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Flemons_Crowdsourcing the digitisation of biodi...

Flemons_Crowdsourcing the digitisation of biodiversity data

Atlas of Living Australia

August 05, 2013

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  1. The ALA Biodiversity Volunteer Portal development team Dave Martin –

    Software Architect Mark Woolston - GUI Content and Admin Australian Museum Rhiannon Stephens – content Michael Elliott – data import John Tann – data cleaning workflow Marsha Canning – volunteer moderator ANIC Beth Mantle, Nicole Fisher Museum Victoria Joe Coleman Smithsonian staff New York Botanic Gardens Staff Finnish Natural History Museum Staff , David Baird - developer Nick DosRemedios – developer, admin Dena Paris - GUI Software Development
  2. "Crowdsourcing is a type of participative online activity in which

    an individual, an institution, a non-profit organization, or company proposes to a group of individuals of varying knowledge, heterogeneity, and number, via a flexible open call, the voluntary undertaking of a task. The undertaking of the task, of variable complexity and modularity, and in which the crowd should participate bringing their work, money, knowledge and/or experience, always entails mutual benefit. The user will receive the satisfaction of a given type of need, be it economic, social recognition, self-esteem, or the development of individual skills, while the crowdsourcer will obtain and utilize to their advantage that what the user has brought to the venture, whose form will depend on the type of activity undertaken" Crowdsourcing – a loooong definition
  3. #alass13#crowdsourcing #snomelf says forget gangnam style gamification online volunteers at

    http://volunteer.ala.org.au want authentification Tweeters
  4. How volunteers are contributing? 1. Data capture 2. Data quality

    checking 3. Moderators Online Volunteers
  5. Why the BVP is unique as a crowdsourcing platform 3

    Levels of Use: Transcriber level – capturing data Validator – quality assurance Admin: Distributed Expedition Creation and management Biodiversity Volunteer Portal
  6. Creating an Expedition: What you need: Admin – Expedition Creation

    Australian Museum Stiletto Flies Expedition Therevidae are a family of flies commonly known as Stiletto Flies. The family contains more than 1,600 described species. They are diverse in arid and semi-arid regions with sandy soils. The larvae are predators of insect larvae in soil. http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/ppd/lucid/therevidae/austherevid/key/austherevid/media/ht ml/opening_page.html
  7. Steps in Creating an Expedition: 1. Upload descriptive text and

    image 2. Link to tutorial 3. Choose template 4. Create upload file 5. Load images into expedition Admin – Expedition Creation
  8. New Species Records and Images for the ALA A number

    of the records captured through the BVP represent the only records in the ALA for species and many represent the only images for species in the ALA.
  9. Who is using the BVP? National Institutions Australian Museum Australian

    National Insect Collection Museum Victoria Non-institutional EcOcean (Whale Sharks) FungiMap
  10. Who is using the BVP? International Institutions Smithsonian MNH Finnish

    Museum of Natural History New York Botanic Gardens Berlin Museum Natural History Non-institutional Papua New Guinea Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program
  11. Select Symbol Image Class (Key) Order (Key) Sub-Order (Keys for

    each Order) Family (Keys for each Orders) Genus (Keys for each Family) Count Body Wings Legs Colour Insecta Coleoptera unknown unknown unknown 1 2 cm Thorax divided from abdomen unknown unknown Black Insecta Diptera unknown unknown unknown 4 3cm, long hairs: 3mm 2cm, clear with brown pattern Thin,long, 3cm Metallic green Insecta Coleoptera unknown 3 Insecta Diptera unknown 1 unknown unknown unknown 1 Add Species Scale mm’s • Group “like” insects • Tag • Extract image • Count Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Step 2: Build a website where volunteers capture the patterns Store in database
  12. For images similar to: Tags: Wasp Orange Four wings Six

    legs Black and orange Step 3: Build website tools for researchers to explore the images for new species, extensions of species distributions and the statistics for ecological patterns. abundance/diversity (by site) Insects = 64/18 Coleoptera (beetles) = 8/3 Hemiptera (bugs) = 12/2 Hymenoptera (ants/wasps)