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Heisei Min Std

May 21, 2013

Heisei Min Std

Heisei Min Std


May 21, 2013

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  1. ฏ੒໌ேମ ฏ੒֯ΰγοΫମ ฏ੒ؙΰγοΫମ "EPCFš5ZQF-JCSBSZ ฏ੒ॻମ͸೔ຊͷ਺ଟ͘ͷϓϦϯλʔ ɾ ࣄ຿ػثϝʔΧʔ͕࠾༻͖ͯͨ͠ඪ४ॻମͰ͢ɻ ฏ੒ॻମʹ͸໌ேମɺ ֯ΰγοΫମɺ ؙΰγοΫମͷϑΝϛϦʔ͕͋Γ·͢ɻ

    ͦΕͧΕʹɺ ෳ਺ͷଠ͞ͷόϦΤʔγϣϯ͕༻ҙ͞Ε͓ͯΓɺ ͞·͟·ͳ༻్ʹରԠ͠ ·͢ɻ ฏ੒ॻମ͸ࡒஂ๏ਓ೔ຊن֨ڠձΛத৺ʹ੍࡞άϧʔϓ͕ڞಉ։ൃͨ͠΋ͷͰ͢ɻ  ΞυϏλΠϓϥΠϒϥϦʔ  The Heisei typefaces have been adopted as standard fonts by many leading printer and business machine manufacturers in Japan. The Heisei typefaces are composed of the Heisei Mincho, Heisei Kaku Gothic, and Heisei Maru Gothic families. Each family has multiple weights to serve different typographic purposes. The Heisei typefaces were developed by a group of developers formed by the Japanese Standards Association. TM TM TM
  2. ฏ੒ؙΰγοΫ Heisei Maru Gothic  ΞυϏγεςϜζגࣜձࣾ ˟ ౦ژ౎඼઒۠େ࡚  ήʔτγςΟେ࡚Πʔετλϫʔ

    XXXBEPCFDPKQ "EPCF4ZTUFNT*ODPSQPSBUFE 1BSL"WFOVF 4BO+PTF $BMJGPSOJB64" XXXBEPCFDPN © 2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Kozuka Mincho, Kozuka Gothic, Minion, Myriad and InDesign are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. OpenType is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. The Heisei typefaces were developed by a group of developers formed by the Japanese Standards Association, and Heisei Mincho, Heisei Kaku Gothic, Heisei Maru Gothic are trademarks of the developers including Adobe Systems Incorporated. "EPCFɺ "EPCF ϩΰɺ খ௩໌ேɺ খ௩ΰγοΫɺ .JOJPOɺ .ZSJBE ͓Αͼ *O%FTJHO ͸ "EPCF4ZTUFNT*ODPSQPSBUFEʢΞυϏγεςϜζࣾʣ ͷถࠃ͓Αͼʗ·ͨ͸ͦͷଞ ͷࠃʹ͓͚Δొ࿥঎ඪ·ͨ͸঎ඪͰ͢ɻ0QFO5ZQF ͸ .JDSPTPGU$PSQPSBUJPO ͷถࠃ͓Αͼʗ·ͨ͸ͦͷଞͷࠃʹ͓͚Δొ࿥঎ඪͰ͢ɻฏ੒ॻମ͸ࡒஂ๏ਓ೔ຊن ֨ڠձΛத৺ʹ੍࡞άϧʔϓ͕ڞಉ։ൃͨ͠΋ͷͰ͋Γɺ ฏ੒໌ேମɺ ฏ੒֯ΰγοΫମɺ ฏ੒ؙΰγοΫମ͸ɺ "EPCF4ZTUFNT*ODPSQPSBUFEʢΞυϏγεςϜζࣾʣ ΛؚΉͦͷϝϯόʔͷ঎ඪͰ͢ɻ આ໌จʹ͸খ௩ΰγοΫ5. Λ༻͍·ͨ͠ɻ ӳจςΩετʹ͸"EPCF.ZSJBE1SPॻମΛ༻͍·ͨ͠ɻ ࿨จͷ૊ݟຊ͸ɺ "EPCF*O%FTJHOš೔ຊޠ൛Λ༻͍ͯ૊൛͠ɺ ಛผͳࣈؒௐ੔Λͤͣɺ ϕλͰ૊ΜͰ͍·͢ɻ The Japanese explanatory text is set in Kozuka Gothic. TM The English text is set in Adobe MyriadTM Pro. The Japanese specimen text is composed with Adobe InDesignTM Japanese Edition, and set solid without special spacing adjustments.  ݴ༿Λ఻͑Δจࣈͱॻ෺ͷඒ͍࢟͠ ݴ༿Λ఻͑Δจࣈͱॻ෺ͷඒ͍࢟͠ ฏ੒ؙΰγοΫମ 8QU ฏ੒ؙΰγοΫମ 8QU 08/08/01