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Fast and stable UI tests in Android

Alex Zhukovich
June 18, 2020

Fast and stable UI tests in Android

Mobile apps are growing. They become more complex and require more testing. It means that it is time to integrate fast and stable automated tests to your project.
This talk will cover the following topics:
- How to create fast and stable UI tests
- How to avoid flaky tests
- How to share UI tests between local and instrumentation tests
- How DSL can speed up adding stable UI tests to the project

Alex Zhukovich

June 18, 2020


  1. val textInputEditText = onView( allOf( withId(R.id.emailEditText), childAtPosition( childAtPosition( withId(R.id.emailInputLayout), 0

    ), 0 ) ) ) textInputEditText.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText("[email protected]"), closeSoftKeyboard()) val textInputEditText2 = onView( allOf( withId(R.id.passwordEditText), childAtPosition( childAtPosition( withId(R.id.passwordInputLayout), 0 ), 0 ) ) ) textInputEditText2.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText("test"), closeSoftKeyboard()) val materialButton = onView( allOf( withId(R.id.loginButton), withText("Login"), childAtPosition( childAtPosition( withId(R.id.scrollView2), 0 ), 4 ) ) ) materialButton.perform(scrollTo(), click()) onView(withId(R.id.emailEditText)) .perform(replaceText("[email protected]")) onView(withId(R.id.passwordEditText)) .perform(replaceText("test")) onView(withId(R.id.loginButton)) .perform(click())
  2. UiAutomator val email = device.findObject(By.res(PACKAGE, "email")) email.text = EMAIL val

    password = device.findObject(By.res(PACKAGE, "password")) email.text = PASSWORD val login = device.findObject(By.res(PACKAGE, "login")) if (login != null) { ... }
  3. Appium val email = driver.findElement(By.id("email")) email.value = EMAIL val password

    = driver.findElement(By.id("password")) password.value = PASSWORD val login = driver.findElement(By.id("login")) login.isDisplayed()
  4. writeTo(R.id.email, EMAIL) writeTo(R.id.password, PASSWORD) clickOn(R.id.login) assertDisplayed(R.id.name, USER_NAME) assertDisplayed(R.id.email, EMAIL) @Rule

    ClearPreferencesRule @Rule ClearDatabaseRule @Rule ClearFilesRule @Test @AllowFlaky(attempts = 5) @Repeat(times = 5) fun flaky_test() { ... } Kakao
  5. @Test fun should_verify_account_information() { val toolbarVisibilityIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(R.id.toolbar, View.VISIBLE) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(toolbarVisibilityIR)

    assertDisplayed(R.id.toolbar) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(toolbarVisibilityIR) // LOGIN writeTo(R.id.emailEditText, EMAIL) writeTo(R.id.passwordEditText, PASSWORD) closeKeyboard() clickOn(R.id.loginButton) // NAVIGATE TO PROFILE val progressBarIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(R.id.progressBar, View.GONE) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(progressBarIR) assertDisplayed(R.id.recyclerView) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(progressBarIR) clickOn(R.id.navigation_profile) // VERIFY PROFILE INFO val progressProfileIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(R.id.progressBar, View.GONE) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(progressProfileIR) assertDisplayed(R.id.nameTextView, USER_NAME) assertDisplayed(R.id.emailTextView, EMAIL) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(progressProfileIR) // LOGOUT clickMenu(R.id.logout_action) // LOGIN SCREEN intended(hasComponent(LoginActivity::class.java.name)) } Kakao
  6. @Test fun should_verify_account_information() { onScreen<LoginScreen> { email.replaceText(EMAIL) password { replaceText(PASSWORD)

    closeSoftKeyboard() } login.click() } onScreen<HomeScreen> { waitCoffeeDrinkList() profileMenuItem.click() } onScreen<ProfileScreen> { waitForProfileInfo() name.hasText(USER_NAME) email.hasText(EMAIL) openMenu() logout.click() } onScreen<LoginScreen> { loginScreenIntent.intended() } } Kakao
  7. Kakao @Test fun should_verify_account_information() = beforeTest { activityTestRule.launchActivity(intent) }.afterTest {

    ... }.run { onScreen<LoginScreen> { email.replaceText(EMAIL) password { replaceText(PASSWORD) closeSoftKeyboard() } login.click() } onScreen<HomeScreen> { waitCoffeeDrinkList() profileMenuItem.click() } onScreen<ProfileScreen> { waitForProfileInfo() name.hasText(USER_NAME) email.hasText(EMAIL) openMenu() logout.click() } onScreen<LoginScreen> { loginScreenIntent.intended() } }
  8. @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class LoginActivityTest { @get:Rule val activityRule = ActivityTestRule( LoginActivity::class.java,

    true, false ) @Test fun superImportantTest() { val intent = ... ativityRule.launchActivity(intent) ... } } @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class LoginActivityTest { @Test fun superImportantTest() { launchFragmentInContainer<LoginFragment>() ... } }
  9. loginScreen { login(EMAIL, PASSWORD) } homeScreen { navigateToProfile() } profileScreen

    { hasEmail(EMAIL) hasUserName(USER_NAME) logout() } loginScreen { isOpen() } loginScreen { enterEmail(EMAIL) enterPassword(PASSWORD) pressLogin() } homeScreen { waitCoffeeDrinks() pressProfile() } profileScreen { waitUserData() hasEmail(EMAIL) hasUserName(USER_NAME) openMenu() pressLogout() } loginScreen { isOpen() }
  10. // LOGIN onView(withId(R.id.email)) .perform(replaceText(EMAIL)) onView(withId(R.id.password)) .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD)) onView(withId(R.id.login)) .perform(click()) open class

    BaseTestRobot { fun enterText(viewId: Int, text: String) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(replaceText(text)) } fun clickOnView(viewId: Int) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(click()) } }
  11. // LOGIN onView(withId(R.id.email)) .perform(replaceText(EMAIL)) onView(withId(R.id.password)) .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD)) onView(withId(R.id.login)) .perform(click()) open class

    BaseTestRobot { fun enterText(viewId: Int, text: String) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(replaceText(text)) } fun clickOnView(viewId: Int) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(click()) } } class LoginScreenRobot : BaseTestRobot() { fun login(email: String, password: String) { enterText(R.id.email, email) enterText(R.id.password, password) clickOnView(R.id.loginButton) } }
  12. // LOGIN onView(withId(R.id.email)) .perform(replaceText(EMAIL)) onView(withId(R.id.password)) .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD)) onView(withId(R.id.login)) .perform(click()) loginScreen {

    login(EMAIL, PASSWORD) } open class BaseTestRobot { fun enterText(viewId: Int, text: String) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(replaceText(text)) } fun clickOnView(viewId: Int) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(click()) } } class LoginScreenRobot : BaseTestRobot() { fun login(email: String, password: String) { enterText(R.id.email, email) enterText(R.id.password, password) clickOnView(R.id.loginButton) } } fun loginScreen(func: LoginScreenRobot.() -> Unit) = LoginScreenRobot().apply { func() }
  13. android { ... sourceSets { androidTest { java.srcDirs += "src/sharedTest/java"

    } test { java.srcDirs += "src/sharedTest/java" } } } sharedTest