Sulu GmbH – More than 20 years of experience in web technologies & development – PHP, Symfony, React, SQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, Varnish, … – Open source enthusiast – Loves cooking and mountains
load and response times – Enhances user experience by delivering content faster – Saves costs by reducing the resources needed to handle high traffic volumes
to be temporarily stored on a client's device or an intermediary server, reducing the need for requests to the original server and improving web performance. ChatGPT
locally on the user's device – Provides instant access to previously visited content without re-fetching from the server – Controlled by cache headers like Cache-Control and Expires – Shared Proxies – Reverse Proxies
Distributed systems that cache content closer to the user's location – Enhance content delivery speed by serving cached content from a nearby location – Useful for serving static assets like images, scripts and stylesheets to a global audience – Reverse Proxies
Reverse Proxies – Sit between client and web server, caching responses from the server – Examples include Varnish, Nginx, and Symfony HTTP-Cache – Can cache dynamic content and provide load balancing – Controlled by cache headers and can be configured for specific caching rules
be stored in any cache, including shared and private caches – private — Indicates that the response can be stored only in a private cache (e.g. local caches in browsers) – no-cache — Indicates that the response can be stored in caches, but the response must be validated with the origin server before each reuse – no-store — Indicates that any caches of any kind (private or shared) should not store this response
fresh until N seconds after the response is generated – s-maxage=[N] — Indicates how long the response is fresh for (similar to max-age) — but it is specific to shared caches, and they will ignore max-age when it is present – must-revalidate — Indicates that the response can be stored in caches and can be reused while fresh. If the response becomes stale, it must be validated with the origin server before reuse
reuse a stale response while it revalidates the response in the background – stale-if-error — Indicates that the cache can reuse a stale response when an upstream server generates an error – …
tags to communicate with the gateway cache – In Symfony the <esi:include/> is implemented – If the response contains ESI tags, the cache either requests the page fragment from the backend or embeds the fresh cache entry
the parts of the request message aside from the method and URL that influenced the content of the response – Most often, this is used to create a cache key when content negotiation is in use – Vary: Accept-Encoding, <header-name>, ... import redis; # see docs about cookie here import cookie; # ... sub vcl_init { # VMOD configuration: simple case, keeping up to # one Redis connection per Varnish worker thread. new db = redis.db( location="", type=master, connection_timeout=500, shared_connections=false, max_connections=1); }
Header, validate it and if its valid get cache group from redis set req.http.X-ABO = ""; cookie.parse(req.http.cookie); set req.http.X-SESSION-ID = cookie.get("PHPSESSID"); if (req.http.X-SESSION-ID ~ "[0-9a-zA-z,-]+") { db.command("GET"); db.push("SESSION_ID_" + req.http.X-SESSION-ID); db.execute(); set req.http.X-ABO = db.get_string_reply(); } # ... }