you’ve been using a Mac for a while, you know that an alias is a tiny file that points to—and acts as—another. For example, an alias on your desktop might provide quick access to a file buried in your user folder. As a Unix-based operating system, OS X also supports symbolic links (also variously known as symlinks and soft links), which are essentially Unix’s version of aliases. You should understand how they differ and how to create both. In short, an alias acts as an enduring reference to an item such as a file, a folder, or a volume. If you move the target item, the alias will still point to it. If you rename the target item, the alias will still point to it. OS X “remem- bers” the original file. In contrast, a Unix symlink acts as a reference to a particular location. (A symlink is a text file containing the path to that particular location.) When the OS opens a symlink, it reads the file path named in the text file and opens the file at that path. If you move the target item, the symlink will no longer work. If you replace the target item with another one with the same name, the symlink will point to that new item. Most OS X apps are built to work with aliases. But if an app isn’t a native Mac app, it may see an alias as nothing more than a useless little file. On the other hand, any app can work with symbolic links: As far as the app is con- cerned, a symlink is its target file. And if you want to replace the original file with a different version, a symlink will still work, whereas an alias won’t. One app that treats aliases and symbolic links differently is Dropbox. If you put an alias to your personal Library folder (your username/Library) in your Dropbox folder, the service will treat it as a document and sync just the alias file. If instead you put a symlink to that Library folder in your Dropbox folder, the service will treat that symlink as your actual Library and thus sync the entire folder across your computers. Now let’s look at how to create aliases and symbolic links. Create an Alias Select the file in the Finder, and choose File > Make Alias (or press <Command>-L, or right-click or <Control>-click the file and select Make Alias from the contextual menu). Create a Symbolic Link Creating a symbolic link is as easy as opening Terminal and typing the following: ln -s /path/to/original/file/filename /path/to/link/link name Let’s say that you have a file named testfile.txt located in your Documents folder, and you want to put a symlink to that file on your desktop. To do so, type: