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Seminar "Akamai DNS: Providing Authoritative An...

Seminar "Akamai DNS: Providing Authoritative Answers to the World’s Queries"

Presentation of the paper "Akamai DNS: Providing Authoritative Answers to the World’s Queries", presented at the Networking seminar at DCC/UFMG 2021/01.

Presentation (PT-BR): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e5gTxnr-m8
Original paper: https://www.akamai.com/it/it/multimedia/documents/technical-publication/akamai-dns-providing-authoritative-answers-to-the-worlds-queries.pdf

Lucas Bleme

July 12, 2021

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  1. Authors Kyle Schomp, Onkar Bhardwaj, Eymen Kurdoglu, Mashooq Muhaimen and

    Ramesh K. Sitaraman SIGCOMM '20 - Annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication
  2. Problem: Akamai DNS Recursive resolver DNS Root nameserver DNS TLD

    nameserver Authoritative Nameserver mywebsite.com
  3. • High Available network (24/7) • Resilient authoritative DNS •

    Scalable DNS queries: serving 15-20% of all web traffic • Reconfigurable network Erik Nygren, Ramesh K Sitaraman, and Jennifer Sun. 2010. The Akamai Network: A Platform for High-Performance Internet Applications. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 44, 3 (2010), 2–19. Problem: Akamai DNS
  4. Anycast prefixes (A B C D E F G …)

    from different PoPs A E F B C G F B A D C E D A B G F A Point of Presence
  5. ex1.com delegated to A B C D E F A

    E F B C G F B A D C E D A B G F A Point of Presence
  6. ex1.com can be still resolved by F A E F

    B C G F B A D C E D A B G F A Point of Presence
  7. • Traffic shift for single machine failures withdrawing IP anycast

    • Monitoring agents with limited server suspension permissions to prevent broad outages Anycast resiliency
  8. • Uses input-delayed nameservers to prevent input-induced failures • Answer

    DNS queries with intentionally stale data ensuring that Akamai DNS remains available • Higher Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) values prevent input-delayed NS to respond stale data Anycast resiliency
  9. • No PoP supports more than 2 anycast cloud •

    Query scoring and prioritized processing • Overprovision bandwidth to avoid saturated links during volumetric attacks Attack resiliency
  10. Related Work Matt Calder, Ashley Flavel, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Ratul Mahajan

    and Jitendra Padhye. Analyzing the Performance of an Anycast CDN. IMC '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Internet Measurement Conference. Sebastian Castro, Duane Wessels, Marina Fomenkov, and Kimberly Claffy. A Day at the Root of the Internet, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 38, 5 (2008), 41–46. Erik Nygren, Ramesh K Sitaraman, and Jennifer Sun. 2010. The Akamai Network: A Platform for High-Performance Internet Applications. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 44, 3 (2010), 2–19.
  11. Final Evaluation Guiding design principles through experiments lead to a

    robust authoritative DNS system. Avoiding single points of failure, using automated mitigation strategies and continuing to operate in a degraded state instead of stopping operating at all are the key design principles that allowed such a resilient and high available DNS system.