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現代 IT 人一定要知道的 Ansible 自動化組態技巧 Ⅱ - Roles & Windows

現代 IT 人一定要知道的 Ansible 自動化組態技巧 Ⅱ - Roles & Windows

Ansible 是個與 Puppet, Salt, Chef 並列的 Infrastructure as Code 組態設定工具,其簡單易用的特性讓人愛不釋手,在 DevOps 界更佔有一席之地。
本次凍仁將會帶領大家深入了解 Ansible Role, 怎麼用 Ansible 管 Windows 和實戰經驗分享,相信有了 Ansible 我們都可以提早下班了 (笑)。
* Blog 文章:https://note.drx.tw/2016/07/automate-with-ansible-roles-windows.html

Chu-Siang Lai

July 16, 2016

More Decks by Chu-Siang Lai

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  1. [ chusiang@study-area ~ ] $ cat .profile # Author: 㲺Ռᗼ

    / chusiang.lai (at) gmail.com # Blog: http://note.drx.tw # Modified: 2016-07-16 01:23 Ⅱ
  2. ౯ฎ抑牫 • 㲺Ռᗼ (@chusiang_lai)牐 • 4 ଙ犥Ӥ IT 妿涢牐 •

    Ansible 䋿䜗拻璤 4e. 䋊㹓牐 • ෝ Galaxy 獤Ձጱ Roles物 • php7 (php-fpm) • vim-and-vi-mode • win_vim • zabbix-agent 2
  3. Outline I. Roles ฎՋ讕牫 II. ெ讕ֵአ Roles牫 III. Windows Support

    ฎՋ讕牫 IV. ெ讕蟂ᗟ Ansible ᓕ Windows 絑ह牫 7
  4. Outline I. Roles ฎՋ讕牫 II. ெ讕ֵአ Roles牫 III. Windows Support

    ฎՋ讕牫 IV. ெ讕蟂ᗟ Ansible ᓕ Windows 絑ह牫 V. ெ讕አ Ansible ᓕ Windows牫 8
  5. Outline I. Roles ฎՋ讕牫 II. ெ讕ֵአ Roles牫 III. Windows Support

    ฎՋ讕牫 IV. ெ讕蟂ᗟ Ansible ᓕ Windows 絑ह牫 V. ெ讕አ Ansible ᓕ Windows牫 VI. Q & A 9
  6. Roles ฎՋ讕牫 • ਁᶎӤጱ఺௏ฎ薫ᜋ牧ٌ獊ݷ 傶 Playbook Roles牐 • 疥 Playbook

    獤獹౮ग़㮆෈կ ጱ (ು虡玕) ੗蕕戔懯牐 • অ穉 Python ጱ Packages牐ֵ አ Roles ౯㮉ݢ፜݄᯿蝨斪ৼ ጱ碻樌牧簁盅൉෱ӥ紑牦 Ansible Docs - http://goo.gl/mV6ToX 13
  7. Playbooks ฎՋ讕牫 • Ӟ棎蟂ᗟጱ䔶य़ྎ瑊牧穉 Shell Script ๅٍ奾䯤玕ጱ脻๜承 ᥺牐 • ֵአ

    YAML ໒ୗ牧䌃 code 疰 ইݶ䌃෈կ牧墋㻌ฃ捝牐 • ݢֵአ Jinja2 (template 羬翄) 蔭螈ୗ牧㪔ඪൔ虋碍牏ڣ䥁ୗ
 牏蝅瑹 ... 缛承ဩ牐 Baby Playbook Onesie - http://goo.gl/GKJvXn 14
  8. 15 Playbook Roles Playbooks v.s. [ jonny@sa ~/playbook-role ]$ tree

    -L 3 . !"" LICENSE !"" README.md !"" ...... !"" ansible.cfg !"" group_vars # %"" windows.yml !"" requirements.yml !"" roles # %"" chusiang.win_vim # !"" LICENSE # !"" README.md # !"" ...... # !"" tasks # %"" templates !"" setup.yml !"" staging %"" templates %"" check_vim_version.bat.j2 [ jonny@sa ~/playbook ]$ tree -L 3 . !"" LICENSE !"" README.md !"" ...... !"" ansible.cfg !"" defaults # %"" main.yml !"" group_vars # %"" windows.yml !"" setup.yml !"" staging !"" tasks # !"" main.yml # %"" use-msi.yml %"" templates %"" check_vim_version.bat.j2
  9. ெ讕矾疨 Roles牫 24 # ansible-galaxy [delete|import|info|init|install|list|login|remove|search|setup] [--help] [options] ... $

    ansible-galaxy search win_vim Found 11 roles matching your search: Name Description ---- ----------- chusiang.win_vim Install Vim and on Windows. mingraham.win_import_pfx_cert Imports pfx certs to windows machine with pr alban.andrieu.windows A role for installing windows ypid.wine Setup and manage Wine for running MS Windows trondhindenes.win_reboot A role to manage reboots on Windows nodes. T kafecho.windows-couchdb Ansible role to deploy Apache CouchDB 1.6.1 cchurch.win-ec2 Create and destroy Windows instances on EC2. shrikeh.pagerduty-maintenance-windows Ansible role to create PagerDuty scheduled m peterszatmary.xfce Installs the XFCE window manager and lightdm JamesSmaldon.xfce Installs the XFCE window manager and lightdm deekayen.tls Host more secure communications for services (END)
  10. ெ讕ਞ蕕 Roles牫 25 $ ansible-galaxy install chusiang.win_vim - downloading role

    'win_vim', owned by chusiang - downloading role from https://github.com/chusiang/win_vim.ansible.role/ archive/1.0.5.tar.gz - extracting chusiang.win_vim to /usr/local/etc/ansible/roles/chusiang.win_vim - chusiang.win_vim was installed successfully $ ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles chusiang.win_vim - downloading role 'win_vim', owned by chusiang - downloading role from https://github.com/chusiang/win_vim.ansible.role/ archive/1.0.5.tar.gz - extracting chusiang.win_vim to roles/chusiang.win_vim - chusiang.win_vim was installed successfully ெ讕螲ਞ蕕 Roles 螲ᛔ懪 Roles ֖ᗝ牫
  11. ெ讕ڡত玕 Roles牫 26 $ ansible-galaxy init new_role - new_role was

    created successfully $ tree new_role/ new_role/ !"" README.md !"" defaults # %"" main.yml !"" files !"" handlers # %"" main.yml !"" meta # %"" main.yml !"" tasks # %"" main.yml !"" templates !"" tests # !"" inventory # %"" test.yml %"" vars %"" main.yml https://galaxy.ansible.com/intro
  12. ெ讕蟂ᗟ Control Machine牫 • ਞ蕕 ansible ޾ pywinrm牐 39 #

 # http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_windows.html#installing-on-the- control-machine
 # Debian & Ubuntu (propose). $ sudo apt-get install ansible # Mac OS X (propose). $ sudo brew install ansible # Python. $ sudo pip install ansible # pywinrm (need). $ sudo pip install "pywinrm>=0.1.1"
  13. $ winrm quickconfig -q $ winrm set winrm/config/winrs @{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="512"} $

    winrm set winrm/config @{MaxTimeoutms="1800000"} $ winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"} $ winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"} $ sc config WinRM start= auto 10. 螭磪㺔氂牫藶አᓕቘᘏ稗褖樄珸޸ڜ൉纈ਁز牧㪔䁆ᤈ犥Ӥ 6 ᤈ牐 C:\ ̍
  14. ெ讕戔ਧ Ansible牫 • 萞ኧ ansible.cfg 㬵戔ਧ inventory (host file) 䲆礯᪠䕩牏

    Managed node (ᤩ矒ᒒ) ֵአᘏݷ圸牏SSH ᰂ槄 … 缛牐 56 $ vim ansible.cfg [defaults] # 瞲ਧ inventory 䲆礯᪠䕩牐 hostfile = staging # 螐ᒒֵአᘏݷ圸 remote_user = vagrant # host_key_checking: 犋扇㺔ے獈 ssh ᰂ槄 #host_key_checking = False
  15. inventory ฎՋ讕牫 • Ԇᥝአ㬵ਧ嬝 Managed node (ᤩ矒ᒒ) Ԇ秚֖࣎膏ᗭ奲牧 犖ݢአ㬵戔ਧ WinRM

    蝫娄虻懱牐 57 $ vim staging # ansible_host: 螐ᒒԆ秚֖࣎牐 # ansible_port: 螐ᒒओݗ (Port)牐 # ansible_user: 螐ᒒֵአᘏݷ圸牐 # ansible_pass: 螐ᒒੂ嘨 (ୌ捍硬አᐺ槄)牐 [local] win10.local ansible_host= ansible_user=IEUser ansible_password=Passw0rd! ansible_port=55986
  16. inventory ฎՋ讕牫 • ࣁ矒ᓕ Windows Managed node 獮牧౯㮉螭襑戔ਧ蝡犚 inventory 虋碍牐

    58 $ vim group_vars/windows.yml --- # windows support ################# ansible_connection: winrm ansible_port: 5986 # The following is necessary for Python 2.7.9+ when using \ # default WinRM self-signed certificates: ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
  17. ெ讕አ Ad-Hoc command ᓕ Windows牫 • -m 盅ጱݱ殻㷢碍藶㷢ᘍਥො෈կ ҆ Windows

 牧ඪൔ Windows ጱ Module य़ग़傶 win 樄毣牐 61 # ansible <Ԇ秚ݷ圸> -m <秇奲> -a <㷢碍1> -a <㷢碍2> $ ansible all -m win_ping win10.local | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } $ ansible all -m raw -a "echo Hello World" win10.local | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> Hello World
  18. ெ讕አ Playbooks ޾ Roles ᓕ Windows牫 62 $ vim setup.yml

    --- - hosts: all roles: - chusiang.win_vim tasks: - name: copy check vim version file win_template: src: 'templates/check_vim_version.bat.j2' dest: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: check vim version raw: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' register: vim_version when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: print vim version debug: msg: "{{ vim_version }}" when: ansible_os_family == "Windows"
  19. ெ讕አ Playbooks ޾ Roles ᓕ Windows牫 63 $ vim setup.yml

    --- - hosts: all roles: - chusiang.win_vim tasks: - name: copy check vim version file win_template: src: 'templates/check_vim_version.bat.j2' dest: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: check vim version raw: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' register: vim_version when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: print vim version debug: msg: "{{ vim_version }}" when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" Play
  20. ெ讕አ Playbooks ޾ Roles ᓕ Windows牫 64 $ vim setup.yml

    --- - hosts: all roles: - chusiang.win_vim tasks: - name: copy check vim version file win_template: src: 'templates/check_vim_version.bat.j2' dest: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: check vim version raw: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' register: vim_version when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: print vim version debug: msg: "{{ vim_version }}" when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" role1: chusiang.win_vim task1: copy script to remote. task2: run script. task3: print stdout.
  21. ெ讕አ Playbooks ޾ Roles ᓕ Windows牫 65 $ vim setup.yml

    --- - hosts: all roles: - chusiang.win_vim tasks: - name: copy check vim version file win_template: src: 'templates/check_vim_version.bat.j2' dest: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: check vim version raw: '{{ tmp_path }}\check_vim_version.bat' register: vim_version when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" - name: print vim version debug: msg: "{{ vim_version }}" when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" Module
  22. ெ讕አ Playbooks ޾ Roles ᓕ Windows牫 66 $ ansible-playbook setup.yml

    PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [win10.local] TASK [chusiang.win_vim : Create temp directory] ******************************** ok: [win10.local] TASK [chusiang.win_vim : delegate to 'msi' system for installation] ************ included: /Users/jonny/vcs/9.demo/studyarea1607-ansible-demo/roles/ chusiang.win_vim/tasks/use-msi.yml for win10.local TASK [chusiang.win_vim : get vim.msi on windows] ******************************* changed: [win10.local] TASK [chusiang.win_vim : install vim with msi] ********************************* changed: [win10.local]
  23. ெ讕አ Playbooks ޾ Roles ᓕ Windows牫 67 TASK [copy check

    vim version file] ********************************************* changed: [win10.local] TASK [check vim version] ******************************************************* ok: [win10.local] TASK [print vim version] ******************************************************* ok: [win10.local] => { "msg": { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "stderr": "", "stdout": "\r\nC:\\Users\\IEUser>\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\vim\\vim74\ \vim.exe\" --version \r\nVIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 1 ...... ] } } PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* win10.local : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
  24. ெ讕አ Playbooks ޾ Roles ᓕ Windows牫 68 TASK [copy check

    vim version file] ********************************************* changed: [win10.local] TASK [check vim version] ******************************************************* ok: [win10.local] TASK [print vim version] ******************************************************* ok: [win10.local] => { "msg": { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "stderr": "", "stdout": "\r\nC:\\Users\\IEUser>\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\vim\\vim74\ \vim.exe\" --version \r\nVIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 1 ...... ] } } PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* win10.local : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 者奾
  25. ெ讕螨樄 Windows Playbooks ᪠䕩瑿襊牫 1. ֵአ key:value 䌃ဩ䨝穉 key=value ੝᪴讨襊牧盅ᘏ犋碻䨝蝽

    ک᪠䕩 (PATH) 篷ဩ蜣蘷㺔氂牐 2. 螨عࣁྯᤈጱ奾ੲֵአ \牐 3. 舙蝽ک \ ݢֵአ \\ 㬵磦դ牧ࢩ傶 Windows ܻض疰䨝蝡䰬薹ຉ ᪠䕩牐 4. 粬ྛᒧ蒈薹ຉ磪藮牫藶ض䌃অ瞙稞䲆牧㯽䲆盅 (win_copy, win_template) ٚ䁆ᤈ (raw)牐ֺ物`C:\Program Files (x86)`牐 5. ࣁ Playbooks 愊牧/ 狶傶᪠䕩ጱ獤ᵍᒧ蒈ฎ磪硳ጱ牐
  26. ଉአጱ Windows Module 磪ߺ犚牫 1. raw: Executes a low-down and

    dirty SSH command. 2. win_copy: Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts. 3. win_file: Creates, touches or removes files or directories. 4. win_get_url: Fetches a file from a given URL. 5. win_lineinfile: Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.
  27. ଉአጱ Windows Module 磪ߺ犚牫 6. win_msi: Installs and uninstalls Windows

    MSI files. 7. win_ping: A windows version of the classic ping module. 8. win_reboot: Reboot a windows machine. 9. win_stat: returns information about a Windows file. 10.win_template: Templates a file out to a remote server.
  28. 㷢ᘍ෈糽 A. ̽Ansible: Up and Running̾- https://www.ansible.com/ansible-book B. Windows Support

    | Ansible Docs - http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_windows.html C. Ansible 2.0 and Windows | AnsibleFest London 2016 - https://goo.gl/OmScaQ D. Ansible 䋿䜗拻璤 - http://get.soft-arch.net/ansible/ E. 亮藳 Ansible by sakana / Max - https://goo.gl/gR0dox F. 匍դ IT ՈӞਧᥝᎣ螇ጱ Ansible ᛔ㵕玕奲眲ದૣ | 㲺Ռጱ執懿 - http://goo.gl/JXqlez G. 樄তአ Ansible ᓕቘ Windows | @metavige - https://goo.gl/F79v1N H. Create A Vagrant Windows Base Box | Smalltown Tech Blog - https://goo.gl/rcy3tT I. Issues · ansible/ansible | GitHub - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues 77 Free
  29. 瑽粙㬵რ a. Blasts Off Space Rocket From Cosmodrom In The

    Clouds, Polygonal Stock Illustration | dreamstime - http://goo.gl/6FAuiQ b. 㾴疑瑿ቘ褾扮 - http://www.ngtaiwan.com c. Avatar, business, company, group, manager, people, users icon | Icon search engine
 - https://goo.gl/Hm6ScX d. A Galaxy Just Appeared Out of Nowhere - http://goo.gl/ND2Jwb e. PowerShell Gallery | azure-sdk - https://goo.gl/bES4Ba f. Brown Book Icon - someBooks Icons - SoftIcons.com - http://goo.gl/IDb4jp g. Deployment of Symfony2 applications with Ansible - ServerGroveServerGrove
 - http://blog.servergrove.com/2014/04/01/deployment-symfony2-applications-ansible/ 78