and usually cover a specific function, or unit of work. All dependencies are mocked. — Functional tests cover a large spectrum of functionality and may interact with a database or other dependencies. — User needs to get from point A to point B. 9
Textual description of the business value of this feature Business rules that govern the scope of the feature Any additional information that will make the feature easier to understand Scenario: Some determinable business situation Given some precondition And some other precondition When some action by the actor And some other action And yet another action Then some testable outcome is achieved And something else we can check happens too Scenario: A different situation ... 11
site_id | group_id | ... Given I have field groups: | group_id | site_id | group_name | ... Scenario: I need fields by type When default language is "en" Then I want "text" fields Then I should get "text" fields as array And I should have 2 "text" fields Then I want to see if "field_id_3" is ignored And I want to see if "field_id_2" is not ignored Then I want know what type of field "field_id_4" is and I should get "grid" And I want to know what type of field "field_id_1" is and I should not get "text" Then I expect the field name for "field_id_2" to be "page_header" Then I want a list of fields as select menu options Then I expect to get the field label "Grid Field" for custom field by column name "field_id_4" And I expect to get the field label "Checkboxes" for custom field by short name "page_checkboxes" And I expect to get the short name "page_header" for custom field by column name "field_id_2" Then I want to see if "title" is a custom field Then I want to see if "field_id_4" is a custom field Then I want to see if "page_header" is a custom field Then I want to see if "foobar" is not a custom field 20
EE's control panel Given I am on "/admin.php" When I fill in "Username" with "admin" When I fill in "Password" with "password" And I press "submit" Then I should see "Create" When I follow "Create" When I follow "Pages" Given I am on "/admin.php?/cp/publish/create/1" Then I wait for ".grid-input-form a.btn.action" When I fill in "title" with "Automated Testing FTW" When I follow "add new row" When I fill in "field_id_1[rows][new_row_1][col_id_1]" with "This is content in a Grid row" Then I press "Publish" 30