Cyrillic, Hebrew, Armenian and Georgian. Tall: Language scripts that require extra line height to accommodate larger glyphs, including South and Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern languages, like Arabic, Hindi, Telugu, Thai, Vietnamese.
Cyrillic, Hebrew, Armenian and Georgian. Tall: Language scripts that require extra line height to accommodate larger glyphs, including South and Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern languages, like Arabic, Hindi, Telugu, Thai, Vietnamese. Dense: Language scripts that require extra line height to accommodate larger glyphs but have different metrics from tall scripts. Includes Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
path") .setFontAttrId(R.attr.fontPath) .build(); Using reflection final Field staticField = Typeface.class.getDeclaredField(staticTypefaceFieldName); staticField.setAccessible(true); staticField.set(null, newTypeface);
a component's layout. android:textDirection — attribute for setting the direction of a component's text. android:textAlignment — attribute for setting the alignment of a component's text.
of UI elements or the screen Poor line wrapping Incorrect word breaks or punctuation Incorrect alphabetical sorting Incorrect layout direction or text direction
of UI elements or the screen Poor line wrapping Incorrect word breaks or punctuation Incorrect alphabetical sorting Incorrect layout direction or text direction Untranslated text