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November 05, 2021



November 05, 2021

More Decks by Bukola

Other Decks in Technology


  1. ❏ Checked the opportunities for growth in it ❏ Figured

    out where my passion lies ❏ Made a comparison of the skills in need ❏ Set a goal for myself My Journey … Decision Making! ❏ Researched the different IT fields
  2. I made the Bold Switch!!! Was it Easy ? No

  3. What is Career Pivot? “It’s a purposeful shift in a

    new , related direction that one makes by doubling down on what is already working“ Jenny Blake
  4. Our Focus How How do I pivot ? What What

    do I want to pivot into? Why Why do I want to Pivot ?
  5. ❏ What really drives you ❏ What are you good

    ❏ What do you enjoy doing The following can help you with the What ❏ What are you most passionate about
  6. ❏ Research about Roles and JD ❏ Talk to people

    in the roles you want ❏ Figure out your skills that relate to what you want to do Research ❏ Research about companies
  7. ❏ Do you think you will be better off in

    same role but in a different company ❏ Do you think you will be better of by switching roles but in the same organization? ❏ Have you lost passion for what you do ? The following can help you with the WHY ❏ Bored of what you are doing ?
  8. ❏ Leverage your most marketable skills ❏ Your past work

    experience Identify your transferable Skills ❏ List your top 3 transferable skills
  9. ❏ Define Timelines ❏ Keep a running list of things

    that you are wanting to get done ❏ Metrics without goals can be a waste. Set a goal ❏ Define Project-based goals
  10. ❏ Be around people doing what you want to do

    ❏ Attend Local meetups ❏ Build your internal network at your present company Build your Network ❏ Leverage your connections to pivot through Networking
  11. ❏ Follow blogs and people ❏ Update your project portfolio

    online ❏ Write Technical articles ❏ Give talks Keep Your Online Presence up-to-date ❏ Join conversations on Social media relating to the field/company you want
  12. ❏ How have you made an impact ❏ What sets

    you apart from the competition? ❏ What are you seeking ? ❏ Why should we hire you ? ELEVATOR PITCH Prepare Your Elevator Pitch ❏ Who are you?
  13. My Elevator Pitch My name is Bukola , I am

    a DevOps Engineer with xyz company . I was responsible for maintaining applications for company xyz and migrating of services from on premise to the cloud thereby enhancing the availability of services . I am a self taught engineer and I am looking out for a great company where I can help maintain the stability of the services and also add value to the company .
  14. ❏ Social media ( Twitter, Linkedin etc) ❏ Inform your

    network about your intentions ❏ Employee Referral ❏ Company career page ❏ Don’t forget to actually apply for your dream job Discover opportunities - Apply! ❏ Job sites