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Fibonacci Spirals and 21 Ways to Contribute to ...

Fibonacci Spirals and 21 Ways to Contribute to Postgres—Beyond Code at PGConfEU 2019 Milan

Abstract of PostgreSQL talk delivered at PGConfEU 2019 in Milan:

Postgres is growing like gangbusters: in popularity, in adoption, and in the size of the ecosystem. And over 400 developers contribute code to Postgres today: their expertise, design chops, and skill are big factors in the increasing popularity of Postgres. But what if you’re not a developer? Are there things you can do to help grow the usage and popularity of Postgres? And are these non-code ways to contribute to Postgres important? Valued? Will they make a real difference?

If you love Postgres and want to help drive Fibonacci growth of the Postgres community, this talk is for you. I’ll walk through 21 different (and important) ways to contribute to Postgres—along with tips and resources for getting started.

Claire Giordano

October 16, 2019

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  1. @clairegiordan o Fibonacci Spirals & 21 Ways to Contribute to

    Postgres— Beyond Code Claire Giordano @clairegiordano @citusdata @microsoft PGConf.EU 2019
  2. @clairegiordan o 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,

    34, 55, 89, … FIBONACCI SEQUENCE
  3. @clairegiordan o Hi, I’m Claire Giordano—and I’m a Principal PM

    Manager at Microsoft, by way of the recent Citus Data acquisition, where I was VP of Marketing. 21 Ways to Contribute to Postgres— Beyond Code @clairegiordano & drive Fibonacci growth
  4. @clairegiordan o Right before I submitted talk proposal… Source: Josh

    Berkus on Slideshare.net: 50 Ways to Love Your Project DISCOVERED: Josh Berkus - similar talk in 2013
  5. @clairegiordan o Attend conferences like this. Participate in the community.

    Learn—and share your learnings. Create a place where newcomers can learn. 1 @clairegiordano
  6. @clairegiordan o Lots of ways to support local Meetups &

    User Groups, too. Attend. Give talks. Share learnings. Pay for food/drinks. Host in your company’s office space. @clairegiordano 2
  7. @clairegiordan o Lots of ways to support local Meetups &

    User Groups, too. Attend. Give talks. Share learnings. Pay for food/drinks. Host in your company’s office space. @clairegiordano 2
  8. @clairegiordan o Lots of ways to support local Meetups &

    User Groups, too. Attend. Give talks. Share learnings. Pay for food/drinks. Host in your company’s office space. @clairegiordano 2
  9. @clairegiordan o Share your expertise—give a talk or tutorial at

    a conference. Meetups, too. Lightning talks, too. Most conference organizers WELCOME first-time presenters. @clairegiordano 3 PGConf.EU 2019
  10. @clairegiordan o Post your slides online! Share them. Promote them

    # of digital pageviews can exceed # of attendees! > speakerdeck.com > slideshare.net > conference websites… 4 @clairegiordano
  11. @clairegiordan o Start a local PGDay in your town. Single-track,

    1-day, local > More affordable > Easy access > All together, same room, all day 5 @clairegiordano Source: 2020.pgday.paris
  12. @clairegiordan o @clairegiordano Source: www.pgday.cl/2019/ 5 Start a local PGDay

    in your town. Single-track, 1-day, local > More affordable > Easy access > All together, same room, all day
  13. @clairegiordan o Write a blog. Publish an article. Share your

    learnings & expertise. Shine a light on value of Postgres. 6 @clairegiordano
  14. @clairegiordan o Syndicate to PlanetPostgres to increase reach of your

    blog posts. @planetpostgres promotes on Twitter, too. 7 @clairegiordano
  15. @clairegiordan o 7 Source: postgresql.org Syndicate to PlanetPostgres to increase

    reach of your blog posts. @planetpostgres promotes on Twitter, too. @clairegiordano
  16. @clairegiordan o Create User Stories! About amazing things do w/

    Postgres Recipe: Story, headlines, diagrams, metrics, pull quotes 9 @clairegiordano Source: citusdata.com/customers/mixrank
  17. @clairegiordan o Use Video to show what Postgres can do!

    Some people learn better via video. 10 @clairegiordano Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cbT64D9KFk
  18. @clairegiordan o Use Video to show what Postgres can do!

    Some people learn better via video. 10 @clairegiordano Title Thumbnail Description Bookmarks Links Don’t forget to post videos with good metadata!
  19. @clairegiordan o If you build it, they will NOT come.

    Promote, promote, promote. Whether blog, video, user story, talk, or book! Help people discover. How to reach beyond inner circle? 11 @clairegiordano
  20. @clairegiordan o Promote Postgres on Twitter <content, learnings, ideas, talks,

    meetups, TIL, QOTD, OH, how-to> 12 @clairegiordano
  21. @clairegiordan o Say thank you. If you like someone’s work,

    praise it. Privately. Publicly. Both. Including junior people. New people. Not just luminaries. Not just friends. 13 @clairegiordano
  22. @clairegiordan o Do you speak a non-English language? Help with

    message translations. Help Postgres content reach people in other languages. Mailing list: pgsql-translators More info: babel.postgresql.org 14
  23. @clairegiordan o Report bugs with Postgres! When you find a

    bug with PostgreSQL we want to hear about it.” Your bug reports play an important part in making PostgreSQL more reliable.” @clairegiordano 15 Source: postgresql.org “ “
  24. @clairegiordan o Report bugs with Postgres! When you find a

    bug with PostgreSQL we want to hear about it.” Your bug reports play an important part in making PostgreSQL more reliable.” @clairegiordano 15 Source: postgresql.org “ “
  25. @clairegiordan o Submit corrections to documentation! Clarify. Disambiguate. Better help

    newcomers understand. 16 @clairegiordano Source: postgresql.org
  26. @clairegiordan o Submit corrections to documentation! Clarify. Disambiguate. Better help

    newcomers understand. 16 @clairegiordano Source: postgresql.org
  27. @clairegiordan o Promote Postgres with stickers. (Promote your PG projects,

    too.) Stickers are a thing for many devs. Stickers can spark conversation. @clairegiordano Source: my laptop 17
  28. @clairegiordan o 18 Use your design skills. Graphics & visuals

    pull people in. Meet—the Citus elicorn. @clairegiordano Source: Citus Data “sharded” elicorn
  29. @clairegiordan o Use your design skills. Graphics & visuals pull

    people in. Meet—the Citus elicorn. Louise Grandjonc’s Crocodile. 18 @clairegiordano Source: www.Instagram.com/zimmoriarty/
  30. @clairegiordan o Use your design skills. Graphics & visuals pull

    people in. Meet—the Citus elicorn. Meet—Louise Grandjonc’s Owl. Meet—Postgres Activity Book. 18 @clairegiordano
  31. @clairegiordan o Use “Sketchnotes” to share your learnings. Effective way

    to capture & communicate big takeaways Engages through combo of words, font styles, color, some images 19 @clairegiordano Source: twitter.com/reverentgeek
  32. @clairegiordan o Reach out to evangelize at your local university

    (or alma mater). Offer to give a talk and share your learnings about the tricky problems you’ve solved by using Postgres (instead of…) 20 @clairegiordano Source: Twitter @DevrimGunduz, FOSDEM
  33. @clairegiordan o Reach out to evangelize at your local university

    (or alma mater). Offer to give a talk and share your learnings about the tricky problems you’ve solved by using Postgres (instead of…) What will it take to make Postgres the de facto database taught in universities? 20 @clairegiordano Source: Twitter @DevrimGunduz, FOSDEM
  34. @clairegiordan o Make people feel welcome Being “welcoming” is 1

    step further than being “open” 21 @clairegiordano
  35. @clairegiordan o 1. Attend Conferences 2. Meetups & User Groups

    3. Give a Talk 4. PostSlides online 5. Start a PGDay 6. Blogs&articles 7. Syndicate to Planet Postgres 8. Write a book 9. User Stories 10. Bite-sized videos 11. Promote 12. Twitter 13. Say Thank You! 14. Translations 15. Report Bugs 16. DocFeedback 17. Stickers 18. Design skills 19. #sketchnotes 20. Universityoutreach 21. Welcome people in 21 Ways to Contribute—Beyond Code