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Responsive Web Development Patterns

Responsive Web Development Patterns

Brad Broulik

April 03, 2014

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  1. 6 “Responsive web design,” as coined by Ethan Marcotte, means

    “fluid grids, fluid images/media & media queries.”
  2. 9 Content Code Assets •Accessibility •Readability •Less code and content

    to maintain •All links work as expected •Recommended for Google SEO •Less resources necessary •Lean = improved velocity •No more device detection redirects User Experience
  3. 12 Viewports <head>! ! <meta charset="utf-8">! <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1 width=device-width"

    />! </head> Visual viewport (device width) Layout viewport NOTE: The viewport meta tag lets us control the layout viewport and scaling of many devices. with viewport without viewport
  4. 14 #3 Media Queries ! @media [not|only]? <media_type> [and (<media_feature>:

    value)]* {! rules! }! ! http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/ ! ! @media (min-width: 640px) {! html {! font: normal 100% Tablet-Font;! }! }! CSS Rule Breakpoint Media Query
  5. 15 Embedded <style>! html {! font: normal 100% Helvetica;! }!

    ! @media screen and (min-width: 600px) {! html {! font: normal 100% Special Elite, Helvetica;! }! }! ! @media screen and (min-width: 860px) {! html {! font: normal 100% Condiment, Helvetica;! }! }! </style>! TIP: With embedded stylesheets all conditional media queries are downloaded but you gain the advantage of only one HTTP request.
  6. 16 External <link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Special+Elite" media="only screen and (min-width: 600px)" />!

    CAUTION: External media queries get downloaded even if the media query is not applied. The rationale for this is that if the browser window size is changed, those styles are ready. However, there is a solution to this problem as shown in the next example.
  7. 17 eCSSential <script>! eCSSential({! "(min-width: 600px)": "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Special+Elite",! "(min-width: 860px)": "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Condiment"!

    });! </script> TIP: eCSSential, by Scott Jehl (https:/ /github.com/scottjehl/eCSSential), will only download the stylesheet if the media query could evaluate to true
  8. 18 #4 Breakpoints TIP: Prefer content-driven breakpoints instead of device-

    driven breakpoints for a more future-friendly design. TIP: You can also set breakpoints with JavaScript with matchmedia.js https://github.com/paulirish/matchMedia.js/
  9. 19 Mostly Fluid Layout Shifter Basic Gallery Mondrian Column Drop

    http://bradfrost.github.io/this-is-responsive/patterns.html Layout Patterns
  10. 26 Scott Jehl: https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill ! TIP: Picturefill is a responsive

    image polyfill for <picture>, srcset, sizes, and more that you may begin using today! !
  11. 27 Use Case: device-pixel-ratio ! ! <img ! ! !

    srcset="small.jpg 1x, medium.jpg 2x"! ! ! src="small.jpg"! ! ! alt="pic" />! ! ! ! ! ! srcset: set of sources with w (width) or x (resolution) descriptors. small.jpg (320 x 240 px) medium.jpg (640 x 480 px) CAUTION: srcset can be defined with w (width) or x (resolution) descriptors but not both. They do not mix. src: fallback img if srcset is not supported. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/05/14/responsive-images-done-right-guide-picture-srcset/
  12. 28 <img! ! ! srcset="large.jpg 1024w, medium.jpg 640w, small.jpg 320w"!

    ! ! sizes=“100vw"! ! ! src="small.jpg"! ! ! alt=“pic" />! ! Use Case: fluid image Variable Known by browser when it’s loading the page? viewport dimensions yes image size relative to viewport yes via sizes screen density yes source files’ dimensions yes via srcset NOTE: We tell the browser the rendered size of our images and the browser picks the preferred image for it’s container. Very Cool! sizes: can be absolute (px or em), relative to the viewport (vw), or dynamic calc(.333 * 100vw -12em) http://ericportis.com/posts/2014/srcset-sizes/
  13. 29 <img! ! srcset="large.jpg 1024w,! medium.jpg 640w,! small.jpg 320w"! sizes="(min-width:

    36em) 33.3vw,! 100vw”! src="small.jpg"! alt="pic" /> Use Case: variable-sized image ! sizes=“[media query] [length], [media query] [length], ! [length]! ! If no media query it is the default size
  14. 30 Art direction This technique allows us to use smaller

    images that appear larger on smaller viewports by cropping the subject of the photo.
  15. 31 <picture>! ! <source ! ! ! media="(min-width: 36em)"! !

    !srcset="large.jpg 1024w, medium.jpg 640w, small.jpg 320w"! ! ! sizes="33.3vw" />! ! <source ! ! ! srcset="cropped-large.jpg 2x, cropped-small.jpg 1x" />! ! <img src="images/small.jpg" alt="pic" />! </picture>! ! ! TIP: Prefer picture element for art-directed and type- switching use cases. Use Case: art direction Load art-directed (cropped) images when below 36ems
  16. 32 <picture>! ! ! <source type="image/svg+xml" srcset="logo.svg">! ! ! <source

    type="image/png" srcset="logo.png">! ! <img src="logo.gif" alt=“logo" /> ! </picture>! ! If the browser doesn’t find a compatible source type it will fallback to the img Use Case: type-switching
  17. 33 Responsible Icons Grumpicon http://filamentgroup.com/lab/grunticon/ Icon Fonts TIP: SVG is

    also a great solution for both high-resolution displays and images that scale across screen sizes. However, their only problem is lack of tools and browser support (Android 2-, IE8-): http:/ /caniuse.com/ TIP: SVG offers all the advantages of icon-based vectors and also have the added benefit of supporting multiple colors, gradients, opacity and all kinds of other visual goodness that icon fonts can’t match.
  18. TIP: Inline the SVG for better load-time performance, simpler DOM

    manipulation, and linkability. 34 Dynamically show, hide, and bind data. Sharp at any resolution or size. SVG = Awesome Dynamically simulate a loading indicator.
  19. 36 Responsive Maps NOTE: Does this technique look familiar? It

    uses the same “intrinsic ratio” strategy we used for responsive videos.
  20. 37 100% 140% Elastic Layouts TIP: The preferred line length

    is between 45 and 70 characters for ideal readability. Elastic layouts as shown above help ensure the ideal line length regardless of the font size or zoom. Elastic layouts adjust based on the size of the browser’s font size.
  21. 38 http://filamentgroup.com/lab/ajax_includes_modular_content/ Ajax- include Pattern NOTE: Entertainment articles are lazy

    loaded after page load NOTE: Technology articles are only loaded when min-width: 30em
  22. 41 http://bradfrostweb.com/blog/web/complex-navigation-patterns-for-responsive-design/#off-canvas Off- Canvas Flyout jQuery Mobile off canvas example

    Foundation’s site uses off- canvas flyout navigation Bootstrap off-canvas flyout example (beta) The Filament Group’s off- canvas flyout navigation
  23. 51 Actual Devices http://www.flickr.com/photos/lukew/10412439655/ TIP: Prefer to test on the

    actual devices that are most popular according to your analytics.
  24. 54 Responsive Performance http://www.guypo.com/mobile/performance-implications-of-responsive-design-book-contribution/ http://blog.kissmetrics.com/loading-time/?wide=1 •Fewer HTTP requests. •Compress images

    (ImageOptim, PNG Crush). •Load visible content first or defer everything else. •Minify and merge JavaScript assets. •Prefer sprites or use Data URI for images. •Use CDNs when available. •Avoid geolocation on initial home screen. •Dedicate time for performance testing. •Web storage. •Networks and devices will eventually get faster. Performance tips “86% of sites listed on mediaqueri.es weighed roughly the same when loaded in the smallest window, compared to the largest one. In other words, the m-dot site is still downloading the full website content.” -- Guy Podjarny
  25. 55 Download and Hide #1 reason for bloat Desktop Article

    hidden in DOM TIP: Instead of hiding unnecessary markup in the DOM with display:none don’t even download it!
  26. 56 Download and Shrink #2 reason for bloat Large desktop

    image scaled down TIP: Instead of shrinking large image assets within small viewports, download the optimized smaller images!
  27. 58 Tasks for performance optimization http://yeoman.io/blog/performance-optimization.html • Remove unused CSS

    • Minify CSS • Inline CSS • Minify HTML • Combine media queries • Compress & optimize images • Minify SVG images • Minify, compress JS • And many more…
  28. 59 Securing Responsive Sites Request Forwarding WIFI Networks SSL Stripping

    MiTM SSL Certificates HTTP Strict Transport Security
  29. 60 Security Threats MiTM SSL Stripping Request Forwarding WIFI Networks

    Are you connected to a trusted WIFI network? Or are you connected to a malicious StarBuks_FREE_WIFI network? Even if you connect to a site that uses SSL a MiTM may strip the SSL from every request exposing your credentials. The MiTM can forward your HTTP request to their malicious site and capture your credentials.
  30. 61 Original connection Victim Attacker Server Man-in-the-middle connection MiTM A

    single HTTP request can compromise your entire SSL site. The attacker now communicates to the victim via HTTP and hijacks your data (SSL stripping). The attacker communicates to the server via HTTPS and strips the SSL before sending the response back to the victim.
  31. 62 Security Solutions SSL HTTP Strict Transport Security HSTS is

    a newer security solution that forces the browser to send its initial request to your site as HTTPS. This is the primary defense against SSL Stripping and other MiTM attacks. We can see if your site is using this solution by inspecting HTTP headers (DEMO). Site-wide SSL enforces confidentiality (encryption) and integrity (trusted certificates). The browser will warn you if you are communicating with an untrusted party (DEMO).
  32. 64 http://bradfrostweb.com/blog/post/responsive-strategy/ Responsive Retrofitting “Responsive retrofitting is the process of

    taking an existing desktop-only website, and ‘making it responsive’ after the fact.”
  33. 66 http://bradfrostweb.com/blog/post/responsive-strategy/ “Creating an interface that addresses the constraints of

    mobile (small screen, low bandwidth, etc), then progressively enhances the experience to take advantage of available screen space, features, and more.” Mobile-First Responsive