When you create a mobile application, you ask yourself many questions all along the project.
We picked 10 of them, and made our best to answer them. They range from conception to operation, including design and development.
and understandable gives control to your user. He won’t get lost nor frustrated. You answer in a simple way to his questions. Can a user point out quickly all actions on the screens ? 1
screens around you and do small testing Tip 2: tag precisely your app to get useful analytics Tip 3: products like Heatmaps could be useful Can a user point out quickly all actions on the screens ? 1
packed: consistent and finite product • He can understand what the app does, he will come back for that Can users understand the main functionality of my app by looking at the main screen? 2
use known organization • take some time to choose the right words and pictograms Can users understand the main functionality of my app by looking at the main screen? 2
test applications, if it does not do what they want, they choose another one Does 9 out of 10 people can complete a given task on their first shot? Source: Etude Surikate Android 2012 3
Divide the hardest tasks • Care about transitions • Use classical actions • Give feedback Does 9 out of 10 people can complete a given task on their first shot? 3
thing a user sees on the appstore • The icon is not so much about how he can find it easily on his springboard but will he go further and download your app on the appstore? Can 7 people out of 10 find what service is behind my app ? 4
Show your brand logo if the app refers to the service your company is identified for • Illustrate what your app does And test it in situation! Can 7 people out of 10 find what service is behind my app ? 4
around you! Tip 2: do an opinion poll on your Twitter account for instance. Ask your followers to choose between 4 icons of your choice, that is a great way to get feedback. Can 7 people out of 10 find what service is behind my app ? 4
Make sure assets are optimized (size and compression) • Be sure the code is cleaned at each update • The user must know if the important size is worth it Does the significant size of my app is justified for the user? 5
• In general, you should have 4 requests maximum: 1 for the data, 1 or 2 for the analytics and eventually 1 for ads Do I know my app data consumption? 6
user is lost, you will lose him • Critical for registering and signing in (actually every action including typing) When an error occurs, do users know where it comes from and what to do? 7
Your app only has a generic error message • Error messages are not understandable for regular humans When an error occurs, do users know where it comes from and what to do? 7
Inform user whether it is a technical, data or personal problem • Users must know what to do When an error occurs, do users know where it comes from and what to do? 7
conditions: • by people who do not know the project • not in an office with perfect conditions When an error occurs, do users know where it comes from and what to do? 7
download an app without looking at almost one screenshot • You have an opportunity to make them feel confident Did I spent some time to work on my app screenshots? 8 Source: Etude Surikate Android 2012 et iOS 2011
Screenshots must show the main features • You have space to add comforting messages such as «Compatible with the iPhone 5» • iOS: This is the very beginning of the experience, this is a place for a tutorial. Tell a story. • Android: we usually find simple screenshots. There is no clear reason. 8 Did I spent some time to work on my app screenshots?
always bugs, some users take some time to report them. You should be grateful. • You can not be completely right the first time. Users will give you the better feedback to improve. Do I care about users feedback? If I care, do they know it? 9
Think you and only you can take the best decisions for the app • Let the same bugs being reported at each update Do I care about users feedback? If I care, do they know it? 9
Listen and take notes • Use the changelog, description and/or screenshots to give feedback Do I care about users feedback? If I care, do they know it? 9
devices change, your app should as well • The faster you fix it, the better service you deliver Have I tested my application less than 3 days after the last OS release? 10
Lots of things • Your application could be completely or partially unuseful after a major release • Your users are up to date, they want you to be too Have I tested my application less than 3 days after the last OS release? 10
You must know when a release (OS or major device) will be done • Your team must be reactive and release a new version in the days after Have I tested my application less than 3 days after the last OS release? 10
all actions on the screens ? The main page: Can users understand the main functionality of my app by looking at the main screen? Feature testing: Can 9 out of 10 people complete a given task on their first shot? The icon: Can 7 people out of 10 find what service is behind my app ? App size: Is the significant size of my app justified for the user? Network communication optimization: Do I know my app data consumption? Error messages: When an error occurs, do users know where it comes from and what to do? Appstore screenshots: Did I spent some time to work on my app screenshots? Users feedback: Do I care about users feedback? If I care, do they know it? OS updates and new devices: Have I tested my application less than 3 days after the last OS release?