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Federal EEO Complaint Program Challenges (C4C,...

Federal EEO Complaint Program Challenges (C4C, Inc.)

The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) PowerPoint identifies Key Challenges Employees Face in the Federal EEO Complaint Program  as presented to the Government Accountability Office in August 2022 (Part 1)

Coalition For Change, Inc.

January 08, 2023

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  1. Key Challenges Employees Face in the Federal EEO Complaint Program

    (Part 1) Submitted to the Government Accountability Office Prepared by Tanya Ward Jordan, President The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) 8/10/2022
  2. Coverage Zoom Meeting August 10, 2022 I. Introductory Remarks 

    Tanya Ward Jordan / Paulette Taylor II. Background: The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) III. C4C Interface with the Elijah Cummings Federal Employee Anti- discrimination Act  Affiliation with Representative Elijah Cummings  Outreach to the EEOC –Director Carlton Hadden IV. Challenges Employees Face in the Federal EEO Program (Part One) IV. Suggested Actions NOTE: Hardcopy of PowerPoint to be provided to GAO meeting attendees: Shirley Hwang, Keith O’Brien and Serae LaFache-Brazier.
  3. Tanya Ward Jordan  President/Founder - The Coalition For Change

    Inc. (C4C)  Former NAACP Federal Sector Data Group Member  Former No FEAR Coalition Legislative Group Member  No FEAR Act Award Recipient from Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner  Congressional recognition from Rep. Elijah Cummings -- Input / Development of the Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination Act  Former Class Rep.– Janet Howard, et al v Commerce Dept. I. Introductory Remarks
  4.  Civil Rights Chair, The Coalition For Change, Inc. 

    Class agent SSA representing over 5,000 African American Females  Co-founder/President of the Black Females for Justice II at SSA, LLC  Disabled Veteran, United States Army  Congressional recognition from Rep. Elijah Cummings – Input / Development of the Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination Act Paulette Taylor I.Introductory Remarks
  5.  Formed 2009 in Washington, DC  Volunteer organization comprised

    of former & present federal employees  Address racial inequality & reprisal in federal service by fostering federal workplace accountability  Provide informational & emotional support for public servants who expose civil rights violations . II. Background: The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C)
  6. Tanya Ward Jordan (L), Rep. Elijah Cummings (C) Paulette Taylor

    (R) III. C4C Interface with the Elijah Cummings Federal Employee Anti-discrimination Act
  7. III. C4C Interface with the Elijah Cummings Federal Employee Anti-discrimination

    Act Visit: C4C Meeting with EEOC’s Office of Federal Operations -on with EEOC
  8. 1. EEOC Fails to Enforce Regulatory Guidelines Equitably 29 CFR

    1614 -- Federal Sector EEO Program In 2009 GAO reported: “A commissioner noted that a double standard exists, because a complaint would be dismissed if a complainant missed any of the deadlines. (GAO-09-712) (p. 12) In 2022 C4C reports: “A double standard remains as to how EEOC applies regulatory guidelines.”
  9. 2. Agencies Fail to Conduct Timely Investigation 218.36 262.47 293

    397.76 476.93 423.5 375.24 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 EXAMPLE: U. S. EEOC Avg. # of Days Investigation Stage REGULATIONS 29 CFR 1614 180 Days Source: EEOC No FEAR Data
  10. “"Congress has not authorized, either expressly or impliedly, a cause

    of action against the EEOC for the EEOC's alleged negligence or other malfeasance in processing an employment discrimination charge.“ Smith v. Casellas, 119 F.3d 33, 34 (D.C. Cir.)” 3. No Accountability For EEOC Mistakes or Malfeasances
  11. 4. EEOC Fails to Forward Proven Discrimination Cases to Office

    of Special Counsel for Discipline Excerpt from EEOC’s Reply dated June 9, 2014 to C4C FOIA Request
  12. ““””The head of each Federal agency’s Equal Employment Opportunity Program

    shall report to the head of the agency.” 6. Agencies Fail to Follow EEO Program Reporting Structure EEOC requirement / C4C recommendation adopted in Elijah Cummings FEA 2020 Sec 403 Head of Program Supervised by Head of Agency HEAD EEO
  13. 7. Leadership In Question Carlton Hadden EEOC Director Office of

    Federal Operations • Steward over flawed Federal EEO complaint program for 22+ years • Named in active pending complaint action against the U.S. EEOC • OFO Reframed C4C stakeholder issues/ Poor stakeholder Outreach
  14. 7. Leadership In Question SOURCE: Forbes Magazine-D.C. Appeals Court Recognizes

    Claim Of ‘Interference’ In Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Patricia Barnes. Sept. 17,2020 SOURCE: Barnes, P. (Sept. 17, 2020). Forbes on-line Magazine D.C. Appeals Court Recognizes Claim Of ‘Interference’ In Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Retrieved narrative from https://www.forbes.com/
  15. 8. “Fox Guarding the Hen House” Complaint System Defending Agency:

    • Processes claims/bases, • Reframes claims/bases (at times) • Approves/Denies claims • Investigates claims • Rules on complaint merits re: Final Agency Decision NOTE: Agency Office of General Counsel at times interferes with EEO intake and formal complaint process
  16. 9. The Commissions’ Limited Focus on Federal Sector EEO Matters

    The U.S.EEOC – “bipartisan Commission comprised of five presidentially appointed members, including the Chair, Vice Chair, and three Commissioners. ” Lack of Focus on Federal Sector Compared to Private Sector
  17. 10. EEOC Long Processing Times Fiscal Year FY 2000 FY2016

    HEARINGS 381 days 500 days APPEALS 420 days 447 days SOURCE: Annual Report of the FW 2000 p v-6 Table V-2 VI-4 Figure V11 U.S. EEOC Strategic Enforcement Plan FY 2017 – 2021 Executive Summary mplementing SEP Priorities (E.d.4)
  18. Suggested Actions • Conduct trends analysis to assess how many

    cases in which EEOC found discrimination; and how many EEOC referred to OSC since No FEAR Act of 2002. • Investigate the # of Field Audits the EEOC conducted over last decade. • Obtain EEOC employee “EXIT” reports • Review Performance Ratings of those in leadership within Office of Federal Operations. • Obtain number of employment class actions filed in government & how many the EEOC certified.
  19. • Review No FEAR data to assess the frequency in

    which agency exceeds 180 day investigative timeframe. {Note-Also see #hearings, Avg. processing time for hearings, #findings of discrimination, etc. • Review EEOC’s record of sanctions, if any, against agencies that exceed 180-day investigative time frame. • Speak with former EEOC high-ranking attorney Cassandra Menoken • Speak with USDA Coalition of Minority Employees. Lawrence Lucas Suggested Actions
  20. • See video re: Whistleblower Summit 2016 -- EEOC Replies

    to C4C Inquiry (Pt 3) [Director Carlton Hadden discusses / Memorandum of Understanding with Office of Special Counsel regarding “discipline of officials proven guilty of discrimination.] • Determine if EEOC has by statute the “authority” to discipline those proven guilty for discrimination. See video where EEOC states –it does not. • Review EEOC’s strategic plan/performance reports to discern if performance measures & goals are appropriate to address federal workplace EEO issues. Suggested Actions
  21. ACCOUNTABILITY “It is not only what we do, but also

    what we do not do for which we are accountable” Moliere Key Challenges Employees Face in the Federal EEO Complaint Program (Part 1) Contacts: Tanya Ward Jordan Ward.tj7@gmail.com Paulette Taylor royal488@comcast.net Alternate Email—c4C@coalition4change.org