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Measuring DevRel programs far beyond marketing ...

Measuring DevRel programs far beyond marketing activities

Outreach and marketing activities (e.g events, documentation, trainings) might be the most visible part of developer relations and at that point, there are indeed good tooling and well defined metrics. However, that’s just the top of the iceberg, and is time to face that DevRel activities go far beyond from that (e.g Community, Product, Support). Are we measuring DevRel programs in the right way?

During this talk, Ana Jimenez will share a list of useful metrics and KPIs for DevRel programs


July 14, 2019

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  1. “To measure is to know” “If you can not measure

    it, you cannot improve it” Lord Kelvin
  2. WHAT AND HOW TO MEASURE Tickets/Issues GitHub GitLab Bugzilla Jira

    Code Review Gerrit GitHub GitLab Meetings/Events Meetup Eventbrite Website Chats Slack Mattermost Telegram Social Media Twitter Mailing lists Groups.io Google Groups Q&A Forums Askbot StackOverflow Discourse Documentation Read the docs Confluence MediaWiki
  3. DevRel tend to focus more on measuring awareness, based on

    social media, website and events. It might be because that’s what typically marketing analytics tools measure, and there is easy access to mature and well-known marketing tools Conclusions More than marketing analytics tools
  4. DevRel tend to focus more on measuring awareness, based on

    social media, website, events and mailing lists. It might be because that’s what typically marketing analytics tools measure, and there is easy access to mature and well-known marketing tools Conclusions DevRel should get evidence about all the different data sources Developer Community interacts with, in order to have an overall view about the community health More than marketing analytics tools Limited analysis means limited facts
  5. DevRel tend to focus more on measuring awareness, based on

    social media, website, events and mailing lists. It might be because that’s what typically marketing analytics tools measure, and there is easy access to mature and well-known marketing tools Conclusions DevRel should get evidence about all the different data sources Developer Community interacts with, in order to have an overall view about the community health Looking for Insights among the different touch points (SM, mailing lists, collaborations hubs, chats, forums, etc) is exhausting and time consuming. Being able to visualize aggregated information within a consistent platform might be a good solution to overcome this problem More than marketing analytics tools Limited analysis means limited facts All-in-one platform for better Insight analysis