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Building a digital workplace for civil servants

September 19, 2024

Building a digital workplace for civil servants

Presentation given in Open Source summit Europe 2024


September 19, 2024

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  1. Strengthening ties on digital sovereignty through open-source product development with

    european countries coopération Building a digital workplace for civil servants Open Source Summit - Vienna / DINUM september 2024
  2. Direction interministérielle du numérique The DINUM’s roadmap, named A Digital

    Strategy for Efficient Public Action, published in march 2023, has 4 pillars. One of them is that the DINUM should : Guarantee the digital sovereignty of the French State by investing in mutualized digital productivity tools for civil servants. Most of these digital products have been developed using free software to ensure the control, sustainability and independence of the State’s information system.[…] Leverage open source to guarantee sovereignty The DINUM mission
  3. Direction interministérielle du numérique Direction interministérielle du numérique 3 Leverage

    open source to guarantee sovereignty Finding equilibrium between innovation and control Closed Source Open Source Commons Transparency Control Governance Sustainability
  4. Direction interministérielle de la transformation publique 4 1.Saison 2 Since

    2015, any entity entrusted with a public service mission must publish any document produced or received as part of this mission, whatever the date, place of storage or medium. Source codes, public data and algorithms fall under this obligation. 2016 Loi pour une République numérique A facilitating legal framework Tenders and call for commons : administrations may use clauses to favour free and open source initiatives and impact-driven enterprises. Licences : code produced by the French administration is protected by licenses described in articles L323-2 et D323-2-1 of the Code des relations entre le public et les administrations. 2021 Prime Minister’ Castex circulaire on the opening of data, source codes and algorithms
  5. Direction interministérielle du numérique Autonomous teams, with clear responsibilities Apply

    impact driven methodology 🤝 We trust our teams to make the right decisions for their product The key questions: “Who is in charge of the product?” “How can we ensure a high level of transparency in our work to limit reporting tasks?” “How can we find ways to limit bureaucratic constraints to be able to innovate?” What we do: ✅ Creating “incubators” to let our teams work in a flexible environment, with low constraints ✅ Encouraging our teams to test, maybe fail, learn, and test again What we don’t do: ❌ Separating ‘thinkers’ and ‘doers’
  6. Direction interministérielle du numérique Direction interministérielle du numérique 6 Collaborate

    with existing communities 2021 - Blue Hats : FLOSS communities within the French public sector. • Network and expertise sharing between French public agencies • 4 Blue Hats prize x NL Net Foundation • EU OSOR award winning initiative 2022 - Digital commons Accelerator : better connect and collaborate with commoners communities • A civil society product portfolio with 4 products : • FLOSS : Primtux, Pyronear • Open databases : Open Street Map/uMap, Open Food Facts • Better connect commoners with our public policy makers and our digital public services • Sponsorship includes a minimum of 12 months funding & expertise 2024 - Fund « Digital commons for the digital Workplace » : sustainably strengthen the open source ecosystem and empower the people behind the projects Call for commons for the Suite Sponsorship includes 6 months funding & expertise
  7. 8 Building The Digital Suite Brick by Brick Direction interministérielle

    du numérique The digital Suite brings together all public sector employees and professionals around customizable and interconnected applications, ensuring a smooth and efficient management of public daily work.
  8. 10 Connecting all stakeholders in the public sphere Direction interministérielle

    du numérique The Pro Connect button is at the heart of the Digital Suite. Just as FranceConnect links digital public services for citizens, ProConnect establishes the connection between digital tools for professionals in the public sphere.
  9. 11 Pro Connect Direction interministérielle du numérique Make the work

    of public agents and professionals more… Simple, Efficient and Sovereign
  10. 12 Direction interministérielle du numérique SSO A universal SSO for

    the public sector with advanced directory and permission features
  11. 13 Direction interministérielle du numérique SSO A universal SSO for

    the public sector with advanced directory and permission features
  12. Direction interministérielle du numérique 14 Authentication and user management challenges

    • Connecting all agents and professionals in the public sphere • Integrating OIDC and SCIM in all our applications • Support interoperability with groups and role based access control • Making sense of professional identities with the coming european laws
  13. Building open source together - the 100 day challenge 2

    1 Common Interaction Frequent (virtual) sessions with a fixed team set-up and a shared chat. Projectathon(s) Event(s) for focused getting-stuff-done mentality. Sharing results Common communication at events about the Challenge and its results.
  14. 22 The idea What‘s behind the 100 Day Challenge? •

    Results of the Challenge should go into production (merge into main or present in a release) within the time frame of max. 6 months. • All work is published under OS-licences, and when possible, pushed upstream to the widely used open-source repositories. • The team for each project is composed of people from both countries and have rituals to work together and demo their work. • Both product teams invest a total of 100 man/days each during a time frame between June – December 2024 to solve common goals.
  15. #1 Enriching the product suite Adding a new collaboration tool

    into the suite. #2 Adding a feature Expand a tool with an AI feature. #3 Strengthening infrastructure Bringing existing infra-structures closer together. Types of Challenges Each one is special 24
  16. Common Interaction Frequent (virtual) sessions with a fixed team set-up

    and a shared chat. Projectathon(s) Event(s) for focused getting-stuff-done mentality. Sharing results Common communication at events about the Challenge and its results. Formats of working together How do we get stuff done? 25
  17. Roadmap May 24th Investment Committee Decision on common activities in

    2024 June 2024 Project Kick-Off Teams are created and initiate working Release preparations and adjustments Final stage to ship developments to production-ready and release status Final Workshop and Planning 2025 June - September Development Phase October - December Release Preparations May Project Setup December Evaluation & Planning Operational planning, development and reviews; monthly status updates to BMI and DINUM by the operational entities On-site Projectathon Event for focused co-development On-Site Presentation Presentation to and discussion with the investment sponsors and public presentation of the results 26