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Objective-C: A Beginner's Dive

Objective-C: A Beginner's Dive

Objective-C is a Smalltalk-like Object-Oriented layer on top of the C language. It is the official language of OS X and iOS. Assuming you have a background in Object-Oriented Programming and a basic understanding of the C language or syntax, this talk will cover everything you need to know about Objective-C. By the end of the talk, you will understand how to make and use your own objects, the Foundation Framework and the data structures it provides, and the Objective-C specific language constructs and syntactic-sugar.

Steven Brunwasser

March 14, 2013


  1. I Assume • A Background in Java or C++ •

    An understanding of OOP • A basic understanding of C
  2. What is Objective-C? • Superset of C • Smalltalk style

    Object-Oriented • The Official Language for iOS and OS X
  3. Hello World! // // main.m #include <stdio.h> #include <Foundation/Foundation.h> int

    main(int argc, const char **argv) { NSString *message = @"Hello World!"; printf("%s\n", [message cString]); return 0; }
  4. Hello World! • Objective-C String Literal • @”Hello World!” •

    C Function • printf() • main() • Objective-C message • [message cString] // // main.m #include <stdio.h> #include <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, const char **argv) { NSString *message = @"Hello World!"; printf("%s\n", [message cString]); return 0; }
  5. Objective-C Features • C Functions • C Structs • C

    Unions • C Pointers • C Arrays • C Everything Else
  6. Objective-C Features • Objects • Methods • Inheritance • Properties

    • Protocols • Categories • Data and Collections • Object Literals • Object Subscripts • Forin loops • Blocks and Closures • ARC
  7. You Will Learn About • Making and Using Objects •

    Using Foundation Framework Data Types • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
  8. Objects • Interface • like Java’s Interface, but every object

    has one • placed in the header file • Implementation • must fill minimum requirements of Interface • placed in the implementation file
  9. Example Object // // MyObject.h // Interface #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface

    MyObject : NSObject { int _myInt; } // method declarations go here @end // // MyObject.m // Implementation #import “MyObject.h” @implementation MyObject // method implementations go here @end
  10. Objects (More Info) • Objects have Instance Variables (ivars) •

    No Class variables, use C static globals • No enforced “public” and “private” • Object Instances can be of type: •id •Class *
  11. Object Methods • Class Method or Instance Method • Variables

    are “named” in the method’s signature (fancy word for method name) • Default return and variable type is id
  12. Format of a Method +/- (return type)methodName; +/- (return type)methodWithVar:(var

    type)var; +/- (return type)methodWithVar1:(var type)var1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! var2:(var type)var2; + Class Method!! - Instance Method
  13. Method Examples // // MyObject.m // Implementation #import “MyObject.h” @implementation

    MyObject // setter - (void)setMyInt:(int)myInt { _myInt = myInt; } // getter - (int)myInt { return _myInt; } @end // // MyObject.h // Interface #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface MyObject : NSObject { int _myInt; } // setter - (void)setMyInt:(int)myInt; // getter - (int)myInt; @end
  14. Object Method Calling • Not like C, C++, or Java

    • Based on Smalltalk message passing • The Square Brackets [] are your friend! [object method]; [object methodWithVar:value]; [object methodWithVar1:val1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! var2:val2];
  15. Testing Responsiveness to a Selector • The name of a

    method is its Selector SEL mySelector = selector(myMethodWithParameter:) • Every object inherits respondsToSelector: • Takes the selector to test for • Returns YES when the object can respond to that method • Returns NO when the object cannot respond to that method
  16. Object Constructor • Not a special method (unlike Java) •

    Just an instance method to set up the Object’s Instance Variables • Generally named init
  17. Generic Constructor - (id)init { if (self = [super init])

    { // initialize variables } return self; }
  18. Constructor Example // default constructor - (id)init { // calls

    my custom constructor return [self initWithInt:0]; } // custom constructor - (id)initWithInt:(int)myInt { if (self = [super init]) { _myInt = myInt; } return self; }
  19. Inheritance • Single Inheritance from Objects • Method Overloading Supported

    • Superclass defined in the Interface • Super class referenced with super
  20. Inheritance Example // // MyObject.m // Implementation #import “MyObject.h” @implementation

    MyObject - (id)init { if (self = [super init]) { _myInt = 5; } return self; } @end // // MyObject.h // Interface #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface MyObject : NSObject { int _myInt; } - (id)init; @end
  21. Properties • Syntactic sugar for variable, accessor, and mutator declarations

    all-in-one • Properties are declared in the Interface and synthesized in the Implementation • Let you use “dot syntax” with getters and setters ! myObjectInstance.myInt = 5; ! int x = myObjectInstance.myInt;
  22. Property Example // // NSString+Reverse.m // Category #import "NSString.h" @implementation

    MyObject // creates variable _myInt // creates getter myInt // creates setter setMyInt: @synthesize myInt = _myInt; @end // // NSString+Reverse.h // Category #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface MyObject : NSObject @property (assign, nonatomic) int myInt; @end
  23. More on Properties • Attributes strong weak copy assign readonly

    atomic nonatomic • @synthesize vs @dynamic ! @synthesize variable = nameOfIvar; • Default ivar name for variable is _variable • Custom getters and setters getter = myGetter, setter = mySetter:
  24. Protocols • Like an Objective-C Interface • Similar to Java

    Interfaces • Can implement multiple Protocols • Protocols can ‘inherit’ other Protocols
  25. Example Protocol // // MyProtocol.h // Protocol #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @protocol

    MyProtocol <NSObject> @property (assign, nonatomic) int myInt; - (NSString *)stringMyInt; @end // // MyObject.h // Interface #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "MyProtocol.h" @interface MyObject : NSObject <MyProtocol> @end
  26. Categories • The ability to add new methods to an

    Object • Changes apply to all instances of the object • Overwrites any methods that already exist in the class • Cannot add Properties and ivars • Can be dangerous
  27. Example Category // // NSString+Reverse.m // Category #import "NSString+Reverse.h" #import

    <stdlib.h> @implementation NSString (Reverse) - (NSString *)reverse { int length = [self length]; char *newString = ! ! calloc(length+1, sizeof(char)); int current = 0; const char *cstr = [self cString]; for (int i=length-1; i >= 0; i--) { newString[current] = cstr[i]; current++; } NSString *new = ! ! [NSString stringWithCString:newString]; free(newString); return new; } @end // // NSString+Reverse.h // Category #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface NSString (Reverse) - (NSString *)reverse; @end
  28. Class Extension • Like Categories, but with the ability to

    add ivars and Properties • Implementations of methods required in the main Implementation block • Can be used to declare “private” methods
  29. Class Extension Example // // MyObject.m // Class Extension @interface

    MyObject () @property (assign) int myPrivateInt; @end // Implementation @implementation MyObject @synthesize myPrivateInt = _myPrivateInt; // more implementation here @end
  30. MyObject // // MyObject.m #import "MyObject.h" @interface MyObject () @property

    (assign, nonatomic) int myPrivateInt; @end @implementation MyObject @synthesize myInt = _myInt; @synthesize myPrivateInt = _myPrivateInt; - (id)init { return [self initWithInt:0]; } - (id)initWithInt:(int)myInt { if (self = [super init]) { _myInt = myInt; ! ! _myPrivateInt = 5; } return self; } - (NSString *)stringMyInt { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", _myInt]; } @end // // MyObject.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "MyProtocol.h" @interface MyObject : NSObject <MyProtocol> @property (assign, nonatomic) int myInt; // default constructor - (id)init; // custom constructor - (id)initWithInt:(int)myInt; @end
  31. Using MyObject MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init]; obj.myInt =

    5; NSLog(@"%i\n", obj.myInt); MyObject *other = [MyObject alloc]; other = [other initWithInt:5]; [other setMyInt:10]; NSLog(@"%i\n", [obj myInt]);
  32. Using MyObject • alloc class method • use of init

    and initWithInt: methods • splitting up the alloc and init method calls • use of dot syntax and generated methods • NSLog() for printing messages to the console MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init]; obj.myInt = 5; NSLog(@"%i\n", obj.myInt); MyObject *other = [MyObject alloc]; other = [other initWithInt:5]; [other setMyInt:10]; NSLog(@"%i\n", [obj myInt]);
  33. Imports • Objective-C introduces the #import Preprocessor Directive #import "MyHeaderFile.h"

    #import <SystemHeader.h> • Guarantees the file is only included once • Better Practice than C’s #include
  34. Forward Declarations • A Promise to the Compiler that a

    Class or Protocol will exist at Compile Time @class PromisedObject; @protocol PromisedProtocol; • Minimizes the amount of #includes
  35. nil • Represents the absence of an object • Messages

    passed to nil return nil • nil is for objects, NULL is for C pointers
  36. YES and NO • Boolean type BOOL for “true” and

    “false” • Use BOOL with YES and NO • Dont use _Bool or bool with true and false from stdbool.h
  37. NSNumber • Object Representation for Integers, Booleans, Floats, Doubles, Characters,

    etc. • Object Literal Syntax @1 @1.0 @YES @NO @(1+2) @'a'
  38. NSString • Immutable string • NSMutableString for mutable strings •

    Object Literal Syntax @"Hello World!" @("Hello World!")
  39. NSArray • Immutable object array • NSMutableArray for mutable arrays

    • Object Literal Syntax @[object1, object2, ..., objectN]; • Object Subscripting Syntax array[0] = object; id object = array[0];
  40. NSDictionary • Immutable object dictionary • NSMutableDictionary for mutable •

    Object Literal Syntax @{key1:value1, key2:value2, ...}; • Object Subscripting Syntax dictionary[key] = object; id object = dictionary[key];
  41. Implementing Array Subscripting • Accessing Objects objectAtIndexedSubscript: • Setting Objects

    setObject:atIndexedSubscript: • The index subscript must be an integral
  42. Implementing Dictionary Subscripting • Accessing Object values with key Objects

    objectForKeyedSubscript: • Setting Object values with key Objects setObject:forKeyedSubscript:
  43. Forin Loops • Loop over the contents of a collection

    • Foundation Framework collections NSArray NSDictionary • Any implementation of the NSFastEnumeration Protocol • Any Subclass of NSEnumerator
  44. Forin Loops Example NSArray *array = @[@1, @2, @3, @4,

    @5]; for (NSNumber *num in array) { NSLog(@"%@", num); } for (id num in [array reverseObjectEnumerator]) { NSLog(@"%@", num); }
  45. Objective-C Blocks • Functions you can declare within functions •

    Can close-over variables for later use • Can pass block functions around like data
  46. Block Syntax • Similar to C Function Pointer Syntax return_type

    (^name)(parameter types) = ! ^(parameter list) { ! ! // do stuff ! }; return_type (^name)() = ^{ ! ! // do stuff ! ! // takes no parameters ! };
  47. Block Example int multiplier = 5; int (^mult)(int) = ^(int

    num){ return num * multiplier; }; int num = mult(5); // num = 25 __block int number = 0; void (^increment)() = ^{ number++; }; increment(); // number = 1 increment(); // number = 2 The block itself has read access to variables defined in the lexical scope at the creation of the block. The block can close over outside variables and modify their values by declaring the variable with the __block modifier.
  48. Type-Safe Enums • Enums that you can declare the type

    they enumerate over • int, char, unsigned char, NSUInteger, ... • Syntax similar to Object Subclassing typedef enum MyEnum : NSUInteger { A, B, C } MyEnum; enum MyUnsignedCharEnum : unsigned char { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD }; typedef enum MyUnsignedCharEnum MyUnsignedCharEnum; typedef enum : NSUInteger { ONE, TWO, THREE } AnotherEnum;
  49. Referencing Counting • Nearly-Manual Memory Management • Objects have a

    counter showing how many references are using them • Retain Objects when you receive them [object retain]; • Release Objects when you’re done using them [object release]; • Objects deallocate themselves when their retain count reaches 0
  50. Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) • Almost Compile Time Garbage Collection

    • Retain and Release messages are added at compile time by the compiler • ARC manages when to do this for you • strong variables are Retained when assigned • weak variables are not Retained on assignment and are zeroed out when deallocated
  51. Retain Cycle • Two Objects Reference Each Other • Their

    retain counts can never reach 0 • Set one of the references to weak to prevent one of the objects from retaining the other and causing a cycle
  52. Useful References • Programming with Objective-C http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/cocoa/conceptual/ ProgrammingWithObjectiveC/Introduction/Introduction.html http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ ProgrammingWithObjectiveC/ProgrammingWithObjectiveC.pdf

    • Objective-C Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference http://cdn5.raywenderlich.com/downloads/RW-Objective-C-Cheatsheet-v1_2.pdf • Coding Guidelines for Cocoa http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CodingGuidelines/ CodingGuidelines.html http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CodingGuidelines/ CodingGuidelines.pdf • Ry’s Objective-C Tutorial http://rypress.com/tutorials/objective-c/index.html