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When does event fundraising end? Hint: it's not...

April 13, 2022

When does event fundraising end? Hint: it's not after counting the money

When does event fundraising end? Hint: it's not after counting the money, featuring Matt Hugg, Nonprofit Courses


April 13, 2022

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  1. When does the event end? Hint, it’s not after the

    money is counted. Featuring: Matt Hugg, NonProfit.Courses
  2. Agenda: After the event opportunities: • 9 Post event duties

    • Maximize the giving post-event • Permission to continue the conversation • Triage prospects • Time management, choosing which donors to pursue • What to do with non-interested parties?
  3. Your event is over! • Count the money • Turn

    off the lights • Go to bed… • Wake up & get started! • Started? • But it’s over! • No, its not.
  4. 9 Post Auction Duties 1. Distribute auction items 2. Report

    fundraising proceeds 3. Thank everyone 4. Donation matching 5. Encourage social media engagement 6. Bidders into benefactors 7. Organize next event 8. Save the date 9. Request feedback
  5. What you usually do… • Send thank you notes •

    Distribute any gifts or prizes • Schedule a debrief • Do any follow up needed • Make notes for next year’s program. • Confirm a timeline for next year’s event.
  6. Huh? What does that mean? To best follow up on

    your event, Prepare for who is attending the event. Know who is attending and plan your moves.
  7. Quiz! What’s a Move? What’s a Move? 1. The first

    dance at your gala? 2. Plan “B” when it’s starting to rain on your ‘Thon? 3. The Second Place runner’s attempt at winning? 4. The next step in your solicitation process?
  8. What’s a Move? Your event is a Move to lead

    to a more significant gift. Ask yourself: After the event, what’s the next move? (But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…)
  9. First, Check… Is the Attendee in your Database? Have they…

    • Had a relationship with staff or volunteer? • Donated regularly? • Made any gift besides the event? • Attended at least one year before?
  10. Already in your database? No • They were not in

    your database, but are related to an organization that is. • They attended as the invitation of someone you know, such as a volunteer. • You never saw or heard of them before.
  11. Why did they attend? They… • Love your mission. •

    Love someone who loves your mission. • Connected to org that loves your mission. • Want to see and be seen. • Are drawn to your activity or venue.
  12. Want to know more? Get the CIA Involved! Not that

    CIA! this CIA: • The capacity to make the gift. • The interest in your cause. • You need to have access to the donor.
  13. CIA already worked for your event. • The guest had

    the Capacity to get a ticket. • Someone had Interest to go to your event • The person who sold the ticket had Access to your attendee
  14. How do you get CIA to work after the event?

    • Build a relationship! • What are most successful relationships build on? • Common interests! (Your mission!)
  15. Start and Build your Relationship at the Event • Event

    Program & Materials • Testimonials from Mission Recipients • Staff & Volunteer Assignments
  16. Among C, I & A, start with I: Interest. Why?

    • If someone has millions and doesn’t care about you, you might get a “go away gift” and never hear from them again. • If someone has thousands and really cares about your mission, they will stretch for their own gift and enlist others to give, too!
  17. Fundraising isn’t about money. It’s about mission. • Money is

    only the fuel to make mission happen. • Therefore, how do you gauge the interest in your mission with your donor? • Start by asking questions.
  18. Do Background Research on Interest • Google: do they make

    charitable gifts to any other nonprofits? • Who got them to the event? Why did they attend? • Ask your board and volunteers… What do they know about this person? • Enlist a prospect research professional (https://www.aprahome.org/)
  19. Evaluate their capacity to make a gift • Important to

    ask for the right amount ◦ Too little: lose donor’s respect for cause ◦ Too much: absurd and may get nothing • Interest will drive amount ◦ If they love you, they’ll give more ◦ If they don’t, you get a token, if that • APRA Statement of Ethics • Prospect Research Institute
  20. Get Access • They came to your event, so someone,

    somehow, had access. • Find out who sold their ticket or otherwise has a connection.
  21. Now What? Use the Donor Cycle • Identify - done!

    • Engage - at the event! • Cultivate - this is your next step! • Solicit • Steward • (Re)Engage
  22. Welcome to Major Gift Fundraising • The above has transitioned

    you… • From Events • To Major Gifts
  23. Quiz! What is a Major Gift? • An amount, like

    a set number? • A percent, like the top 10% of your gifts? • An emotion, like when to have a party?
  24. Good News: Anyone can Raise Major Gifts! • The main

    obstacle? FEAR! • Of what? ◦ Social discomfort. Money. Begging! • Step away from your fears! ◦ Focus on Mission.
  25. Begging vs. Fundraising Begging = 121/4me • When you beg,

    ◦ you are asking on behalf of yourself. Fundraising = 121/41 • When you are fundraising, ◦ you ask on behalf of the people that your mission serves. See this Blog Post for More
  26. With 121/41, balances the donor relationship • As a fundraiser

    ◦ you bring the nonprofit’s program. • As a donor ◦ they bring their resources. • Your common interest? ◦ Those people who receive the benefit of your mission. (clients, students, patients, etc.) • Fundraising becomes a partnership
  27. Back to Moves Management… • What’s your next Move after

    the event? • Make a visit! • To ask? Maybe. • To “Cultivate” Probably.
  28. Contact Matt Hugg at: By email at: matthugg@nonprofitedu.com Or on

    LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthugg/ And of course, check out: https://nonprofit.courses