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Build your business on top of Open Source

Build your business on top of Open Source

Open Source can be a great foundation for building a business. That being said, keeping the balance between community building and commercial activities can be tricky. In this talk I want to share my experience and practical tips, which can help you leverage OS and boost your business, while meeting fantastic people and learning a lot in the process.

Antonio Peric-Mazar

September 11, 2017

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  1. Antonio Perić-Mažar, mag. ing. comp. CEO, Co-Founder @ Locastic Co-Founder

    @ Shi# Conference So#ware developer, Symfony2 Open Source Contributor SFUGCRO www.locastic.com antonio@locastic.com @antonioperic
  2. We help clients create amazing web and mobile apps (since

    2011) www.locastic.com @Locastic Design and development agency Mobile development Web development UX/UI Training and Consulting Shi! Conference, Symfony Croatia
  3. Source code made available with a license in which the

    copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the so!ware to anyone and for any purpose Open-source so!ware may be developed in a collaborative public manner
  4. Abiliam, Acquia, Ant Systems, Appnovation, Appsembler, Ardent Technologies, Inc., Bareos

    GmbH & Co. KG, Black Duck So!ware, Capital One, Chamilio, Chef, CloudFoundry Corp, Confer, Coolan, Couchbase, Credativ, DEIS/Engineyard, Eclipse Foundation, EnterpriseDB, Evlolverum, Grid Protection Alliance, Hewlett Packard, InfoSys, JFrog, Linux Foundatiuon, MARSEC, Microso!, MASSTLC, Miracl, nexB, NGDIX, North Brdige, Open Clinic, Opmantek, OpusVL, Penthao, Red Hat, The Apache So!ware foundation, The Document Foundation, Ubuntu, Univention, VoltDB, Wikibon, WIPRO, WP Engine …
  5. 55% 65% leverage OSS for production infrastructure leverage OSS to

    speed application development More than More than
  6. 55% 67% 34% of companies are actively contributing to open

    source projects of companies actively encourage developers to engage in & contribute to opensource projects of companies have over half of their developers contributing to multiple open source projects
  7. 67% 65% to fix bugs or add functionality to gain

    competitive edge Companies choose to participate in Open Source
  8. 1 2 3 Faster, more agile development Accelerated time to

    market Vasly superior interoperability
  9. $387-billion Barry Boehm's widely accepted COnstructive COst MOdel (COCOMO), an

    algorithmic So!ware Cost Estimation Model that relates so!ware development effort for a program, in person-years, to source lines of code (SLOC)
  10. 2.1 million people-years of development Barry Boehm's widely accepted COnstructive

    COst MOdel (COCOMO), an algorithmic So!ware Cost Estimation Model that relates so!ware development effort for a program, in person-years, to source lines of code (SLOC)
  11. How open source can help you Barry Boehm's widely accepted

    COnstructive COst MOdel (COCOMO), an algorithmic So!ware Cost Estimation Model that relates so!ware development effort for a program, in person-years, to source lines of code (SLOC)
  12. Open source makes it cheaper to build things Open source

    make it faster to build things Open source makes it faster to scale
  13. Is product ready for production? When it will be ready?

    Can you maintain it? Will it save you some time and money?
  14. Your code will be reviewed by best developers Your code

    will be reviewed for free They will probably tell some nasty words about your “amazing code” You will get consulting for free
  15. You need time and budget It is good thing to

    do It is hard to do it while you are doing project for clients
  16. You will meet a lot of smart and cool people

    You will get some new partners You will learn a lot about communities and how they work
  17. Reporting issues is also contributing Talking at some events is

    also contributing Doing any kind activity to promote some project is contributing
  18. Higher visibility Invitations to events and conferences We are known

    as Symfony and Sylius experts New clients, new business opportunities
  19. Start small Do some testing, report issues Do your libraries

    as Open source Go to conferences Speak at conferences
  20. Locastic HQ - Lovački Put 7, Split MEETUP #4 SYMFONY

    CORE TEAM DEVELOPER (US) Tuesday, 05/09/2017 at 19.00h It is Symfony Flex time! Ryan Weaver
  21. QA