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Mitigating Open-source Software Supply Chain At...

Mitigating Open-source Software Supply Chain Attacks

Talk "Mitigating Open-source Software Supply Chain Attacks" presented at PackagingCon 2021.

Ashish Bijlani

November 10, 2021

More Decks by Ashish Bijlani

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  1. The state of open-source software • De-facto standard way of

    developing digital products/services • Open source software makes up at least 70% of all software ◦ Source: 2020 Synopsys report “Software is eating the world” - Marc andreessen, 2011 “Open-source software is eating the world” - Everybody, 2021
  2. Open-source software distribution: packages • Code is “packaged” and published

    on Package Managers ◦ Example, PyPi hosts over 300K Python packages • Code is “sourced” from Package Managers by installing ◦ Example, pip3 install dateutils # Packages
  3. In open-source software, we trust • Anybody can publish packages

    ◦ Individual developers, groups, and companies • Software we use on our servers, laptops, phones, coffee makers, baby monitors, <add your favorite digital device here> is written by unknown volunteers ◦ Which we blindly TRUST?
  4. Bad actors capitalize on our trust by exploiting weakness in

    the code we source AS WELL AS the way we source it
  5. Security weaknesses in the code (a.k.a. vulnerabilities) • Are programming

    bugs introduced accidentally, ◦ Example, buffer overflow (due to missing bound checks) • Pose indirect threats ◦ Need an exploit to trigger the buggy code ◦ May not always have a high impact • Can be fixed by upgrading to the latest version/release
  6. Security weaknesses in the distribution/sourcing process • Anybody can publish

    their packages using their credentials • No checks or code vetting • Packages are searched and installed using names ◦ Package Managers (e.g., PyPi, NPM) do not show source code • Bad actors exploit new attack vectors to propagate malware 7
  7. Case study: mitmproxy2 - Typosquatting attack - Impersonates “mitmproxy” -

    Exploits name typo during installation or dev inexperience - Removes safeguards: everyone on the same network can execute code on your machine with a single HTTP request
  8. Case study: rest-client RubyGems package (100M+ downloads) Under production environment,

    it downloads malicious payload via patebin.com and executes via eval, which installs a Remote-Code-Execution (RCE) backdoor on web servers
  9. Unlike vulnerabilities, malware is • Intentionally harmful code (NOT accidental

    programming bug), ◦ Example, backdoor installed to steal sensitive data • Poses direct and dangerous threats ◦ Doesn’t need an exploit - itself is an exploit (e.g., triggered on installation) ◦ Is obfuscated to avoid detection ◦ Hidden in popular packages for wider reach ◦ Evasive - may only trigger under narrow conditions (e.g. production) • Can only be fixed by yanking malicious package/dependency version
  10. Can we improve the sourcing process? • Today, package stability/maturity/popularity/reputation/safety

    is inferred from ◦ Number of GitHub stars/forks, ◦ Number of open issues on GitHub, ◦ Number of downloads ◦ Project documentation/website, ◦ Number of recent code commits, ◦ Number of tests cases ◦ Backing companies (e.g., FB, Uber) • BUT, ◦ Stars/forks/downloads are attacker-controlled ◦ Impersonated projects have the same website/documentation/tests/commits ◦ Should we look at the package code and hundreds of dependencies?
  11. About me Ashish Bijlani, Ph.D. Research Scientist, Ossillate, Inc. -

    Graduated Dec’20, Georgia Tech - Cybersecurity/Systems research - Creator of ExtFUSE file system - eBPF + FUSE = Much faster FUSE - Created a 32-bit x86 OS (Capital) that boots from a 5.25” floppy disk
  12. Our work • Started as a research project at Georgia

    Tech in 2019 ◦ Downloaded and analyzed over 1.3M NPM+PyPi+RubyGems packages (60TB) ◦ Detected 339 previously unknown malware (82% confirmed, 3 CVEs, many over a year old) ◦ Details in academic paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.01139.pdf • Funded by NSF to continue development • Continuous scanning of packages ◦ PyPi supported (more coming soon!)
  13. Our technology - Deep static analysis (Abstract Syntax Tree construction

    + API analysis) - Dynamic analysis (API monitoring during installation) - Metadata analysis (millions of data points)
  14. Our recent findings (malicious PyPi packages) - https://pypi.org/project/dandh811/ - https://pypi.org/project/KrisQian/

    - https://pypi.org/project/dpp-client - https://pypi.org/project/defal96863 - https://pypi.org/project/idodaniel/ - and more...
  15. Findings: malware 1 - Homepage redirects to billibilli.com - Setup.py

    downloads and executes a script with hidden output - Payload execution code is present for Windows and Linux. Commented for Darwin. MALWARE
  16. Findings: malware 1 -invalid email, -homepage redirects to injection.vip -

    setup.py script downloads and spawns a python file (the download server is unreachable now) - comment mentions for security testing only, but the payload is unavailable MALWARE
  17. Announcing three FREE tools for developers (in BETA) • Smart

    assistant for sourcing open-source software packages ◦ Package explorer - web app at https://ossillate.com ◦ Command Line - PyPi package (releasing later today!) ◦ GitHub Actions Plugin (coming soon!) • Flag packages that are: ◦ Malicious (malware), ◦ Suspicious (potentially malicious), ◦ Vulnerable (containing CVEs), ◦ Undesirable (possessing unwanted attributes) • Supported Package Managers ◦ PyPi, more coming soon!
  18. Thank you! Visit us at ossillate.com Write to us: hello@ossillate.com

    Get in touch with us on Slack https://join.slack.com/t/ossillatecommunity/ shared_invite/zt-yfezeo6u- Fb5iBqODh2UJT1i8LmAjMQ