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Healthy and Effective JavaScript Debugging in S...

Healthy and Effective JavaScript Debugging in Slack

Given at Philly JS meetup on February 27, 2020

Christina Deemer

February 27, 2020

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  1. @cahdeemer Asking for help 1. Act of strength & courage

    2. Smart & efficient to use the resources available 3. Models positive behavior 4. Surfaces issues others may have
  2. @cahdeemer Private documentation outside of Slack • In your IDE:

    https://snippet-generator.app/ • Personal code library / notes app: ◦ https://www.renfei.org/snippets-lab/ ◦ https://www.notion.so/ ◦ https://bear.app/
  3. @cahdeemer Public documentation outside of Slack • GH wikis •

    Blog post • Social media thread • Give a talk at your local JavaScript Meetup
  4. @cahdeemer Follow up • Slides: speakerdeck • Twitter: @cahdeemer •

    Blog post: cahdeemer.com/blog • Alley: alley.co