configuration of form which makes it functional, efficient, harmonious with the elements within the confines of a frame of reference. Presence and Scale of design Design is present in microscopic ele- ments and as well as on the grand cosmic scale. Design always is based on certain guide- lines, laws and limitations. Without lim- itations and rules, things just random arrangement devoid of meaning. Design influence You can take part in design or be con- trolled by it. To design one must rise above the problem. Everything is designed, like a book our interactions have a beginning and end too. We great people like a book cover and end with bye like the last page, while the important chunk of information lies within these two interaction words. Approach for design Designers need to observe and look for patterns in nature and culture, assess them, test them, test them, analyze them and reiterate the process till a harmony is achieved. Design should aim be efficient, robust, adaptive, multifunctional and scalable. It doesn’t have to be a single person to think all that is why design should be collaborative. Fallacies in current design Everything that we consider trash is man made. Nature doesn’t produce trash. We need to use all the trash produced to build solutions and answers to all the growing problems, ocean pollution, land space. Things need to be produced in a way they are reusable. Organisation is not efficient design Organisation is design but when it ex- pands without a preplanned scheme or guideline it reduces its efficiency and a lot more is required to do a little. This is something we see in companies, our so- ciety, in ecosystem, and our own bodies. Organisation needs to be well thought of and taking into account all possibilities. Democratization of design Design education needs to be given as much if not more importance than lan- guage. Design needs more participants and collaboration. Design thinking is a little known magical power that allows people to see themselves and improve their surrounding as well as design better lives for themselves. Improvement in organizational design There needs to be a reassessment of or- ganisations and its focus on design within its functioning. The same way the roads and highways aren’t able to handle more traffic due to increased cars on the roads, the tradition- al education is also lacking behind.