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Going Steady with Ruby

Going Steady with Ruby


May 22, 2014

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  1. (1..3).each do |i| puts i end # => 1 #

    => 2 # => 3 (1..3).each{ |i| puts i }
  2. (1..3).each do |i| puts i end # => 1 #

    => 2 # => 3 (1..3).each{ |i| puts i }
  3. file = File.new('credit_cards.txt', 'w') file.puts 'XXXX XXXX XXXX 5534' file.close

    File.new('credit_cards.txt', 'w') do |file| file.puts 'XXXX XXXX XXXX 5534' end Vs.
  4. p = proc{ |i| puts "proc #{i}" } p.call("hey!") #

    => proc hey! ! ! ! ! l = lambda{ |i| puts "lamb #{i}" } l.call('yo!') # => lamb yo!
  5. p = proc{ |i| puts "proc #{i}" } l =

    lambda{ |i| puts "lamb #{i}" } ! (1..3).each(&p) # => proc 1 # => proc 2 # => proc 3 ! (1..3).each(&l) # => lamb 1 # => lamb 2 # => lamb 3
  6. def do_something(a_p, b_l, &block) print a_p.call() print block.call() print b_l.call()

    end ! ! p = proc{ "I'm a " } l = lambda{ " and I'm ok!" } ! ! do_something(p, l){ "lumberjack" } # => I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok!
  7. p.class # => Proc p.inspect # => “#<Proc:0x0000010194d8b8@(irb):97>" ! !

    l.class # => Proc l.inspect # => "#<Proc:0x0000010190cd68@(irb):98 (lambda)>"
  8. p = proc{|i| puts i} p.call() # => nil !

    p.call(1) # => 1 ! p.call(1, 2, 3) # => 1
  9. l = lambda{|i| puts i} l.call() # ArgumentError: wrong number

    of arguments (0 for 1) ! l.call(1) # => 1 ! l.call(1, 2, 3) # ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 1)
  10. def proc_return p = proc{ return ‘Never ' } p.call

    'Always ' end ! ! def lambda_return l = lambda{ return 'eat your vegetables!'} l.call 'give up!' end ! ! "#{proc_return} #{lambda_return}"
  11. class Statistics def initialize(account) @account = account end ! def

    increment_counts(metric, by=1) case metric when :sent @account.increment_sent_count(by) when :viewed @account.increment_viewed_count(by) when :bounced @account.increment_bounced_count(by) end end end
  12. class Statistics def initialize(account) @account = account end ! def

    increment_counts(metric, by=1) method = "increment_#{metric}_count" @account.send(method, by) end end
  13. class Account # ... private def schedule_billing # ... end

    end ! class BillingRunner def initialize(account) @account end ! def run! # ... @account.send(:schedule_billing) # ... end end
  14. class Account # ... private def schedule_billing # ... end

    end ! class BillingRunner def initialize(account) @account end ! def run! # ... @account.send(:schedule_billing) # ... end end
  15. class User def admin! @role = :admin end ! def

    admin? @role == :admin end ! def client! @role = :client end ! def client? @role == :client end end
  16. class User ROLES = %i(admin client) ! ROLES.each do |role|

    define_method "#{role}?" do @role == role end ! define_method "#{role}!" do @role = role end end end
  17. class KeyValueStore def initialize(store={}) @store = store end ! def

    insert(key, value) @store[key] = value end end ! store = KeyValueStore.new store.respond_to?(:insert) # => true ! store.insert(:one, 1) ! m = store.method(:insert) m.call(:two, 2) ! store.instance_variable_get('@store') # => {one: 1, two: 2}
  18. class KeyValueStore def initialize(store={}) @store = store end ! def

    insert(key, value) @store[key] = value end end ! store = KeyValueStore.new store.respond_to?(:insert) # => true ! store.insert(:one, 1) ! m = store.method(:insert) m.call(:two, 2) ! store.instance_variable_get('@store') # => {one: 1, two: 2}
  19. class KeyValueStore # ... ! def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if

    @store.respond_to?(method_name) @store.send(method_name, *args, &block) else super end end ! def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private) @store.respond_to?(method_name) || super end end
  20. kv = KeyValueStore.new kv.insert(:three, 3) ! kv.respond_to?(:include?) # => true

    kv.include?(:three) # => true ! m = kv.method(:include?) m.call(:four) # => false ! kv.keys # => [:three] kv.values # => [3]
  21. module Mathematics class Plane # ... end end ! !

    module Airport class Plane # ... end end
  22. module TehForce def sense '... a disturbance in the force'

    end end ! class Person include TehForce # ... end ! p = Person.new p.sense # => "... a disturbance in the force"
  23. Person = Class.new() p = Person.new ! ! p.sense #

    NoMethodError: undefined method `sense' … ! ! p.extend TehForce p.sense # => "... a disturbance in the force"
  24. module UserDianostics def perform_diagnostics check_counts validate_dates find_orphans end ! #

    .... end ! user = User.find(some_id) user.extend UserDianostics user.perform_diagnostics
  25. module RepublicPersonnel def storm_trooper Person.new end end ! ! class

    CloningVat extend RepublicPersonnel end ! ! CloningVat.storm_trooper # => #<Person:0x0000010187c150>
  26. Person = Class.new() CloningVat = Class.new() ! ! CloningVat.storm_trooper #

    => NoMethodError: undefined method `storm_trooper' … ! ! CloningVat.extend RepublicPersonnel CloningVat.storm_trooper # => #<Person:0x0000010187c150>
  27. module SomeMixin module ClassMethods # ... end module InstanceMethods #

    ... end def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend ClassMethods receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods end end
  28. admin = Administrator.new admin.allowed_to_toggle_alarm? # => true admin.allowed_to_visit_facebook? # =>

    false ! lacky = Lacky.new lacky.allowed_to_be_seen? # => true lacky.allowed_to_be_heard? # => false lacky.allowed_to_make_eye_contact? # => false
  29. class Administrator include Permissions ! can :toggle_alarm end ! admin

    = Administrator.new admin.allowed_to_toggle_alarm? # => true admin.allowed_to_visit_facebook? # => false
  30. class Lacky include Permissions ! can :be_seen end ! lacky

    = Lacky.new lacky.allowed_to_be_seen? # => true lacky.allowed_to_be_heard? # => false
  31. module Permissions module ClassMethods def can(do_something) define_method "allowed_to_#{do_something}?" do true

    end end end ! module InstanceMethods def method_missing(*args, &block) method_name = args[0] if method_name && method_name =~ /allowed_to_.*\?/ false else super end end end ! def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend ClassMethods receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods end end