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DevOops Stories in AWS (San Francisco, June 2024)

DevOops Stories in AWS (San Francisco, June 2024)

Slides for the DevOops Meetup, San Francisco, June 22nd

Anca Ghenade

June 25, 2024

More Decks by Anca Ghenade

Other Decks in Programming


  1. AWS DevOops stories and how to become more confident with

    the cloud - Anca Ghenade - anca.ghenade@localstack.cloud @tinyg210 localstack.cloud
  2. • Setting up an AWS developer sandbox. https://www.keepsecure.ca/blog/no-san dbox-needed-cloud/ •

    You might only be granted access to certain services or have to share accounts. https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comment s/1bz5ti6/aws_account_per_developer_ or_qa/ Special environments Will you get it right?
  3. Failure to Set Up Backups and Snapshots • Not regularly

    backing up critical data or creating snapshots of instances. • Data loss and inability to recover quickly from failures.
  4. Misconfigured S3 Bucket Permissions • Leaving S3 buckets public when

    they should be private. • Data breaches, unauthorized access, and potential compliance violations.
  5. Committing your API key/credentials to a public repo • Potential

    data breaches, unauthorized usage, and even account takeover.
  6. • Use a pre-commit hook. • Use .gitignore files to

    exclude files containing sensitive information from being tracked by Git. • Use AWS Secrets Manager. • Use environment variables.
  7. Choosing the wrong resources • You need to combine: ◦

    business requirements ◦ budget ◦ maintainability • Learning curve and keeping up with updates. https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/11bh5ml/ho w_to_decide_the_right_aws_service_and/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/oe2don/a_st oryi_did_a_mistake_in_our_aws_account_that/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/nlgvbz/some one_accidentally_provisioned_a_gigantic_ec2/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/cifi2c/am_i_ using_aws_wrong_or_is_it_really/
  8. And a few more no-nos • Insufficient IAM Policy Restrictions

    - Using overly permissive IAM policies, such as using * for actions and resources. • Lack of Proper Security Group Configurations -Opening unnecessary ports. • Improper Configuration of Auto Scaling Groups - Incorrectly configuring scaling policies, resulting in over-provisioning or under-provisioning → Increased costs or degraded application performance.
  9. What can you do • Follow the principle of least

    privilege. • Implement regular backup policies using AWS Backup or custom scripts. • Thoroughly test scaling policies. • Use https://github.com/rebuy-de/aws-nuke. • Use LocalStack - increased parity, test IaC, comprehensive service integration.