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Give 'em some social media love: The right peop...

Alana Riley
October 09, 2012

Give 'em some social media love: The right people using the right tools for the right reasons.

Presented at the HighEdWeb 2012 Annual Conference.

Alana Riley

October 09, 2012

More Decks by Alana Riley

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  1. the right people using the right tools For the right

  2. staff/faculty: I’m proud to work here. prospective Student: What a

    great sense of community! current student: This is so much fun! alumni: I’m proud to be a Friar. everyday individual: That was really authentic - that video made me happy.
  3. D E P L O Y E V A L

    U AT E S T R AT E G I Z E A U D I T Audit what we have | Evaluate the results | Strategize with departments | Deploy the strategy
  4. D E P L O Y E V A L

    U AT E S T R AT E G I Z E
  5. A C C O U N T S I D

    E N T I F Y R E V I E W A D M I N S 1 - O N - 1 G R O U P R E F I N E L A U N C H