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(2016 - 7/9) You Keep Using That Word - What Do...

September 30, 2016

(2016 - 7/9) You Keep Using That Word - What Do 1-on-1s Really Mean?

Calibrate 2016 (7/9) - http://www.calibratesf.com/

"You Keep Using That Word - What Do 1-on-1s Really Mean?" - Michael Ruggiero, Sharethrough, Director of Exchange Engineering

"We have limited time to get our work done, let alone spending hours wasting engineers' time. So what are you doing with your 1:1s? 1:1s are way more than an "oil change" ritual; it's the richest and most profound way to connect with your people. With strategies and techniques that make the 1:1 more honest and vital, we'll demonstrate how taking the one-on-one just a little more seriously builds relationships and spurs your employees' growth."

Michael has worked as an engineer for FormFactor, Nokia, and adBrite, and led backend development for Live Nation. As a leader, Michael believes that managers prioritizing employee satisfaction and engagement are destined to reap the most in terms of team performance. As a father of three, he is consistently reminded that "no one talks like that anymore."


Calibrate is a conference for new engineering leaders hosted by seasoned engineering leaders. Organized and hosted by Sharethrough, it was conducted on September 30, 2015 and September 30, 2016 in San Francisco, California.


September 30, 2016

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  1. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? • Sharethrough > 4 years

    • Formerly AdBrite; Nokia; Live Nation; FormFactor • Managing eight engineers 
 and a data scientist Michael Ruggiero
  2. A Definition • Regular face-to-face meeting • Identify areas where

    ҆ the report is doing well ҆ the report could make improvements • Help report's development, career path WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN?
  3. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? What Does That Mean? •

    Getting status updates • Helping people with HR problems • Conversational tasks that could happen 
 “in the hallway”
  4. What questions are you asking? Do you hear their stories?

    What actions result from the 1:1? WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN?
  5. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? You Are Pattern Matching You

    have a whole set of stories about being a manager.
  6. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? “Alice is happy.” “Bob complains.”

    “Ted is obsessed with [some technology]”
  7. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? A list of questions Ask

    the same handful each week, 
 to all your reports. Actually hear their stories Their stories may not be what you expect. Action items One for you and one for the report. Three Ways to Get More Curious
  8. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? • What are the biggest

    time wasters for you each week? • What’s the biggest thing you’d like to change about our team? • What did you do for fun in the past that you haven’t had as much time for lately? • What could I do as a manager to make your work easier? • What work are you doing here that you feel is most in line with your long term goals? • If you were CEO, what’s the first thing you’d change? • If you were managing people, would you focus on technology more or people more? • Are you happy? • How could we improve the ways our team works together? Examples
  9. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? Short-term goals? Long-term goals? What

    excites them? What irritates them?
 (it might be you)
  10. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? Trade shows are fun. Working

    the trade show reflects my desire to move forward in the business. You’re asking for a perq. I’m asking for an opportunity to grow.
  11. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? Just Not Commits • Where

    do your folks want to grow? • Provide structure for them 
 to take necessary steps
  12. WHAT DO 1:1S REALLY MEAN? Where does she want to

    go? Can you help her see the gap between what she wants and where she is? Are you trustworthy? Being predictable and honoring their stories means you are literally “worthy of trust” Why Are You Doing 1:1s? Is this work for you? It should be.