associated with this project, yet… For a SysAdmin, instead of…. …“Check this out, looks cool”... For a Developer, instead of….
  11. 13 Recap Industry Research Exploration & discovery of trends Product

    + Business Insights What best meets your organization’s needs Recommendations & Enablement Ensuring adoption