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ES6 Uncensored

Angus Croll
November 08, 2013

ES6 Uncensored

Full Frontal Conference, Brighton, UK
Nov 8th 2013

Angus Croll

November 08, 2013

More Decks by Angus Croll

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  1. And on the 6th day, God created an abundance of

    Talking Animals, that they may be used in JavaScript inheritance examples.
  2. function fibonacci(size) { var first = 0, second = 1,

    next, count = 2; var result = [first, second]; if(size < 2) return "the request was made but it was not good" while(count++ < size) { next = first + second; first = second; second = next; result.push(next); } return result; }
  3. /*...the only numbers for me are the mad ones, take

    forty-three like a steam engine with a talky caboose at the end*/ n = 43, /*and that lanky fellow in a cocked fedora*/ r = 1 /*then back to our number, our mad number, mad to become one*/ while (n > 1) /*mad to descend*/ n--, /*mad to multiply*/ r = r * n /*and at the end, you see the blue center-light pop, and everybody goes 1.4050061177528801e+51...*/ r
  4. destructuring //es5 var temp = a; a = b; b

    = temp; //es6 [a, b] = [b, a]
  5. //es5 var sum = function(/* numbers */) { var asArray

    = [].slice.call(numbers); return asArray.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); }
  6. //es5 (efficient but type issues) function unique(arr) { var r

    = {}; arr.forEach(function(e){ r[e] = 1; }); return Object.keys(r); }
  7. //es5 (works for all types bad ordering) function unique(arr) {

    var r = []; arr.forEach(function(e, i){ arr.indexOf(e, i+1) > -1 || r.push(e); }); return r; }
  8. //es5 function fibonacci(size) { var a = 0, b =

    1; var next, x = 2, result = [a, b]; while(x++ < size) { next = a + b; a = b; b = next; result.push(next); } return result; }
  9. //es6 function fibonacci(size) { var a = 0, b =

    1, x = 2, r=[a, b]; while(x++ < size) { [a, b] = [b, a+b]; r.push(b); } return r } destructuring
  10. //es6 with generators function fibonacci(){ var a = 1, b

    = 1; while (true) { [a, b] = [b, a+b]; yield b; } } var generator = fibonacci(); generator.next(); //1 generator.next(); //2 destructuring generators
  11. //es5 function factorial(n){ var r = Math.sqrt(Math.PI) * Math.pow(n/Math.E,n); r

    *= Math.pow(Math.pow(4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; }
  12. //es5 + with function factorial(n){ with(Math) { var r =

    sqrt(PI)*pow(n/E,n); r *= pow(8*pow(n, 3) + 4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; } }
  13. //es6 function factorial(n) { var {sqrt, PI, pow, E} =

    Math; var r = sqrt(PI)*pow(n/E,n); r *= pow(8*pow(n, 3) + 4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; } destructuring
  14. //es5 var idGenerator = function(id) { id || (id =

    0); return function() { return id++; } } var nextFrom1000 = idGenerator(1000); nextFrom1000(); //1000 nextFrom1000(); //1001
  15. //es6 let idGenerator= (id=0)=> ()=> id++; let nextFrom1000 = idGenerator(1000);

    nextFrom1000(); //1000 nextFrom1000(); //1001 defaults arrow function
  16. //es5 var idGenerator = function(id) { id || (id =

    0); function resetId() { return id = 0; } function nextId() { return id++; } return { nextId: nextId, resetId: resetId }; }
  17. //es6 let idGenerator=(id=0)=> (resetId = ()=> id=0, nextId = ()=>

    id++, {resetId, nextId}); defaults arrow function literal shorthand
  18. //es5 function echoABC(options) { options || (options = {}); console.log(

    options.a || 3, options.b || 4, options.c || 5); }
  19. //es5 var arr = [1, 2, 3]; //last item arr[-1];

    //@#$%$#@ arr[arr.length - 1]; //3
  20. //es6 function makeSmartArray(arr) { return Proxy( arr, {get: function(p,x) {

    if (Number(x) < 0) { return p[p.length + Number(x)]; } return p[x]; }} ); } proxies
  21. //es5 NullSafe function //tobyho.com/2010/11/30/two-strategies-for-avoiding function NullSafe(obj){ function NullSafe(obj){ this.obj =

    obj } Wrapper = NullSafe var proto = Wrapper.prototype proto.call = proto.$ = function(){ var name = arguments[0] var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) var obj = null if (this.obj){ var func = this.obj[name] if (this.obj && func){ obj = func.apply(this.obj, args) } } return new Wrapper(obj) } proto.get = proto._ = function(){ var curr = this.obj for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ if (curr != null){ curr = curr[arguments[i]] } } return new Wrapper(curr) } proto.val = function(){ return this.obj } proto.toString = function(){ return String(this.obj) } return new Wrapper(obj || this) }
  22. //es6 nullProxy var Obj = Function(); var nullProxy = Proxy(

    {toString: () => 'nullProxy'}, { get: (t,p) => t[p] || new Obj() } ); Obj.prototype = nullProxy; proxies