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[Study4.TW .NET Conf 2017] 響應式程式開發之 .NET Core 應用

[Study4.TW .NET Conf 2017] 響應式程式開發之 .NET Core 應用

介紹近年在各語言都火熱的 Reactive Programming 架構與其特性,並透過 Rx.Net 展示如何實作於.Net Core的開發中,帶來更多架構

Blackie Tsai

October 13, 2017

More Decks by Blackie Tsai

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    input B:"); var b = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); var c = a+b; Console.WriteLine("before: the value of c is {0}",c); Console.Write("Press input B again:"); b = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); c = a+b; Console.WriteLine("after: the value of c is {0}",c); Imperative programming
  6. .NET Conf while (true) { Console.Write("Press input A:"); var a

    = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Press input B:"); var subscription = Observable .FromAsync(() => Console.In.ReadLineAsync()) .Subscribe(b => Console.WriteLine("the value of c is {0}",a+Convert.ToInt32(b))); Console.Write("enter symbol (or x to exit): "); … } Reactive programming
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