Really just the basics for people who never have seen a mark-up or script language. What stands behind abbreviations like HTTP, CMS, HTML5, CSS3, etc. and what are front-end and back-end technologies.
Knowledge about a technology you use day by day. Better understanding in meetings with technical background. Learning something new is always an inspiration.
mark up language, websites are written in html and there is a certain way to write it, like grammar. HMTL 5 is the current version of HTML, it’s still work in progress but hopefully soon the standard.
</body> Title: website name Meta data: e.g. search Style sheets & scripts: CSS, Javascript text: paragraph, headings multimedia: images, music, video forms and lists, hyperlinks <img src=”pictogram” />
sheet language for describing document presentation semantics or more easily: the design. CSS CSS 3 is the newest version of the CSS spec. It’s also work in progress but most browsers support it. It’s normally separated from the content (HTML).
not to be confused with Java . Java script It’s a object oriented scripting language, it exposes HTML-documents to programmatic manipulation. Or more easily it “animates” websites without a plug-in. HTML 5 + Javascript = Awesomeness
move (body) { if (body === 0) { go right 1; } return left * move(body-1); } var: hat = 1; var: body; Loading new page content without reloading the page Just an analogy! Animation of elements, fading in and out, resizing them, moving them, etc. Interactive content Transmitting information about the user's browsing activities to various websites (web analytics, ad tracking, personalization). And more...
open source content-management system based on PHP and MySQL, which runs on a web hosting service. WordPress is the most popular blogging system in use on the Web, at more than 60 million websites. Features include a plug-in architecture and a template system.