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Chef + CI + Vagrant

Chef + CI + Vagrant

Use Jenkins + Vagrant + Foodcritic for a complete Chef cookbook testing framework.

Brian Scott

July 13, 2012

Other Decks in Technology


  1. What is Chef? Chef is a Infrastructure Configuration management system

    used to provision and manage configuration across your infrastructure.
  2. Why test your chef cookbooks? 1) Because we should treat

    our Infrastructure as code. 2) Ensure Integrity across your Infrastructure 3) Test Code changes 4) Just because!
  3. What We need? 1) Jenkins 2) Vagrant gem 3) Chef

    Server (Hosted or Standalone Instance) 3) Physical Machine 4) Foodcritic gem
  4. Resources Jenkins - http://jenkins-ci.org/ Chef - http://www.opscode.com Vagrant - http://vagrantup.com/

    Minitest- https://github.com/calavera/minitest-chef- handler Foodcritic - http://acrmp.github.com/foodcritic/