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Fast by Default: Modern Loading Practices

Fast by Default: Modern Loading Practices

This presentation is a modified version of Addy Osmani's "Fast By Default" presentation from Chrome Dev Summit 2017 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_srJ7eHS3IM)

Bilal Çınarlı

June 06, 2018

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  1. Mobile Web Delivery Best Practices Compress! (GZip, Brotli) Preresolve DNS

    Preload critical resources Cache effectively Respect Data Plans Stream HTML ⚡ Minify & Optimize *.* ✋ SSR is not a panacea ✂ Code-splitting Route-based chunking Library sharding PRPL Pattern Tree-shaking Differential serving / Scope Hoisting Don’t ship DEV to PROD *.js *.*
  2. Improving your performance and applying best practices is a journey

    where small changes can lead to significant achievements
  3. WebPack is a module bundler which has lots of perks.

    Code Splitting, Chunking, Tree-shaking…
  4. // Network type that browser uses navigator.connection.type > ‘wifi’ //

    New: effective connection type // using rtt and downlink values navigator.connection.effectiveType > ‘2G’
  5. <link rel="preload" href="movies.json" as="fetch"> <script> (async () => { try

    { const response = await fetch("movies.json"); const data = await response.json(); console.log(data); } catch (e) { console.log("Booo"); } })(); </script>
  6. addEventListener('activate', event => { event.waitUntil(async function() { // Feature-detect if

    (self.registration.navigationPreload) { // Enable navigation preloads! await self.registration.navigationPreload.enable(); } }()); });
  7. 0 15 30 45 60 Android iOS PWA 0,15MB 56MB

    9,6MB Size: Comparing the PWA to the native apps 150KB home feed load
  8. Comparing old mobile web to new mobile web +60% +44%

    +50% +40% Time Spent > 5 minutes User-generated Ad $ Ad Clickthroughs Core Engagements Comparing across web/native +2-3% +2% +0% +5% Time Spent > 5 minutes User-generated Ad $ Ad Clickthroughs Core Engagements
  9. Old Mobile Site - 1st load First Paint: 4.2s First

    Meaningful Paint: 6.2s Time To Consistently Interactive: 23s
  10. New Mobile Site - 1st load First Paint: 1.8s First

    Meaningful Paint: 5.1s Time To Consistently Interactive: 5.6s
  11. New Mobile Site - Repeat Loads First Paint: 0.6s First

    Meaningful Paint: 3.5s Time To Consistently Interactive: 3.9s
  12. Performance 20s ➡ 6.5s P90 for Pin pages 13s ➡

    4s P50 for Pin pages 620KB ➡ 150KB JS Bundles 150KB ➡ 6KB inline CSS Bundles
  13. JavaScript Bundle Splitting Strategy How did Pinterest handle code-splitting? -

    Chunk 1: Vendor (react, redux, react-router etc) - Chunk 2: Entry (main shell, core logic, redux store) - Chunk 3: Async route chunks - Sizes: Vendor (~73KB), Entry (59KB), Async (13-18KB)
  14. const chunkPlugins = [ new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: 'vendor-mweb', minChunks: Infinity,

    chunks: ['entryChunk-mobile'] }), new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: 'entryChunk-webpack', minChunks: Infinity, chunks: ['vendor-mweb'] }), new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ children: true, name: 'entryChunk-mobile', minChunks: (module, count) => { return module.resource && (isCommonLib(resource) || count >= 3); } })]; Webpack Config const bundles = { 'vendor-mweb': [ 'app/mobile/polyfills.js', 'intl', 'normalizr', 'react-dom', 'react-redux', 'react-router-dom', 'react', 'redux' ], 'entryChunk-webpack': 'app/mobile/runtime.js', 'entryChunk-mobile': 'app/mobile/index.js' };
  15. // Create a loader const Closeup = () => import(/*

    webpackChunkName: "CloseupPage" */ 'app/mobile/routes/CloseupPage'); // Register it to the route route('/pin/:pinId', routes.Closeup, {name: 'Closeup'}); // Render a react-router-v4 Route with the route bundle loader <Route exact key="matched-route" path={path} render={ matchProps => <PageRoute bundleLoader={loader} routeName={name} {...matchProps} {...props} /> }/> React Router V4
  16. // Async load the route bundle class PageRoute extends PureComponent

    { render() { const {bundleLoader, ...props} = this.props; return <Loader loader={bundleLoader} {...props} />; } } // Load it and render class Loader extends PureComponent { componentWillMount() { this.props.loader().then(module => { this.setState({LoadedComponent: module.default}); }); } } React Router V4
  17. Duplicate code in the async chunk Tackling dupes across lazily

    loaded routes - Moved common code into the Entry chunk - 20% increase in size of Entry (59KB -> 71KB) - 60-90% decrease in size of async route chunks - E.g: Homefeed (13.9KB -> 1KB), Closeup (18KB -> 7KB
  18. Service Worker Caching Journey Caching runtime & static assets offline

    Start - Runtime caching async JS chunks - Precaching vendor & entry chunks - Precaching most used routes (e.g Pins) - Generating a SW for each locale bundle Today - Cache all JS/CSS cache-first - Cache the Application Shell - Precache bundled loaded by the shell - Webpack runtime, vendor, entry - Named chunks to cache async routes
  19. /* global $VERSION, $Cache, importScripts, WorkboxSW */ importScripts('https://unpkg.com/workbox-sw@1.1.0/build/importScripts/workbox- sw.prod.v1.1.0.js'); //

    Add app shell to the webpack-generated precache list $Cache.precache.push({url: 'sw-shell.html', revision: $VERSION}); // Register precache list with Workbox const workbox = new WorkboxSW({handleFetch: true, skipWaiting: true, clientClaim: true}); workbox.precache($Cache.precache); // Runtime cache all js workbox.router.registerRoute(/webapp\/js\/.*\.js/, workbox.strategies.cacheFirst()); // Prefer app-shell for full-page loads workbox.router.registerNavigationRoute('sw-shell.html', { blacklist: [ // bunch of non-app routes
 ], }); SW Caching
  20. Application Shell Pattern Caching Pinterest’s UI assets for instant repeat

    loads - Tricky: historical initial payloads contained user experiments, user info, contextual info. Cache? Take a perf hit of render blocking request before rendering anything? - Decided to cache this in the AppShell. Managed when to “invalidate” the shell - Each request has an app version. If the version changes, unregister the SW, register the new one. - Experiment groups cache in localStorage and update manually.
  21. Future - Fixing slow API responses (home-feed takes 1s on

    Fast 3G) - Optimize server latency and response sizes - Adding <link rel=preload as=script> for preloading bundles
  22. Performance Budgets Budgets Tinder tries not to exceed - Main/vendor

    chunk: 155KB - Async common chunks: 55KB - Other chunks: 35KB - CSS hard limit of 20KB
  23. import A from '../A'; import B from '../B'; const route

    = [{ route: '/', regions: { side: A, main: B } }]; JavaScript Route-based code-splitting Before
  24. import Loadable from 'react-loadable'; const A = Loadable({ loader: ()

    => import('../A' /* webpackChunkName: "pc-r-A" */), loading: () => null }); const B = Loadable({ loader: () => import('../B' /* webpackChunkName: "pc-r-B" */), loading: () => null }); const route = [{ route: '/', regions: { side: A, main: B }, preload: [/* next page chunk to preload*/] }]; React Router React Loadable CommonsChunkPlugin After
  25. Improve JavaScript caching Trim down vendor/library invalidation Use a whitelist

    of external deps & split out Webpack manifest from main chunk. Bundle now ~160KB for both chunks. module.exports = [ 'immutable', 'lodash', 'lodash-es', 'react', 'react-dom', 'react-redux', 'react-router', 'redux', 'redux-persist', 'redux-immutable', 'redux-saga', ];
  26. new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({ analyzerMode: 'server', analyzerPort: 8888, reportFilename: 'report.html', openAnalyzer: true,

    generateStatsFile: false, statsFilename: 'stats.json', statsOptions: null }) Webpack Bundle Analysis
  27. new LodashModuleReplacementPlugin({ caching: true, collections: true, paths: true, // replace

    find/findIndex later // https://github.com/lodash/lodash-webpack-plugin/issues/79 shorthands: true })
  28. CSS Loading Strategy Atomic CSS - Using Atomic CSS to

    create highly reusable CSS styles - All atomic CSS style are inlined in the initial paint - Some CSS loaded in stylesheet (including animations) before after
  29. Runtime Performance Beacons and Swipes - requestIdleCallback() defer non-critical actions

    into idle - Simplified HTML composite layers to reduce paint counts
  30. new webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin(), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env': { // Env stuff... }),

    Update to Webpack 3 JavaScript Parsing Time: 250ms -> 230ms (8%) React 15.x -> React 16 reduced vendor chunks by ~6.7%
  31. new workboxWebpackPlugin({ injectManifest: true, swSrc: paths.serviceWorkerSrcPath, swDest: paths.serviceWorkerDestPath, globDirectory: paths.staticPath,

    globPatterns: [ '**/*.{js,html,css,svg,woff2}' ], templatedUrls: { 'index.html': [ '../public/static/build/main-*.js', '../public/static/build/vendor-*.js', '../public/static/build/manifest-*.js', '../public/static/build/style.*.css'] }, maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 4194304 })
  32. • Fast By Default: Modern Loading Practices (https://goo.gl/CnxikT) • JavaScript

    Startup Performance (https://goo.gl/HHzUSh) • The Cost-of JavaScript (https://goo.gl/yv7j2j) • Pinterest PWA Case Study (https://goo.gl/PVBjFW) • Tinder PWA Case Study (https://goo.gl/vrtjFi) • Chrome User Experience Report (https://goo.gl/pJpYUx) • User Centric Performance Metrics (https://goo.gl/kKRduJ) • Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets (https:// goo.gl/WyGNs3)