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Ruby for Recruiters

Ruby for Recruiters

Brandon Beacher

May 09, 2014

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  1. Ruby is designed to be human- oriented. It reduces the

    burden of programming. It tries to push jobs back to machines. You can accomplish more tasks with less work, in smaller yet readable code.
  2. That's Ruby's main difference from other language designs. I emphasize

    the feeling, in particular, how I feel using Ruby.
  3. 99 Bottles of Beer X bottles of beer on the

    wall X bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around X-1 bottles of beer on the wall X-1 bottles of beer on the wall ... Take one down, pass it around 0 bottles of beer on the wall
  4. Java import java.text.MessageFormat; public class Beer { static String bottles(final

    int n) { return MessageFormat.format("{0,choice,0#No more bottles|1#One bottle|2#{0} bottles} of beer", n); } public static void main(final String[] args) { String byob = bottles(99); for (int x = 99; x > 0;) { System.out.println(byob + " on the wall"); System.out.println(byob); System.out.println("Take one down, pass it around"); byob = bottles(--x); System.out.println(byob + " on the wall\n"); } } }
  5. C# using System; using System.Linq; class Program { static void

    Main() { BeerBottles().Take(99).ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine); } static IEnumerable<String> BeerBottles() { int i = 100; String f = "{0}, {1}. Take one down, pass it around, {2}"; Func<int, bool, String> booze = (c , b) => String.Format("{0} bottle{1} of beer{2}", c > 0 ? c.ToString() : "no more", (c == 1 ? "" : "s"), b ? " on the wall" : ""); while (--i >= 1) yield return String.Format(f, booze(i, true), booze(i, false), booze(i - 1, true)); } }
  6. Ruby plural = 's' 99.downto(1) do |i| puts "#{i} bottle#{plural}

    of beer on the wall," puts "#{i} bottle#{plural} of beer" puts "Take one down, pass it around!" plural = '' if i - 1 == 1 if i > 1 puts "#{i-1} bottle#{plural} of beer on the wall!" puts else puts "No more bottles of beer on the wall!" end end
  7. Ari Waller's TLC Technology still using COBOL Leadership boss drives

    you crazy Culture coworkers drive you crazy Compensation underpaid Career Growth bored Commute wasted time — http://www.thompsontechnologies.com/author/awaller/
  8. 91% don’t consider salary to be the number one factor

    in finding the right job — Top 5 Gems from the Ruby Job Market
  9. 50% of all Rubyists would consider moving for the right

    kind of job — Top 5 Gems from the Ruby Job Market
  10. Rubyists who know Angular JS got 20% more interview requests

    than those that did not — Top 5 Gems from the Ruby Job Market
  11. 72% of Ruby devs are using GitHub compared to only

    39% of Java devs — Top 5 Gems from the Ruby Job Market
  12. Engineers in SF are 50% more likely to list Ruby

    as their primary skill compared to those in other job markets — Top 5 Gems from the Ruby Job Market