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新常態竹構築|The new normal bamboo building

Yu Chih Chieh
August 16, 2021

新常態竹構築|The new normal bamboo building


*授課主要資料參考《從竹子到竹房子》以及BAMBOOU online immersion

Yu Chih Chieh

August 16, 2021

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  1. guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building 序 ሣԙҰൠਓࣕݴɼഝݸ௚౸  ೥લత୆ᖯ౎ؐࢉৗຽࡐྉత௒େܕՓຊՊ২෺ एੋሡਓྨ์େҰඦഒိ ؃େ఍্बੋൺֱૈత໺૲㠧 ɼҼҝۙे೥؀อҙࣝతᎲ಄࠽઴઴ड౸᮫஫ɻ ؀อ਼੎ଅ࢖తಉ࣌ɼ໵ጯ֘ࢥߟਓ၇ᢛ౔஍త࿈݁ɼएੋճސ؀อٞ୊։࢝ग़ݱҎલత㑖࢙ɼઌਓ၇ӡ༻ ࡏ஍ࡐྉɼᢛ؀ڥڞ༥ᢛଘతࢥ૝နጯવड౸ݱ୅Խతੜ㗞ᱪܥ᫚ᩄࢸզ၇తߏஙจԽ೭தɻ ࡏ೗ࠑ຺བྷԼɼ஛ࢠআྃ࡞ҝࣗવࡐॴ༴༗త᫊޼ɺઅೳɺ؀อɺ݈߁ɺྩਓتѪ౳౳త༏ᴍ֎ɼ஛ߏɺ໦ ߏ໵။ੋ௕ظࣕݴ୆ᖯೳݯ᫚ܕత㠥Ұݸ਼੎ แؚӸ৘Լେ෯೾ಈత෺ၢɼࡏഝ೭தᅳ㗞ࡐྉၢ֨ჟ૬ሣ ᜦఆɼಉ࣌ྛԼៃᖖత೶Ⴋ໵ጯવՄҎ੒ҝੜ৩ೳ ɼࣕ஛ߏ҃ڐਖ਼ద߹࡞ҝҰݸ൒ա౉ੑ֯৭ɼరิधཁ ࢸগ  ೥࠽ೳ࠶࣍ݐཱ׬੔తྛۀ্Լᕟੜଶ᭵ۭനظɼ໵᤻ࠑ׆བྷ஛㗞ۀత্Լᕟɼظڐऴ༗Ұఱ஛๪ ࢠ။࠶࣍੒ҝ৽ৗଶతډॅۭؒɻ
  2. guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/ https://www.bamboou.com/ https://www.architectura.nl/building-with-bamboo-design-and- technology-of-a-sustainable-architecture-2nd-edition.html 參考資料、書目 r e f e r e n c e
  3. guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010482743 https://www.sanmin.com.tw/product/index/003874946 https://www.sanmin.com.tw/product/index/003874946 https://www.carousell.com.hk/ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1631373.New_Bamboo
  4. 簡報目錄 c o n t e n t s 碳匯新星

    1 carbon sink 基地上的竹房子 4 site / space / place 竹構造 3 bamboo structure 台灣竹產業 2 bamboo industry 以 竹 構 築 5 bamboo building https://www.taiwanwood.org.tw/2018/12/13/17/ https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#life
  5. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://greenmedia.today/article_detail.php?cid=8&mid=222
  6. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://impactful.ninja/how-sustainable-is-bamboo-wood/ 產品可能達到負碳足跡 O2製造量樹木的135% CO2吸收量樹木的600% ݻ䲘ࡐྉ ߴ䲘ഉࡐྉ carbon sink
  7. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://greenmedia.today/article_detail.php?cid=8&mid=222
  8. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide BambooU immersion  ݻ䲘ೳྗ༏ྑ  ڧ౓ॏྔൺՂ  Ṷਫอਫੑ༏  ߇੍೔㤔Ӎྜఔ౓  ૑଄॥؀ៃᖖ
  9. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://www.taketora.co.jp/diary/2016/09/77.html / https://www.hhbky.com/yanghua/zhiwuzhishi/95092.html 散生型竹類 叢生型竹類 c l u m p i n g b a m b o o R u n n i n g b a m b o o
  10. carbon sink 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo industry bamboo

    structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide 組織培養 / 地下莖 / 竹節 / 竹枝 / 種子 竹子的種植與繁殖 p l a n t i n g a n d p r o p a g a t i o n
  11. carbon sink 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo industry bamboo

    structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide 1. 竹地下莖世代 2. 竹齡判斷 - 分支 3. 竹齡判斷 - 真菌地衣
  12. carbon sink 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo industry bamboo

    structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide 竹林的管理標記 clump management and marking
  13. carbon sink 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo industry bamboo

    structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide
  14. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#look
  15. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide http://nrch.culture.tw/twpedia.aspx?id=13482 桂竹 孟宗竹 ୆ᖯৗݟ஛छ 孟宗竹屬 單軸散生 株高 6~16 公尺 用 途 廣 可 供 建 築、 家 具、 農具、編織以及食用。 孟宗竹屬 又稱毛竹 單軸散生 株高 4~20 公尺 高、直、肉厚為其特徵 可供建築、家具、器具 膠合材以及食用。 ୆ᖯৗݟ஛छ Makino bamboo Moso bamboo
  16. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide 《從竹子到竹房子》 竹材的 三大考驗 Three challenges
  17. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide 《從竹子到竹房子》 durability factors - carbohydrate 孟宗竹 - 10 月最高 / 6 月最低 桂竹 - 1,2,4-7 月最高 / 3 月最低 竹材耐久性因素 - 糖類
  18. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide 《從竹子到竹房子》 durability factors - water content 冬季含水率最低 依照含醣低與含水低時期去砍伐,會讓竹子保存處理更加完善 但實務面上,坊間一年四季皆會砍伐收成。 竹材耐久性因素 - 含水率
  19. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide 《從竹子到竹房子》 竹 材 保 存 與 處 理 Perservation & treatment
  20. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://www.facebook.com/MuduRuma/photos & http://bamboocurtain7.blogspot.com & https://www.gushiciku.cn/dc_hk/103261797 ႔ཧఔং 1) 採伐 https://www.facebook.com/MuduRuma/photos 2) 殺青 http://bamboocurtain7.blogspot.com/2011/01/blog-post_22.html https://www.gushiciku.cn/dc_hk/103261797 3) 烤彎烤直 4) 防腐處理 5) 乾燥存放 https://www.jialezhumu.com/news/94.html 6) 保養 高溫乾燥 漸 升 溫 至 110° C 三天內水分降至 12%
  21. carbon sink 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo industry bamboo

    structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide ᛤ༹ӷ႔ཧ ӽೆၚ౷႔ཧ 高壓注入硼酸 + 硼砂水溶液 泥漿浸泡 / 煙燻處理去除糖分 Vietnamese traditional Boron solution
  22. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://www.facebook.com/teori.bamboofurniture/photos/3526175474089935 工程竹的缺點 Disadvantage of laminated bamboo 集成竹 製造流程 選 竹 鋸 截 開 條 刨 製 蒸 煮 防 腐 乾 燥 膠 合
  23. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Process-of-Glued-Laminated-Guadua-Bamboo_fig2_303398389
  24. carbon sink 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo industry bamboo

    structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide 製材率 40% 竹集成材 裁切 / 刨削 / 整形耗損 60% 製材率 40% 竹集成材 裁切 / 刨削 / 整形耗損 60% 製材率 40% 竹集成材 裁切 / 刨削 / 整形耗損 60% 製材率 40% 整支原竹設計 去頭去尾 / 鑽孔耗損少
  25. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide 《從竹子到竹房子》 鋼構、木構、竹構 steel, timber, bamboo structure
  26. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide 《從竹子到竹房子》 ଄ၢൺֱ cost compare
  27. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://impactful.ninja/how-sustainable-is-bamboo-wood/ ৯༻ 竹 筍 竹 葉 . . . 不須施肥 水土適應 ... 相比木頭 輕量運輸 ... 製造產品 少耗能 少藥品 ... 適應氣候 耐久實用 ... 全竹製品 完全回收 減少碳排 生殖能 छ২ ӡ༌ ੡଄ ଱༻ ՄճᏅ 竹子生命週期評估 l i f e - c y c l e a s s e s s m e n t
  28. bamboo industry 參考資料 bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building

    guide carbon sink http://gissrv4.sinica.edu.tw/gis/twhgis.html#
  29. bamboo industry 參考資料 bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building

    guide carbon sink https://www.coa.gov.tw/ws.php?id=4915 , http://www.bas-association.org.tw/catalog/arts/010506028.pdf 日治時期 民國 81 年 民國 101 年 《原住民保留地 禁伐補償條例》 擴大辦理禁伐補 償,從每公頃 2 萬元調高至 3 萬 元補助。 《原住民保留地 禁伐補償及造林 回饋條例草案》 開始草擬禁伐補 償補助。 《臺灣森林經營管理方案》 全面禁伐天然林,林業發展 停滯。 日治時期大量開發台 灣山林作為林業、造 紙等產業發展資源。 日人在砍伐林地後補 植柳杉、台灣杉、竹 林。 民國 105 年
  30. bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide

    carbon sink 參考資料 《竹子 : 非草非木的島內生活指南》 竹 藝 發 展 development of bamboo craft 1929 日本藝師來台傳授細工技法 1940s 陸續成立工藝社與傳習所, 結合傳統竹工與竹細工, 銷售回日本。 1950s 竹製產品開始銷往歐美國家 外銷產品轉成歐美導向。 1960s 林業合作社陸續成立, 民間竹產業鏈漸趨完整。 從生活中常民所用竹籃、 竹 涼蓆、 竹簍等等, 1960 年之 後, 竹製品因應外銷出現了 竹製聖誕裝飾、 竹製花器、 竹 製馬鈴薯籃、 竹劍等等歐美 日本的用品讓台灣家庭工廠 發展蓬勃。 https://www.etsy.com/jp/listing/495162717/1960s-bamboo-hand-carved-republic-of?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details https://www.etsy.com/jp/listing/495162717/1960s-bamboo-hand-carved-republic-of?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details https://www .alibaba.com/product -detail/Vintage-Boho-Split -Bamboo-Rattan-W oven_62013383198.html https://www .alibaba.com/product -detail/Vintage-Boho-Split -Bamboo-Rattan-W oven_62013383198.html
  31. bamboo industry 參考資料 bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building

    guide carbon sink https://www.instagram.com/p/CPz6_o9Hktd/
  32. bamboo industry 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo structure site/

    space/ place bamboo building guide carbon sink 空 白 的 竹 構 建 築 史 the disappeared history of bamboo architecture
  33. bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building guide

    carbon sink 參考資料 Laminated bamboo application today 工程竹材 應用現況 https://udesign.udnfunlife.com/ https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=621197967122&toSite=main&tbpm=3&ovstp=1 https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=621197967122&toSite=main&tbpm=3&ovstp=1 h t t p s : / / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / b a m b o o b i k e t a i w a n / h t t p s : / / c o n t i n u i n g e d u c a t i o n . b n p m e d i a . c o m / https://world.taobao.com/product/%E7%AB%B9%E8%A3%BD%E9%8D%B5%E7%9B%A4.htm https://inhabitat.com/bmw-unveils-bamboo-solar-carport-to-charge-electric-vehicles-with-the-sun/ https://continuingeducation.bnpmedia.com/article_print.php?C=1548&L=517 h t t p s : / / k k n e w s . c c / z h - m y / f o o d / 2 n v m y 2 e . h t m l https://wuz.com.tw/goods-22994.html https://www.mrbanboo.com.tw/ https://www.mrbanboo.com.tw/
  34. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/business/blog/3004417 https://fortune.com/2015/05/15/elon-musk-5-ceos-anti-family/ 2020 特斯拉賺入 340 億 靠的是碳權交易 Carbon emission trading brings Tesla 1.1 billion dollars in 2020 CET CET CET
  35. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science-57867157 碳 權 交 易 carbon emission trading 碳排放權 / 核證減排量 CER (certifi ed emission reduction)
  36. carbon sink 參考資料 bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building guide https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/business/blog/3004417 ະՃೖ䲘ᒟࢢ৔ 中國最大碳交易市場 歐盟地區交易國排 1 歐盟地區交易國排 14 歐盟地區交易國排 7 歐盟地區交易國排 8 歐盟地區 交易國排 10 林業資源豐富 竹林每年每公頃吸收 11.2 噸 CO2 林業管理加入碳權買賣可能 ?
  37. bamboo industry 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo structure site/

    space/ place bamboo building guide carbon sink 合 作 單 位 cooperation unit / factory 以 煙 燻 處 理 70 ℃ 防 腐 燻 製 20 天 南 投 縣 竹 山 鎮 中 和 路 6 號 http://www.2659230.com.tw/ [email protected] 劉 昭 明 | 0932-594-280 悅山工坊 砍 伐 + 殺 青 + 竹 材 烤 彎 烤 直 雲林縣林內鄉坪頂村清水溪 61 號 林 寬 量 | 0937-261-023 元立竹業有限公司 | 竹材供應 | 以 110℃高溫乾燥防腐,一週工作時間 南 投 縣 竹 山 鎮 延 平 一 路 2 號 h t t p : / / w w w . t e f e n g . c o m . t w / [email protected] 李 岳 峰 | 0921-379-616 德豐木業 | 防腐處理 | 經特殊處理,保留竹皮特有的青綠色澤 南投縣 542 草屯鎮草溪路 177-10 號 http://www.bbc-bamboo.com/ b b c . r u l . t w @ g m a i l . c o m 林 群 涵 | 0 9 1 2 - 3 5 5 - 8 6 6 竹采藝品有限公司 | 保青竹 |
  38. bamboo industry 參考資料 building with bamboo now! bamboo structure site/

    space/ place bamboo building guide carbon sink 合 作 單 位 cooperation unit / factory 竹 構 造 施 工 南投縣竹山鎮德興里鯉南路 118-5-10 號 a 5 8 9 1 5 3 1 @ y a h o o . c o m . t w 余 偉 智 | 0 9 2 3 - 3 2 0 - 2 8 5 仲夏夜竹藝工坊 以煙燻處理 70℃防腐,燻製 20 天 南 投 縣 竹 山 鎮 中 和 路 6 號 http://www.2659230.com.tw/ [email protected] 劉 昭 明 | 0932-594-280 悅山工坊 | 竹構施工 | 竹構造設計、竹材加工、竹建築相關諮詢 雲 林 縣 斗 六 市 太 平 路 99 號 h t t p : / / w w w . a r c h i t d z . c o m / a r c h . 7 7 0 @ g m a i l . c o m 甘 銘 源、 謝 文 英 | 05-537-9755 常民居構築工程有限公司 | 竹構整合 |
  39. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#case 竹材力學與結構 bamboo structural mechanics
  40. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#case 縱向抗張能力 : 鋼鐵 > 竹子 > 木頭 竹子抗剪、抗彎、橫向抗壓較弱 力學表現較好竹種 : 孟宗竹、桂竹 NOTE
  41. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#case
  42. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building 竹材載重試驗 bamboo load test
  43. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#case
  44. guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place

    bamboo building 竹材力學 與結構 PDF 文件下載 bamboo structural mechanics pdf document download pdf document download
  45. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building 《從竹子到竹房子》 竹 構 結 構 系 統 bamboo structural system bamboo structural system
  46. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#case
  47. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building
  48. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building
  49. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building https://greenmedia.today/events/2020/bamboo-house/#case 接頭設計與製造 joint design and manufacture 依接合部位分類 1. 軸向續接 2. 正交橫接 3. 非正交橫接 4. 支承端接合 1. 綁紮式 2. 插銷式 3. 中介構件 4. 集成式 依接合機制分類
  50. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building
  51. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building 常 用 綁 紮 法 ํ ճ ݁
  52. 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/

    place bamboo building building with bamboo now! https://www.360kuai.com/pc/9802fa4707e8d35a2?cota=4&kuai_so=1&tj_url=so_rec&sign=360_7bc3b157 沿自中國大木結構穿斗式 NOTE
  53. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building 3. 中介構件
  54. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building 4. 集成式
  55. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building
  56. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building
  57. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building
  58. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building
  59. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building ԰໘ 非 結 構 系 統 Besides structural use...
  60. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building ᗨᱪ
  61. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building ཝᐛ ැख
  62. 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink bamboo industry

    bamboo structure site/ space/ place bamboo building ˂ڀ  ήؐ
  63. site/ space/ place 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo

    structure bamboo building 《從竹子到竹房子‘ 平 面 配 置 與 法 規 檢 討 site plans & regulations review
  64. site/ space/ place 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo

    structure bamboo building 《從竹子到竹房子‘
  65. site/ space/ place 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon

    sink bamboo industry bamboo structure bamboo building
  66. site/ space/ place 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon

    sink bamboo industry bamboo structure bamboo building
  67. site/ space/ place 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo

    structure bamboo building 《從竹子到竹房子‘
  68. site/ space/ place 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon

    sink bamboo industry bamboo structure bamboo building
  69. site/ space/ place 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon

    sink bamboo industry bamboo structure bamboo building
  70. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/877165/bamboo-sports-hall-for-panyaden-international-school-chiangmai-life-construction P A N Y A D E N I N T E R N A T I O N A L S C H O O L B A M B O O S P O R T S H A L L T H A I L A N D
  71. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/877165/bamboo-sports-hall-for-panyaden-international-school-chiangmai-life-construction
  72. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/877165/bamboo-sports-hall-for-panyaden-international-school-chiangmai-life-construction
  73. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place B A M B O O W I N G V I E T N A M
  74. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  75. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  76. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  77. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://occoliving.com/Bamboo-Bridge O R A N G U T A N H A V E N B A M B O O B R I D G E I N D O N E S I A
  78. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://occoliving.com/Bamboo-Bridge
  79. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://occoliving.com/Bamboo-Bridge
  80. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place B A M B O O S T A R S C R A P E R U N I T E D S T A T E S
  81. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  82. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/913051/castaway-island-resort-vtn-architects C A S T A W A Y I S L A N D R E S O R T V I E T N A M
  83. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/913051/castaway-island-resort-vtn-architects
  84. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/913051/castaway-island-resort-vtn-architects
  85. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/913051/castaway-island-resort-vtn-architects
  86. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place http://www.arch.cuhk.edu.hk/research/research-projects/zcb-bamboo-pavilion-prof-kristof-crolla-prof-adam-fingrut/ Z C B B A M B O O H O N G K O N G P A V I L L I A N
  87. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place http://www.arch.cuhk.edu.hk/research/research-projects/zcb-bamboo-pavilion-prof-kristof-crolla-prof-adam-fingrut/
  88. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place http://www.arch.cuhk.edu.hk/research/research-projects/zcb-bamboo-pavilion-prof-kristof-crolla-prof-adam-fingrut/
  89. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place http://www.arch.cuhk.edu.hk/research/research-projects/zcb-bamboo-pavilion-prof-kristof-crolla-prof-adam-fingrut/
  90. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/883171/son-la-ceremony-dome-vtn-architects S O N L A C E R E M O N Y D O M E V I E T N A M
  91. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all
  92. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_
  93. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_
  94. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_
  95. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/81585/the-green-school-pt-bambu?ad_source=search&ad_ G R E E N S C H O O L - H E A R T O F S C H O O L V I E T N A M
  96. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/81585/the-green-school-pt-bambu?ad_source=search&ad_
  97. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/81585/the-green-school-pt-bambu?ad_source=search&ad_
  98. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/81585/the-green-school-pt-bambu?ad_source=search&ad_
  99. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://architdz.com/project/2013-%E9%9B%B2%E6%9E%97%E8%BE%B2%E5%8D%9A%E5%9F%BA%E5%9C%B0%E7%AB%B9%E6%A7%8B%E8%A8%AD%E6%96%BD/ 農 博 微 笑 餐 廳 台 灣 雲 林
  100. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://architdz.com/project/2013-%E9%9B%B2%E6%9E%97%E8%BE%B2%E5%8D%9A%E5%9F%BA%E5%9C%B0%E7%AB%B9%E6%A7%8B%E8%A8%AD%E6%96%BD/
  101. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place H A N D M A D E S C H O O L B A N G L A D E S H
  102. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  103. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  104. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place C H I N A U T A H O U S E C O L O M B I A
  105. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  106. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  107. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  108. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place E T H I O P I A - J A P A N E S E M I L L E N N I U M P A V I L I O N E T H I O P I A - J A P A N E S E M I L L E N N I U M P A V I L I O N E T H I O P I A
  109. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  110. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  111. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place S O N L A R E S T A U R A N T V I E T N A M https://www.archdaily.com/559125/son-la-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_medium=office_landing&ad_name=article
  112. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/559125/son-la-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_medium=office_landing&ad_name=article
  113. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  114. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  115. bamboo building 參考資料 building with bamboo now! guide carbon sink

    bamboo industry bamboo structure site/ space/ place
  116. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all R O C V O N R E S T A U R A N T V I E T N A M
  117. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all
  118. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all
  119. bamboo building 參考資料 guide carbon sink bamboo industry bamboo structure

    site/ space/ place https://www.archdaily.com/785842/roc-von-restaurant-vo-trong-nghia-architects?ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all