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A Digital Kingdom for a Digital World

Chris Lim
September 15, 2018

A Digital Kingdom for a Digital World

Digital technology has transformed our lives, connecting us with the world and one another on unprecedented levels. As followers of Jesus we are responsible for making the most of this opportunity for the sake of the Gospel. This talk will cast a vision for how developers, designers, entrepreneurs, organizations and everyday Christians can collectively maximize their Kingdom impact in a digital world.

Chris Lim

September 15, 2018

More Decks by Chris Lim

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Overview How have I seen God use digitalization? How is

    God using digitalization to bring about our future? What is God calling us to do today?
  2. 3200 BC Writing 1 AD 
 300 million people on

    earth 1440 AD Gutenberg Press 1948 AD Digital Communication History Highlights
  3. 3200 BC Writing 1 AD 
 300 million people on

    earth 1440 AD Gutenberg Press 1948 AD Digital 1990 AD WWW 2007 AD iPhone 2012 AD AI / 1 billion people on FB Communication History Highlights
  4. 1 AD 
 300 million people on earth 1440 AD

    Gutenberg Press 1948 AD Digital 1990 AD WWW 2007 AD iPhone 2012 AD AI / 1 billion people on FB Gospel History Highlights Creation Fall Call of Abraham Flood Moses leads Israel’s Exodus Kingdom of Israel Established Temple is Destroyed and Israel is Exiled The Temple is Rebuilt Tower of Babel Jacob moves to Egypt The Temple is Built Jesus is born, crucified and resurrected The Holy Spirit is poured out The Gospel is being preached to all Creation
  5. Discipleship Platform Metrics Facebook Engagement Website Visitors New Inquirers First

    Meetings Completed Total Baptisms Total Baptizers Total Groups Total Active Churches Church Planters 1 1000 1000000 3 5 37 29 63 241 2,220 121,123 422,597 disciple.tools kingdom.training Github: Case study: