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How remote work redefines productivity

How remote work redefines productivity

Alexandra Marin

May 16, 2017

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  1. MOBILE TESTING LIKE YOU MEAN IT How remote work redefines

    productivity ALEXANDRA MARIN @ CODEMOTION AMSTERDAM 2017 crossplatform.io
  2. A steady rise in teleworking crossplatform.io #remotework #productivity > https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/08/your-money/when-working-in-your-pajamas-is-more-productive.html?_r=1

    > https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/atus.pdf > http://www.gallup.com/poll/184649/telecommuting-work-climbs.aspx > http://reports.weforum.org/future-of-jobs-2016/employment-trends/
  3. Work From Home Experiment at Stanford University crossplatform.io #remotework #productivity

    > https://people.stanford.edu/nbloom/sites/default/files/wfh.pdf
  4. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    crossplatform.io #remotework #productivity > https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/eurwork/case-s
  5. What do employers think? crossplatform.io #remotework #productivity > https://www.plantronics.com/uk/solutions/home-based-worker/work-shifting.pdf >

  6. A day in the life of a remote worker: 3

    tips crossplatform.io #remotework #productivity